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Thread: Dove Science Academy - Experiences?

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  1. #1

    Default Dove Science Academy - Experiences?

    I am interested in any thoughts anyone might have on Dove Science Academy's Middle School on NW Expressway. Our kids were able to get through the lottery. We are debating weather or not we should pull them out of their current private catholic school to send them there. My oldest is advanced academically and unfortunately his current school does not have a track to challenge him, but it seems Dove does.

    Any experience positive or negative would be really helpful! Thank you in advance!!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dove Science Academy - Experiences?

    They told me they'll test all the kids each fall to see which ones are gifted. Those kids will have individual education plans developed and it's one day a week they do the class together for the gifted kids.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dove Science Academy - Experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark356 View Post
    I am interested in any thoughts anyone might have on Dove Science Academy's Middle School on NW Expressway. Our kids were able to get through the lottery. We are debating weather or not we should pull them out of their current private catholic school to send them there. My oldest is advanced academically and unfortunately his current school does not have a track to challenge him, but it seems Dove does.

    Any experience positive or negative would be really helpful! Thank you in advance!!!
    Dove has no arts programs. That's the big knock on it in my opinion. In the past--the long past--they have been accused of unscrupulous financial dealings, like spending over $100K for an out of state science fair they sent no kids to and various real estate transactions. They are historically controlled by a religious group dominated by Turkish culture, the Gulen movement, which was accused of funding a coup in Turkey, but their leader died, so I don't know how much of a going concern the Gulens are.

    If you want a good middle/high school which DOES have arts programs, check into Independence or Belle Isle.

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