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Thread: Who are the hicks....you decide?

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  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default Who are the hicks....you decide?

    Here are some posts from users of NOLA:

    6089.1.1.1. its pretty funny and sad
    by maurypovich, 1/29/06 17:37 ET
    Re: $10,000,000 and say goodbye to the Hornets NO by OKHORNETS1, 1/29/06
    that your lame hick mobile homa azz lives in a new orleans website chat forum 24 hours a day especially on a weekend with nothing else to do. you are one pathetic inbred jokelahoma ***** and everytime you post its more evident. i bet you were one of those coward sissys from mobile homa who came down to the sugar bowl in 04 to see your hick squad get destroyed by LSU, i saw you loser hicks walking around afterwords and it was good comedy. just remember your state is shaped like a trailer with its hatch left open im sure it resembles your hick azz trailer park off a gravel road somewhere in tulsa

    Hornets NO by OKHORNETS1, 1/29/06 holy shyt your right. oklahoma is exactly in the shape of a trailor!HAHAAHAAAAAAAA

    6082.1. OKC ACTIVITES
    by NOLA23, 1/29/06 13:10 ET
    Re: ok oklahoma fans.. by saintsfan222, 1/29/06 there isn't sh*t to do there. all the do is ride horses, milk cows and go OUR new orleans hornets games and think that they are such good fans b/c all the hicks go since there isn't sh*it there to do. i just can't wait til they start losing and then we'll see how good of fans they are. if Mr. i prefer to stay to hickville Scott would have brought the same product he put on the court all of last year in n.o. to okc then i'm sure there would be a different story in the attendane number in hickville or okc whatever u want to call it!!!!!!!!!!!

    6024. all these mobile homa losers are distorting the abc26 poll on this website
    by maurypovich, 1/27/06 16:54 ET the website on whether the hornets should stay in jokelahomo city or not, its 62% for coming back to new orleans, and 30 something percent to stay in jokelahoma, i guarantee these no life having trailer trash hicks from jokelahomo are getting on this website and taking that poll to say the team should stay in jokelahomo, dont these inbreeds have any life whatsoever? its friday, shouldnt you loser mobile homa fools be out buying a weekends worth of skoal and busch light beer with your food stamps, get a life and stay off this forum

  2. Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    that place is pure poison.... I'll admit, the posters have changed my mind about being so sympathetic... originally I was the first to say, the Hornet's need to go home, back to NO.. then I realized that NO never supported them in the first place and most of the fans are mean.. and not very nice, so I've decided to support the Hornets now and let the cards fall where they may...

    GO HORNETS! Chris Paul for Rookie of the Year!! WoOO HoOOooo
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    that place is pure poison.... I'll admit, the posters have changed my mind about being so sympathetic... originally I was the first to say, the Hornet's need to go home, back to NO.. then I realized that NO never supported them in the first place and most of the fans are mean.. and not very nice, so I've decided to support the Hornets now and let the cards fall where they may...

    GO HORNETS! Chris Paul for Rookie of the Year!! WoOO HoOOooo
    Yup, the posters on those sites are getting so ridiculous, that's why I figured I'd start pointing out their dumb posts each day. Just to give everyone here a laugh.

    What's really funny is they're calling us trailor trash, but FEMA is unloading trailors right now that will house some of their displaced residents for awhile! LOL!

  4. Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    that place is pure poison.... I'll admit, the posters have changed my mind about being so sympathetic... originally I was the first to say, the Hornet's need to go home, back to NO.. then I realized that NO never supported them in the first place and most of the fans are mean.. and not very nice, so I've decided to support the Hornets now and let the cards fall where they may...

    GO HORNETS! Chris Paul for Rookie of the Year!! WoOO HoOOooo
    Yeah, odd isn't it how perspectives can change. For example, here is a post I made earlier today at hornetscentral.com, responding to one of the more reasonable and less "loose canon" NOLA fans who posts there, "Voice of Reason".

