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Thread: EOE and the church

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  1. #1
    Survey Guest

    Default EOE and the church

    Why shouldn't the church have to follow EOE laws like everyone else? If a gay comes to a church looking for a job, I personally feel he or she is being discriminated against if he or she is refused employment based on sexual preference.

  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: EOE and the church

    EOE doesn't cover sexual preferences. Besides there are exceptions, like requiring a certain person for an acting role for instance. I would think that something that goes against a church's religious beliefs would be exceptions as well.

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: EOE and the church

    Churches are private non-profits so they can do whatever they want, and hire whoever they want. Many churches only allow men pastors......they have that right to discriminate against women.

  4. Default Re: EOE and the church

    Quote Originally Posted by Survey
    Why shouldn't the church have to follow EOE laws like everyone else? If a gay comes to a church looking for a job, I personally feel he or she is being discriminated against if he or she is refused employment based on sexual preference.
    Because, by definition, a church is a place of worship for a God and a religion with a set of beliefs. Right or wrong,if that religion's beliefs preclude homosexuality as being acceptable - why should they be forced to hire a homosexual? The PC stuff is getting so ridiculous that I suppose the Zoo should be forced to hire those who profess to hate animals out of fears of "discrimination." Wow, times have changed so much that sometimes I just have to shake my head and remind myself that some people have grown up believing the government is God and should regulate every thought and action. I don't get it.

  5. #5
    Survey Guest

    Default Re: EOE and the church

    If I grew up my entire life wanting to be a music minister, and a church won't hire me because I'm gay, I don't think that's right. Jesus didn't teach division. He taught acceptance.

    I don't think homosexuality is genetic, but at the same time, I feel homosexuals should get the same rights all of us get.

  6. #6
    Survey Guest

    Default Re: EOE and the church

    How is homosexuality different from any other sin? If you go by set of beliefs, no one should be allowed to serve on the staff of a church. Everyone has sinned.

  7. Default Re: EOE and the church

    If sin is the standard, you are right, nobody could work at the church. But it's not sin when it comes to churches not hiring homosexuals. It's values, morals and again - a set of beliefs. Should a church be forced to hire somebody if they are racists? Why not? The answer, obviously, is because sometimes beliefs just don't match. And you know what? That's okay!!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: EOE and the church

    Quote Originally Posted by Survey
    Why shouldn't the church have to follow EOE laws like everyone else? If a gay comes to a church looking for a job, I personally feel he or she is being discriminated against if he or she is refused employment based on sexual preference.
    Just because their organization doesn't have to comply with AA and EEO, it would be wise for them to adopt a plan or follow the laws and regulations set forth. This would protect them in case they were ever brought to court. Even a church should have hiring, promoting, training, etc. practices for employees that promote equality and turn away from discrimination. That is what is fair. Christians should work to be equal to all and not discriminate.
    When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!

  9. #9
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: EOE and the church

    This isn't just a Christian church issue! It would be the same if the homosexual person wanted to work in a Mosque. If the behavior is unnacceptable to the church and its beliefs, then they shouldn't be forced to hire them.

  10. Default Re: EOE and the church

    Absolutely correct that it isn't just a church issue! EEO and AA rights and discrimination is an issue for all types of organizations large and small, government and non-government, church and non-church related, etc. I also agree that the church shouldn't be forced to hire them. But if their qualifications and skill level for the particular job was better than all the other applicants, then it would be clear discrimination. All I am saying is that organizations should implement plans in their workplace to help prevent blatlant discriminiation. If for anything it would help to protect the employer if they were ever brought to court for discrimination.
    When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!

  11. #11
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: EOE and the church

    The emphasis was that its not a Christian issue. The religion is irrelevant as long as it's beliefs are anti-homosexual.

    Besides, how is someone going to sue when there is no law/statute stating that you cannot consider sexual preference in your hiring practices?

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