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Thread: Can you say "Stupid?"

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  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Can you say "Stupid?"

    Minn. Man Burned in Blast After Putting Gas in Washing Machine
    Monday, June 05, 2006

    ST. PAUL — A man was injured by an explosion after he put gasoline instead of detergent into a washing machine, police said.

    The explosion Saturday blew off the door to a laundry room in the man's apartment in the Summit-University neighborhood, Deputy Chief Mike Hogan said. There was no damage to the six apartment units in the building or other injuries.

    The 49-year-old man had what appeared to be second-degree burns on up to 5 percent of his lower legs, Hogan said. Paramedics took him to Regions Hospital.

    Described by neighbors as a "backyard mechanic," the man was using gasoline to wash his grease-soaked clothes for some reason and "didn't think anything of it," Hogan said. The hot water heater or another source ignited a fire that led to the explosion, he said.

  2. #2
    Survey Guest

    Default Re: Can you say "Stupid?"

    Where did this happen? Sounds like something a redneck would do down in Norman. Or maybe around the SW 44th and Western area. He He He!

  3. #3
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Can you say "Stupid?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Survey
    Where did this happen? Sounds like something a redneck would do down in Norman. Or maybe around the SW 44th and Western area. He He He!
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    ST. PAUL
    (That would be Minnesota, He He He)

  4. #4
    blabare Guest

    Default Re: Can you say "Stupid?"

    Hey I am originally from MN... don't be knockin them up der eh?

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