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Thread: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

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  1. #1

    Default film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    Does anyone know what they are filming in Couch Park right now downtown??

  2. #2
    quailcreekgal Guest

    Default Re: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    OSU Farmers Market is held every Wednesday in Couch Park through the fall. Maybe that's the news of the day. I hear there are lots of yummy treats for sale.

  3. #3

    Default Re: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    Now the filming was yesterday afternoon. It was some type of filming. The farmers market is today. Yes there are lots of treats. You might want to check out the thread talking about the farmers market and all the goodies it has. See you there later.

  4. #4
    quailcreekgal Guest

    Default Re: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    I was there, were you? It was like trying to stand in one of those wind tunnels but I bought some sweet treats.

  5. #5

    Default Re: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    Didn't make it this week although I work just a block away. I made it last week and got some sweet treats. I couldn't get away today as planned.

  6. Default Re: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    Last night's evening meal included fresh young tender broccoli and two kinds of fresh baked organic bread from the Market at Couch Park. We did the broccoli up in a skillet with olive oil, garlic and parsley. Very tasty stuff from our friendly Oklahoma Food Producers. Think globally, eat locally.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  7. #7
    quailcreekgal Guest

    Default Re: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    That bread is so good! You can buy it at Crescent Market and Akins Foods (it is packaged there as an Akins brand) here in OKC as well. Farrell Family Bread is in Tulsa and they have a web site with lots of info about their breads and baking methods. I have ordered bread from the Tulsa bakery and picked it up at Cresent Market. I can heartily recommend the Wholly Granola and Wheatberry Levain.

  8. #8

    Default Re: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    Anyhow, did anyone find out what the filming was a day BEFORE the farmer's market??

  9. #9

    Default Re: film crew in Couch Park downtown right now

    Was this a movie filming? I know a crew has been filming all around the historic areas in Oklahoma City (near Heritage Hills neighborhood) for an independent horror film called Fingerprints. I know they were filming in April, but I don't know if they would still be filming now. They were planning on shooting in those areas of OKC and in some places in Guthrie. This is all just speculation because for all I know that could have been something completely different downtown.

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