    Quote Originally Posted by VoiceofReason
    Quote Originally Posted by goobersmooch
    I should have known you were an attorney. You like to argue just like every other attorney I know (except Doug, of course) :lol:
    I have a feeling Doug has done his share of arguing.
    My (Doug) Reply Begins Here:

    Yeah, but that was in my 1st life. From that marriage, I have 2 wonderful children, an ex that I get along with better now than I did then, and, in my 2nd life, I have one that is more (but not always) tranquil. It's all part of living, don't you know? :roll: Generally, except when I'm having an emotional spasm (sometimes, here), argument for the sake of argument strikes me as pretty pointless and non-productive.

    As to the Hornets, particularly, early on, I took a much more temporate and generous approach towards New Orleans and the Hornets returning there. For example, here's a post I made at OkcTalk on 10/27/05:

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback 10/27/05
    [replying to a message from another concerning the disposition of HornetsReport.com fans toward OKC]Thanks, ****! I did a little exploring last night [@HornetsReport.com] and your report does seem at 1st glance to be correct. Still, I'm gonna explore a little more before reorienting my personal compass ... I don't want to be a jerk, too, you know? We shall see.
    A little time passed and I explored more earnestly at the bad place, and I become more fumed about what I read there and probably just as much for learning the consequences of doing so.

    Then, responding to another post there, http://www.okctalk.com/35043-post13.html , I replied (following the lead in quote) ...

    Originally Posted by OKCHornetsBuzz [as to the quickly signed up Okc corporate sponsors]
    This story is GREAT. I think there's definitely enough big-time corporate support for the Hornets.

    It's going to take NO the better part of a decade to come back. Even then, will the population ever fully go back? I doubt it. Factor in that the Hornets weren't supported BEFORE the huricane and you have a "why go back?" situation.

    I was at the first exhibition game and the crowd almost WILLED the team to cut that big lead. And ya know what? They almost won.

    I think the Hornets can win 36 and it will be in large part because they have a City that gives a damn about them now. Don't buy this NO junk. They NEVER cared about the Hornets. One official on the team I talked to said that they have been treated better in OKC in two months than they ever were in three years in NO.

    Just be ready to keep them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback
    I've got to say that my first thoughts and excitement about the Hornets coming to Okc were very tempered with the thought that we should take great care about Okc not having either the substance or the appearance of being vultures, circling around the dead and eating their prey. I don't think ... and I think that many feel the same way ... that neither of those things are what we (Okc) want to (1) be or (2) appear to be. Some in this forum were more aggressive. You can read all those posts for yourself.

    But, my feelings and thoughts are becoming less clear in light of the absolutely ugly trash talk we (Okc) are getting from the Hornet's fan site in NO, as well as the NO poster's at http://www.hornetscentral.com/, and perhaps at your site as well ... I've not yet had time to explore all the posts at http://www.okchornetsbuzz.com/, but I will (but I did find time to register!).

    The sensation is growing that I might ought to abandon the sense of being a "nice person" and just "go" for what I really hope will happen. My inner "child", "adult" and "parent" are having a serious discussion!

    Were I persuaded that the NO trash-Okc-talkers represented the mainstream of NO Hornets fans ... and these trash-talkers are, in my opinion, a pretty despicable group of ingrates ... then I would have less hesitancy in saying, "That's enough. You're not worth caring a damn about. Let's duke it out, and forget about the hurricane disaster since you are such a lowly group of people", or perhaps with less polite words than these.

    I'm not at all sure that I like that I'm starting to think that way ... but I'm not at all sure that I don't. The inner self debate continues ...
    By 11/8/05, the evolution continued. See this post at OkcTalk.com: http://www.okctalk.com/hornets-nest/...g-trashed.html as well as several other posts here.

    During the time since then, I've tried as well as a novice can to learn not only about the Hornets, but about the NBA, the Hornets history in particular, and such mundane things as "what does the 3 second violation" mean! :roll: I'm certainly no expert (yet!), but I've come along at least a little.

    And, at this point, I have personally concluded, based on the pretty thorough review of statistics that I made, that NOLA never did, in the 3 years the Hornets were there, really ACT to make this team its own by showing the team that it was really really important to them. While many NOLA posters speak the Hornets in terms of it being their "right" to have them, I see having the Hornets as a matter of "privilege" and it is not only me that is enjoying the exercise of that privilege to the hilt. I'm doing so again tonight, and again on Wednesday. Sad to say, getting tickets for Saturday's game v. the Lakers is not possible since it's been sold out for quite a time.

