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Thread: You have any Superstitions?

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  1. #1
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default You have any Superstitions?

    I catch myself all the time when walking with someone---nearly always with my wife---that I won't allow myself to go on different sides of a pole or whatever; if I find myself going on opposite sides even though I have already passed the pole, etc, I will backtrack and go on the side my walking partner went on.

    How about you---any superstitions?

  2. Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    Upon boarding an airplane, I pat the outside of it for good luck.

  3. Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    Ooh...this should be a very interesting thread! I'd love to see what other's superstitions are.

    Me, I do the normal "don't walk under a ladder" kind of stuff. Don't step on cracks in the sidewalk, etc.

  4. #4
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    Step on a crack and break your Grandma's back?

    Ladders here too, and black cats crossing the road in front of me; I will almost either wait for someone else to erase the cat or I will turn back or take another route if possible. Only at a dire time will I go forward with that black cat's having crossed.

  5. #5

    Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    Step on a crack and break your Grandma's back?

    Ladders here too, and black cats crossing the road in front of me; I will almost either wait for someone else to erase the cat or I will turn back or take another route if possible. Only at a dire time will I go forward with that black cat's having crossed.
    Any advice for the owner of a black cat?

    I own one, and my luck has been just fine.

  6. #6
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    Just do not let it cross the road in front of you, or you are in for it.

  7. Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    I hold no superstitions when it comes to cats...they are darling, misunderstood animals that have no evil powers (except for maybe my Pugsley) so a little black kitty crossing the path is fine with me.

    I think most of my quirks are more likely defined as slightly "obsessive compulsive". Now THAT would be interesting to hear about too! People's compulsions to repeatedly do the same things. I'm a compulsive list maker. (Ack! I just outed myself!)

  8. #8
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    What kind of lists?

  9. Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    Shopping lists, "To do" lists at work, lists of chores to do for the weekend...If I'm traveling, I make a list of what to pack. It's a sickness, I know...I'm overly organized.

    Sorry, I took us off topic. Back to superstitions!!!

  10. #10
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    I count things---everything---turns of a wrench, anything I am picking up, my money LOL which I have none of, so that is a short count, I just count everything.

    Me too on off topic

  11. #11
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    On Topic now!

    If I see a penny on the street or whereever---No, not in your house or the store unless it is obviously a lost penny in the store---I pick it up, but it cannot be spent.

    I do not mean I steal pennies, now. Gosh! Seems a guy has to clarify so much.

  12. Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    OOH! I forgot about the penny thing. I also pick up pennies.

    "Find a penny, pick it up, all day long, you'll have good luck!"

  13. Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    Keep your kitty inside especially on Halloween.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. #14

    Default Re: You have any Superstitions?

    I dont make up lies about a family member or friend being sick or dead just to get out of doing something.

    I want my old lottery tickets back when I have them checked at the store.

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