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Thread: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

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  1. #1
    1Adam12 Guest

    Default Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Even though I am a little late at getting this information out, we now know that there are 102 confirmed gangs in the OKC area. Out of the 102 gangs, there are 6 major gangs, which make up 50% of the gang population.

    If this makes you feel any better, places such as L.A., Chicago, and Houston, each have over 500 different gangs in their cities.

    If you have watched the news lately, you will see that there have been quite a few gang related shootings in the last 2-3 weeks. gang activity is very high right now, and with school being out, young kids are now being recruited by different gangs.

    This is not a north OKC problem or a south OKC problem, it is city wide.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Thanks for the info.

    Are there particular places in the city that are worse than others? What about downtown OKC?

  3. #3
    travich Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    All I know is that I am sick and tired of the graffiti in the park and around my neighbhorhood. I'd like to catch one of these punks spray painting the kids playgrounds. :!

  4. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    I feel like I've been noticing more grafitti lately...didn't know if I was just more aware after coming back from Italy (where it is a major problem) or if there really was more of it. It (gangs and grafitti) makes its way into the schools, too. Very sad that so many kids get wrapped up in this.

  5. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by 1Adam12
    This is not a north OKC problem or a south OKC problem, it is city wide.
    Oh please. Let's be honest - this is a Black and Hispanic problem. That's not racist, it is simply the truth. South OKC, East OKC, The Highlands, etc. Let's not pretend there is a big gang problem in middle-class white neighborhoods, because that's just not true. We need to be able to speak the truth - as it actually is - not as the politically correct would "allow" us to say it.


  6. #6
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger
    Oh please. Let's be honest - this is a Black and Hispanic problem. That's not racist, it is simply the truth. South OKC, East OKC, The Highlands, etc. Let's not pretend there is a big gang problem in middle-class white neighborhoods, because that's just not true. We need to be able to speak the truth - as it actually is - not as the politically correct would "allow" us to say it.

    I saw the newscast when they spoke about gang activity, and they mentioned that it is a city wide problem.....yes, even a white, middle class problem. Sure, there are many black, asian, and hispanic gangs, but they are all over town. They may not live in the middle-upper class neighborhoods, but they do still make their presence known in these areas.

    What about the home invasions in the NW part of OKC......most all of them are gang related.

  7. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    I saw the newscast when they spoke about gang activity, and they mentioned that it is a city wide problem.....yes, even a white, middle class problem. Sure, there are many black, asian, and hispanic gangs, but they are all over town. They may not live in the middle-upper class neighborhoods, but they do still make their presence known in these areas.

    What about the home invasions in the NW part of OKC......most all of them are gang related.
    In that context, you are correct. What I hate is when the authorities, in order to appease the Masters of Political Correctness, will mention the "white gangs." Yeah, and they are a TINY minority. Organized gang activity is Black, Hispanic, and as you said, Asian. In fact here's the breakdown:

    • Nationwide, only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.

    • Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.

    Those are unbelievable statistics considering that white people are (for now anyway) still a big majority in this country.

    These statistics, by the way, are part of the new and revised, "The Color of Crime." It is controversial (of course) because the New Century Foundation dared to look at, well, the color of crime. But all statistics are from the United States Department of Justice and even those upset about the study don't argue its accuracy.

    You can download a .pdf copy here:

    Jared Taylor, who helped make "The Color of Crime" available, is a respected author and lecturer. He is NOT a racist and believes that race is a factor that is, too often, only discussed when it is discussed to reflect "white racism." The New Century Foundation believes:

    "Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society—language, religion, class, ideology—it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century."

    "The problems of race cannot be solved without adequate understanding. Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse. Progress requires the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological."


  8. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    writerranger, I think you better find a more credible source than Jared Taylor. He is closely connected to David Duke, Don Black, and Virginia Abernethy, who are indeed racists. He is also associated with the Council of Conservative Citizens, who have been called a racist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Amren.com is hardly a legitimate source for that data considering the white supremacist agenda they are pushing, and is incredibly biased at that. I have no doubt there is a higher percentage of Hispanics and African-Americans in gangs, but it is not just a Black and Hispanic problem. Until you can find credible data from a credible source, there is no evidence to prove your claim.