    My "statistical" conclusion, my surprise at being wholly sucked up by this team, and coupled with the idiotic posts by those who set the rules and who dominate posting at the bad place (as well as being able to fully exercise that liberty here where they can and do say what they want), I have gotten to the point of going all out for the Hornets to stay in Oklahoma City.

    Will they stay in Oklahma City or return to New Orleans? My crystal balls don't work - even if I yell at them, "WORK, DAMMIT!" Will I be angry if they don't stay? No. Will I be said? Absolutely. That's life in the city, don't you know? Life will go on.

    Sorry for the long non-argument.
    So, while our timing was different, Karried, we both seemed to arrive at the same place in the end.

  5. #5
    CapCom Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    Those posts were made by the Macadamia nuts mixed in a chocolate city…

  6. Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    LOL - that was funny.. welcome to the board... with your sense of humor, I think you'll fit in just fine!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. #7
    CapCom Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    This goes out to all the Loserana freaks.

    If you would have supported your team better BEFORE the Hurricane you might not have a problem today. You guys can sure sling your Gumbo bull **** north. If you were smart you would keep it down there, you need all the landfill you can get. I’m guessing the IQ of us hicks is about even with you swamp rates. For a city that basis its identity on a party where women show their boobs for beads and get wasted I’m guessing the IQ can’t be that high. Mmmmm…..can’t you just smell the aristocratic blood.

  8. #8
    CapCom Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    Let's spend a moment reflecting shall we.

    Did your fine city not elect Ray Nagin?

  9. #9
    CapCom Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    What about nuts?

  10. #10
    CapCom Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    a while...


  11. #11
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    FEMA trailor park? That has me rolling.

  12. #12
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    Dude, here's the article. This is hilarious. Who are the hicks?

    FEMA trailer parks slowly spring to life

    Four have opened, 10 are on the way
    Saturday, January 28, 2006 By James Varney
    Staff writer
    At the current pace, every storm-tossed New Orleans resident seeking temporary housing in a trailer should have one in time for the ceremonies marking Hurricane Katrina's third anniversary in August 2008, federal statistics show.

    As of Jan. 24, the Federal Emergency Management Agency had 2,796 occupied trailers in Orleans Parish, or 14 percent of the 19,709 requested since Katrina tore through town. Almost 80 percent of those, 2,231, are installed on a homeowner's property, FEMA said.
    The pace, however, is expected to pick up soon.
    This week, the gates finally swung open on a handful of group trailer sites in New Orleans, the locations built for the general public that are expected to hold the brunt of those left homeless by flooding and hoping to return to their home city.
    At present, that critical housing category comprises just 4 percent of the total, or 102 trailers, according to FEMA figures. But ribbon cuttings are slated before Mardi Gras for 10 other sites that will hold 413 more trailers.
    While still a trickle, people are finally occupying their new digs. The trailers are clean and warm, if a bit cramped, and almost universally the new residents expressed thanks.
    "We're blessed, no doubt about it," said Flores Robertson, who moved into a trailer at the St. Roch Center in the hard-hit 8th Ward on Wednesday afternoon. "We've got our home, which we'll fix up, and now we've got this home."
    Robertson and her husband, Robert Paige, bolted out of their Spain Street home on the Sunday before Katrina and endured a hellish stretch at the Superdome before relocating to San Antonio. The couple returned to New Orleans on Monday and spent two sleepless nights in their damaged house, which is structurally sound despite water damage underneath and psychedelic mold patterns inside.
    Then word came that their FEMA trailer was ready.
    "I finally felt, for the first time, like I was able to get a good night's sleep," Robertson said.

    Various delays
    What officials call the St. Roch Center is in the shadow of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church and has 90 trailers, of which 82 are ready and 24 are occupied, FEMA said. As of Friday, 86 people were living there.
    Of the four sites now receiving residents and the 10 scheduled to open soon, St. Roch is the biggest. While current plans call for it to be dwarfed by sites such as City Park, St. Roch will be among the top 25 percent in terms of size that the city will see.
    The sites' grand openings have been delayed by some well-publicized political feuding between Nagin and City Council members and the kind of infuriating time lags in service that residents have experienced throughout the Katrina-slammed area.
    For example, the A.L. Davis Playground in Central City, due to hold 69 units, was supposed to open a week ago. But that has been pushed back to Feb. 16 because Entergy has yet to wire the trailers, and parts needed to build a sewage lift station haven't come in yet, site workers said.
    At all sites, electricity is only part of the infrastructure. The trailers are all hooked into the city's sewer and water systems. For trailers that will house people with disabilities, everything inside is electric; the others have gas heating.
    Those living in trailers are exempt from utility bills, although they will be expected to buy their own propane once local markets are up and running, FEMA said.

