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Thread: Crash surprises with Best Picture

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  1. Default Crash surprises with Best Picture

    Did anyone catch the Oscars? I always watch it and this year was pretty good. There were some funny parts and some not so funny parts, and some really BS awards, but I enjoyed the show overall.

    CRASH for Best Picture blew me away. I never thought it would happen. The Tomlin/Streep thing was hilarious and so were the mock campaign ads.

    Best Surprise: Crash for Best Pic (although Brokeback is a close second for me)

    Best Surprise Before That: Gustavo Santaolalla's Brokeback score wins

    Biggest BS: "In the Deep" losing out to "Hard Out Here for a Pimp"

    Best Barbie Impersonation: Dolly Parton

    Best Slip of the Tongue (of many): Morgan Freeman

    Best Save: Jennifer Garner - "I do my own stunts."

    Most Uncomfortable Moment: Lauren Bacall struggles to say her introduction (poor lady)
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Crash surprises with Best Picture

    I generally avoid all the "pat yourself on the back" award shows and just read the winners list later. Glad to see Crash won. I enjoyed that movie.

  3. Default Re: Crash surprises with Best Picture

    The Tomlin/Streep intro was my favorite moment. It was the funniest one I've seen in a long time. It was planned no doubt, but the improv quality was great. It was also a nice homage to a director of such a unique style and no other Oscars to speak of.

    I also like Garner's recovery and cringed at Bacall. Other than those, my favorite moments were:

    Funniest Joke: Stewart's joke about how "Good Night and Good Luck" is also how Clooney ends his dates (and his reaction afterward)

    Favorite Acceptance Speech: Clooney's about being out of touch; not too sharp-edged and poignant

    Waste of Time Replacement: From best picture intros of years past to clips about the magic of movies and film noir (but the gay cowboy set was hilarious)

    Surprise Shot: Of the stars of the foriegn language film, upon the direction of the winner on stage

    Second Favorite Presenting Pair: Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, just because of Speed, a favorite movie
    Continue the Renaissance

  4. Default Re: Crash surprises with Best Picture

    I didn't even think about Speed. They have a new movie together coming out this year.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  5. Default Re: Crash surprises with Best Picture

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    I didn't even think about Speed. They have a new movie together coming out this year.
    I heard about that Sunday night; do you know what genre it will be?
    Continue the Renaissance

  6. Default Re: Crash surprises with Best Picture

    It's a romantic drama with some time travel elements. They are both living at this same house at different times and begin communicating by leaving letters in the mailbox or something like that.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  7. Default Re: Crash surprises with Best Picture

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    It's a romantic drama with some time travel elements. They are both living at this same house at different times and begin communicating by leaving letters in the mailbox or something like that.
    Hmmm...sounds like a remake of Somewhere in Time; hope it's good! If the chemistry is like that of Speed, and the writing up to par, it should work.
    Continue the Renaissance

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