  9. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Sorry, Jared Taylor has always distanced himself from these people you mentioned. David Duke showed up - unannounced - at a recent AmRen Convention and really angered Jared Taylor. Anyway, that's all trying to blur the message by lefty race-baiters. SoonerLIBERAL, did you understand these statistics are from the DEPARTMENT of JUSTICE? I have even heard black "leaders" admit it's a sorry state of affairs. You want to obscure the issue by blaming the messenger. Typical far-left, blame "the man" behavior. By the way, you name the Southern Poverty Law Center. You think THEY are credible? Read up on the great "Morris Dees." No, SoonerLIBERAL, "The Color of Crime" is what it is.... and what it is.....is the truth. Hell, who needs statistics? Talk to a cop.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerliberal
    writerranger, I think you better find a more credible source than Jared Taylor. He is closely connected to David Duke, Don Black, and Virginia Abernethy, who are indeed racists. He is also associated with the Council of Conservative Citizens, who have been called a racist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Amren.com is hardly a legitimate source for that data considering the white supremacist agenda they are pushing, and is incredibly biased at that. I have no doubt there is a higher percentage of Hispanics and African-Americans in gangs, but it is not just a Black and Hispanic problem. Until you can find credible data from a credible source, there is no evidence to prove your claim.
    You really haven't provided an argument here Lib. These people support Taylor's work for their own reasons. Unless you've seen Taylor out there recruiting the David Dukes of the world to endorse him, I don't think your attack on the author's credibility holds much water.

    Heck, instead of attacking the author's credibility, you attack people who randomly showed up at events he was speaking at. Then, from that non-argument, you reason that the author isn't credible. That's pretty weak.

    I don't really support one side or the other here, but you're just going to have to do better than that. If you're really interested in shooting holes into this argument, lookinto the methodology behind those stats (if there is any at all). When stats like that are so strongly weighted in one direction, they either show a very alarming trend, or the method by which they were collected was designed to produce certain results.

  11. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Does OKC have and organized gang task force to counter this issue? I use to live in a city back in the great lakes that had a large issue with gangs. Their police department put together and organized task force that handled just gang related crimes and they eliminated something like 60% of the crimes.

  12. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Has anyone seen the movie Rize? It was actually really touching.. I enjoyed it a lot. It is about inner city kids, gangs and hip-hop dancing and trying to better themselves.. very sad but still inspirational. I recommend it.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    I realize in a couple of the posts above I came across like a bigot or something. Please let me explain.... Understand that "racism" is not what I am about. That's not me at all. However, I am very much interested in genetics, IQ, race, etc. I honestly feel there is a lack of open debate on these issues and I know that makes some people uncomfortable. (The same people who freak out when a coach honestly tries to discuss the superior athletic abilities of young African men and women). I read and study a lot on this topic and hope that people here at OKCTalk respect the research and investigation into a much misunderstood topic. Without it though, drug companies would not be moving forward on race-based drug research. Many people don't realize that there are drugs that help African-Americans (or more accurately, Africans) that don't do a thing for Caucasians. This came about by a decision to move ahead with genetic research that recognizes racial differences. On topic with this post: Please consider crime and adrenalin production, adrenalin production and athleticism, these issues are real. It's not racism - it's all about three letters: D-N-A. Please don't write me off as a "racist" for having views that are a few years ahead of our times (IMO). One day, all people will recognize how Political Correctness kept us from engaging in honest, intellectual research into topics that, while uncomfortable, are necessary for scientific and cultural progress.


  14. #14
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    I overheard that a gang is thinking of retailiating the loss at Crossroads. They're thinking about committing another incident at the mall on a Friday night.

  15. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I overheard that a gang is thinking of retaliating the loss at Crossroads. They're thinking about committing another incident at the mall on a Friday night.
    I still think Crossroads should hire those black-outfitted, intimidating looking ultra-security firms. It may seem odd, but I have heard their presence makes real shoppers feel more comfortable and they play rough and tough with the gangs. They take no gruff and basically their job is to take the mall back.