    By the block
    At St. Roch, as at many other locations, the trailers sit atop a field of raked, white gravel. The site is essentially its own block, occupying the former Harold Sampson Jr. St. Roch playground at St. Roch Avenue and North Roman Street.
    Each trailer doorway has stairs or ramps that are flanked by wooden railings. Generally, each 200- to 400-square-foot trailer can sleep four or five, depending on the layout, with bunk beds and retractable tables providing space for younger occupants. Upon arrival, occupants get a "living kit," a large plastic chest with towels, sheets, pillows, plates and the like.
    St. Roch sports additional amenities. There is a laundry trailer on site, for instance. While all of the sites will have managers, maintenance chiefs and groundskeepers, some will live on site, as two employees are doing at St. Roch. Each site has one main entrance, which is guarded by around-the-clock private security teams who check residents' and guests' names on clipboards before they enter the grounds. St. Roch now features trios brought in from Michigan, who work 12-hour shifts.
    The place could be considered bland, particularly in a city famous for its robust individualism and its residential architecture. But it isn't restricted, and the landlords aren't exactly wardens.
    There is no curfew, and residents are allowed two pets. Eventually, each site is expected to establish its own rules and space for things like barbecues. Open fires are prohibited in or around the units, but some sort of accommodation is likely.
    "Hey, this is New Orleans. You think we're not going to have a place for barbecues?" asked Cory D'Amico, the manager at St. Roch. "We want to be able to offer them some kind of life here. This is going to be home for a little while, and we want it to feel like a home."

    First dibs on trailers
    Just who will find it home remains a complicated matter. At present, FEMA said its priority dovetails with the Nagin administration, namely moving first responders and city workers off cruise ships and into trailers by the time the ship contract is set to expire on March 1.
    In addition, people staying in hotels are at the top of FEMA's trailer list, officials said.
    After those groups, FEMA representatives say they are adhering as closely as possible to priorities set by Gov. Kathleen Blanco. At the top of that list are the elderly and disabled, and second are parents with school-age children.
    FEMA said it also tries to put people in sites near their pre-storm neighborhoods. The first batch of residents at St. Roch seems to meet that goal.
    Interviews with the occupants of four trailers showed all of them lived within three blocks of the playground before Katrina, and one of them is a city employee who left the Carnival Cruise Ship Sensation.
    . . . . . . .

  13. #13

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    There are more hicks, or cajun trash, in LA than OK.

    Also, LSU did nothing to resemble 'destroying' Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl. Won by a touchdown. OU almost tied it, and had it gone into overtime, OU would have smoked the Tigahs - they were huffing and puffing at the end. No sour grapes, but OU was in the game until the final whistle.

  14. #14
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    I love how they call us hicks while completely neglecting spelling, puctuation and grammar. Classic.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    Well I know people that live in NOLA and from what they tell me about the people of the town there there is no way in hell I would ever go there. The people of OKC from what I have seen in all my travels are very proud of their city and would in no way let it ever get as bad as what I hear about NOLA.Why dont you people in NOLA get off your lazy butts and lend a hand in cleaning up your area instead of letting the trash pile up like I hear it is, the people in OKC would never allow their city to be like that.

  16. Default Re: Who are the hicks....you decide?

    Patrick, are you SURE that OkcTalk is not a first-cousin of HornetsCentral! No? Ok, then ... I guess it's OK to keep cross-posting and stuff like that! :tweeted:

    Here's a GREAT link found by SoonersRock20 over there ... takes you to a thread at the bad place started by none other than Gerry V himself! The context is all the bad stuff that some bad place members were saying was gonna happen in the March when the Hornets came to town!

    The thread is labeled, "Brains On Pause". Again, this is great stuff! http://hornetsreport.com/HRForums/sh...ad.php?t=30487

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