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  1. Default Women Dumped

    Do you think older women get dumped for younger women pretty frequently? It seems like a lot of men trade their wives in for younger models..... do you know of any man doing this?

    Or do women trade their hubbies in for younger men? Which is more likely to happen in your opinion..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #2

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    Both happen on a pretty consistant basis.

  3. Default Re: Women Dumped

    Kind of makes one nervous about walking down the aisle !!!!!!!!! I think that should be in a pre-nup somewhere...or maybe a new commandment...

    Thou shalt not leave for a younger replacement model regardless of collagen breakdown.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    I have a friend who's wife dumped him for a younger guy. Fortunately, it worked out good for him though as he's married to a much younger woman now and he's very happy.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    I dont know Karrie, thats a pretty tough call there. I know more guys that got dumped by women then the other way around, but it had nothing to do with age, they just said they needed something new.It is why after all my bitch pissing and moaning I have decided I am better off staying single cuz I really am happy this way and dont have to worry about anyone leaving me.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    I just traded in my old clunker for a much newer model.


    Actually, I wouldn't trade my wife for anyone. I've found that as the years have passed, I love her more and more rather than getting bored with her. Those who dump their wives for a younger woman were married for the wrong reasons in the first place.

  7. #7
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe
    I just traded in my old clunker for a much newer model.


    Actually, I wouldn't trade my wife for anyone. I've found that as the years have passed, I love her more and more rather than getting bored with her. Those who dump their wives for a younger woman were married for the wrong reasons in the first place.
    Very true, Scribe.

    Reminds me of the joke where this couple in their lower 60's find a magic lamp. They both rubbed it and a jeannie (sp?) popped out. the Jeannie told them that they could have one wish each.

    The lady wished that she could go around the world on a cruise ship.....so..poof.....next thing she knew, she was sailing on a cruise ship.

    The old man decided to be selfish. His wish was to be with a woman 30 years younger than he......so poof......the Jeanie made him 90 years old.

    In my opinion, I think more men dump older women, and find a younger women.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    I think more men find younger women on the side but still keep the one they are married to!!!!

  9. #9
    AXU Guest

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    Yes, I was dumped for a little girl, though. She was twelve or thirteen. That guy should be in jail. I wasn't married, but it's the idea, you know? We were engaged, though, kinda.. My dad jokes about it, I think he's half serious. When my mom turned 40, he told her that it was time to trade her in for two 20's. ... And one of my friends went through that. It was tough, and so weird. He didn't seem like he was losing interest at all. It was confusing. I don't know any women that did that...but I'm sure it happens a lot...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    The only guys I see walking around with younger women are those with loads of cash (basically the old cliche). These days I see a lot more women dating and even marrying men who are significantly younger.

    Maybe the endless barrage of erectile dysfunction commercials on TV are having an unintended consequence.

  11. #11
    milkduds Guest

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    Quote Originally Posted by AXU
    Yes, I was dumped for a little girl, though. She was twelve or thirteen.
    That's sick

  12. #12

    Default Re: Women Dumped

    Quote Originally Posted by AXU
    Yes, I was dumped for a little girl, though. She was twelve or thirteen. That guy should be in jail. I wasn't married, but it's the idea, you know? We were engaged, though, kinda.. My dad jokes about it, I think he's half serious. When my mom turned 40, he told her that it was time to trade her in for two 20's. ... And one of my friends went through that. It was tough, and so weird. He didn't seem like he was losing interest at all. It was confusing. I don't know any women that did that...but I'm sure it happens a lot...
    You should have/still should tell the girl's parents if you know who they are. If not them, then DHS.

    That type of stuff should not be going on. If you know anything about this, I urge you to report it. Guys like this rarely stop with just one child. What your describing here is a serious crime -- a felony. This guy should be doing major jail time and living with the title "Sex Offender" for the rest of his life.

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