  16. #16
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger
    I still think Crossroads should hire those black-outfitted, intimidating looking ultra-security firms. It may seem odd, but I have heard their presence makes real shoppers feel more comfortable and they play rough and tough with the gangs. They take no gruff and basically their job is to take the mall back.

    Anyone for airport security when entering a mall?

  17. #17
    brannonterry Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Wow! This is really surprising the comments I am reading on here. first off I am a young black male in graduate school finishing this month. I have just accepted a job in Washington dc. I nor any of my friends (all grew up in north Tulsa) have felt our DNA take over and felt the need to join a gang or kill someone. you really sound like the ultimate privileged republican white male when you make these comments. You cant ignore the economic issues that are going on in the inner cities across the country. I went to an elementary school with books that were 10 years old and I just turned 26. So don’t give me the crap of "ok your free now so why are you not on our level." Just remember that it was not that long ago where you angels hung and arrested us for no other reason than being black. Its not right to say that all whites are evil because of ALL of the evil things you have done throughout the years. Does that mean that just because you have a white skin color you are destine to do evil things no. You can not ignore the problems many minorities have in the inner city. sad thing is that you really believe what you are saying and god only knows what you say behind closed doors (or should I say Klan rallies).Not fun being judged is it?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    OK, I'm just an ignorant white male, could you please elaborate on all the "evil" things us white folk have done in the past?

  19. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by brannonterry
    Wow! This is really surprising the comments I am reading on here. first off I am a young black male in graduate school finishing this month. I have just accepted a job in Washington dc. I nor any of my friends (all grew up in north Tulsa) have felt our DNA take over and felt the need to join a gang or kill someone. you really sound like the ultimate privileged republican white male when you make these comments. You cant ignore the economic issues that are going on in the inner cities across the country. I went to an elementary school with books that were 10 years old and I just turned 26. So don’t give me the crap of "ok your free now so why are you not on our level." Just remember that it was not that long ago where you angels hung and arrested us for no other reason than being black. Its not right to say that all whites are evil because of ALL of the evil things you have done throughout the years. Does that mean that just because you have a white skin color you are destine to do evil things no. You can not ignore the problems many minorities have in the inner city. sad thing is that you really believe what you are saying and god only knows what you say behind closed doors (or should I say Klan rallies).Not fun being judged is it?
    Simple Question: Are there drugs available - FDA approved - that are prescribed for blacks only?

    Your Klan Rally comment is offensive and racist in that it judges me as someone who has made a choice to advocate hatred toward one race or another. I do not. My comments are based on science. The same science that - finally - is allowing drug companies to genetically target drugs that recognize the differences between the races. Differences in the races translates into many possibilities of research. Only one of which is cultural, and an example being the connection between race and crime. Either you can deal with the fact that there are differences between the races - or you cannot. Science is proving everyday that, despite what your high school diversity class teacher taught you, there are indeed major differences.


  20. #20
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I overheard that a gang is thinking of retailiating the loss at Crossroads. They're thinking about committing another incident at the mall on a Friday night.
    That sounds familiar. I heard the exact same thing.

  21. Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    Sounds like a very stupid gang if their members are running around warning everyone in earshot that they might retalitate ... LOL
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  22. #22

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    It would be very interesting for someone to do a study on people of differing racial backgrounds, and what they viewed for entertainment growing up. I would be more interested in a study that shows racial groups who entertain themselves with gangster rap, hip hop culture, vs other methods of entertainment, say listening to non violent music, or practicing the arts.

    That'd be an interesting report to read.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    I bet a lot of the so called "gang" graffiti aren't even tagged by gang members. As I recall from when I was teen it was usually done just for fun.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC

    it is no surprise that gang activity is up. It seems to always change inline with the economy.

    i wonder if this is an issue that teachers talk about.
    The administration at my middle school started trying to enact strict disciplinary measures due to "gang type" of activity. A follow the rules or get outta here was the attitude of the principles. However, the "bad" kids were already gone and us "good" kids were just starting middle school. The "good" students ended up getting punished for the former "bad" students. We moved onto high school with a higher grade average and a lower drop out rate. I don't think the administration played much of a part in it but they got a lot of praise.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Gang Activity is Up in OKC


    I agree with you that a eugenics-type argument is a poor method of explaining why so many kids from minority backgrounds turn to gangs. There are far too many more obvious 'nurture' type factors that would tend to influence such a decision as compared to the 'nature' factors which may or may not exist.

    If we simply take a look at history, and examine the fact that many of this world's earliest great civilizations were principally made up of people of color. It wasn't until Rome and Greece that white men even had anything approaching what might be mistaken for a cultured civilization.

    By that time, the Persians had a mighty empire, as did the Egyptians. The Babylonians had come and gone. The Chinese and Japanese had great empires. The people of the subcontinent of India, and the people of southeast Asia had built great cultures.

    It isn't disputed that Europeans became very proficient at warfare. Mostly, they did so by adopting weapons and tactics from these previous civilizations. Using these inventions, we more-or-less have been the dominant culture for the last 500 or so years. Don't get too big a head though, 500 years is barely a blip on the radar screen when you consider the fact that civilization first really took hold in Mesopotamia some 10,000 years ago (and I don't think those were fair skinned, blonde-haired Mesopotamians).

    (was that a tangent?)

    At any rate, many blacks in our American society (and around the world) are caught up in a cycle of poverty. The reason for the beginnings of this cycle can easily be traced back to the slave trade and the colonization of Africa by European powers (something which culturally, Africa really has not recovered from).

    The fact is, when someone is born into poverty, black, white, or purple, they are far more likely to end up like their parents than they are to end up going to college, finishing high school, or even staying out of prison.

    Growing up in Edmond, I really had no concept of what poverty in America was. Sure, I'd seen real poverty, but not in the United States (and if any poor person thinks they have it bad here, they really ought to visit Africa -- there's some real poverty). I pretty much believed that there was no such thing as hopelessness until 4 A.M. one day, while out of gas and travelling on I-40 through Memphis, I took the very first exit after downtown where I saw a service station. I ended up in what I've been told is pretty much the most dangerous part of Memphis -- at 4 A.M.

    Within seconds of exiting my vehicle, and starting to fill up my empty tank, some toothless black woman tried to sell me a block of what I think was meth. Within a minute or two, I had been hit up by another person for $5.00 since he "Just got out of prison." Moments later, we noticed a mob heading over to my vehicle. It was at that time we (there were 5 of us) jumped in the truck and took off. As we drove out of the parking lot, these guys were literally hanging off of my car. It was like the night of the living dead.

    While these folks were clearly not starving, and while they clearly had money to put clothes on their back and a roof over their heads (likely thanks to me, the taxpayer) they had apparently lost all hope. They had no purpose to live except for to live to the next day. No goals, no ambitions, just a few lost people wandering around waiting to die. Not a single person I saw that night was employable. No one would hire them, even to dig ditches -- or at least, I couldn't imagine that happening.

    Of course, tragically, they were all probably in their 20's. Likely that none of them had the money to afford things like condums, and likely that all of them thought nothing of having unprotected sex.

    What kind of children do people who stay out at 4 A.M., hanging around a closed gas station, selling drugs, panhandling, and possibly robbing passers-by have? Probably kids who'll grow up to be just like mommy and daddy. Much like my parents, two folks with graduate degrees had myself who will go on to get his own graduate degree. The likelihood of my parents having a kid who didn't finish college was slim. The likelihood of kids of the folks in Memphis ever finishing high school is probably just, if not more unlikely.


    Your comments that your beliefs are based on science confuses the findings of said science. You might want to refer to some statistics which were gathered in an unbiased manner. You might also refer to some sort of sociological paper which explains why these statistics are the way they are. Just stating that "it's science" is far less than you're going to need for trying to make such an argument. On one hand, you're arguing for a biological predisposition to gangs and violence for minorities. On the other hand, you're completely ignoring all of the sociological factors at play here.

    Try to reconcile that, and you'll be on the right track.

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