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  1. #1

    Northeast OKC Governor's Mansion


    OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — The State of Oklahoma has a website devoted to the Oklahoma Governor’s mansion. As of this month, paragraph 12 of the website states: “Governor Stitt and his family live in the five rooms on the second floor.”

    Screenshot of paragraph 12 on the About page on Oklahoma.Gov as of October 11, 2022.
    We know that’s not true.

    News 4’s Ali Meyer has been digging for the truth.

    She unearthed a secret plan to build a brand new Governor’s mansion on the grounds of the capitol complex.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Very interesting story. Interesting timing as well.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Will have exactly zero impact on the election.
    Last edited by barrettd; 10-12-2022 at 06:51 AM. Reason: wrong word

  4. #4

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by barrettd View Post
    Will have exactly zero impact on the election.
    Probably true, there are plenty of other scandals to choose from.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    I'd hope folks can veer away from the political aspect of things. The story pretty much speaks for itself and you can reach your own conclusions and vote accordingly. Politically speaking, if this is what pushes you to vote one way or the other, you haven't been paying attention.

    That said, from a development aspect, and from an apolitical perspective, what does this say about the current governor's digs? That they are insufficient to attract a ruling class governor? We haven't built a governor's mansion in over 100 years. Maybe it's time?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    I've known about this for several years but it never occurred to me that the plan wasn't public knowledge.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I've known about this for several years but it never occurred to me that the plan wasn't public knowledge.
    Well, from Myer's reporting, it appears the committee either ignored the Open Records/Open Meetings acts or they formed a public-private partnership with the intent of avoiding public disclosure requirements. Internal memos pressed the need for secrecy. I really don't understand the need for secrecy. Surely they don't think so little of Oklahomans that we wouldn't understand that at some point, a historic home becomes historic and creates a challenge for the State to attract top talent to the governor's office.

    I do think the aspect that this was to be a project funded by individual donors would be a bit troubling. I think folks can venture why that might be, so I won't venture into a political argument there. Major public projects should be publicly funded. Maybe if we wanted to be a top-10 state, we'd need a top-10 governor's mansion?

    It's important that the governor reside close to the capitol and that the Highway Department security detail consult closely with the security aspects of the grounds. From that perspective, I think it was a mistake for the State to permit a governor to reside elsewhere.

    And maybe, had the governor's mansion been a more generous 10,000 sq. feet or so, Christina Fallin wouldn't have felt the need to park a trailer in the driveway.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Well, from Myer's reporting, it appears the committee either ignored the Open Records/Open Meetings acts or they formed a public-private partnership with the intent of avoiding public disclosure requirements. Internal memos pressed the need for secrecy. I really don't understand the need for secrecy. Surely they don't think so little of Oklahomans that we wouldn't understand that at some point, a historic home becomes historic and creates a challenge for the State to attract top talent to the governor's office.

    I do think the aspect that this was to be a project funded by individual donors would be a bit troubling. I think folks can venture why that might be, so I won't venture into a political argument there. Major public projects should be publicly funded. Maybe if we wanted to be a top-10 state, we'd need a top-10 governor's mansion?

    It's important that the governor reside close to the capitol and that the Highway Department security detail consult closely with the security aspects of the grounds. From that perspective, I think it was a mistake for the State to permit a governor to reside elsewhere.

    And maybe, had the governor's mansion been a more generous 10,000 sq. feet or so, Christina Fallin wouldn't have felt the need to park a trailer in the driveway.
    Yeah, I don't have a problem with the apparent need for renovations, or even a new mansion. The secrecy is troubling to me, and the fact that KFOR made requests for information and was turned away doesn't help. If it were all totally above board, why the secrecy? Why not appeal to the public and show us what's wrong with the mansion that it requires building an entirely new structure?

    The whole thing doesn't feel right, but Stitt will do whatever he wants, regardless.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by barrettd View Post
    The secrecy is troubling to me, and the fact that KFOR made requests for information and was turned away doesn't help. If it were all totally above board, why the secrecy? Why not appeal to the public and show us what's wrong with the mansion that it requires building an entirely new structure?
    That part I don't understand either. I'll admit I have a strong bias against the guy as I have a low opinion of his character, but putting that aside, even if I try to give the benefit of the doubt, it doesn't make sense.

    And I don't really buy the idea that somethow this place, after a $2 million renovation is uninhabitable. There are older homes in Heritage Hills, some even larger than the governor's mansion which are perfectly fine--and considering the amount we just invested in renovating the capitol building and the Supreme Court, showing a little love to the executive mansion doesn't seem too off-putting. Honestly, if I'd have read a sum of $10 million was needed to update the mansion and grounds, I probably wouldn't have batted an eye.

    That this is being done with private funds considering all of the problems with private funds surrounding this administrative is pretty problematic though and I'd love to discuss that matter further, but I am restraining myself from delving into what might be considered political, thus ruining the fun for everyone.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    There are older homes in Heritage Hills, some even larger than the governor's mansion which are perfectly fine.
    Looking at the list provided above, most governor's mansions are older than Oklahoma's, and many are much older.

    In most places, 100 year old structures are not nearly the oldest in the city.

    And then, of course, there's Europe, where the 100 year old homes are the new ones. lol

  11. #11

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I've known about this for several years but it never occurred to me that the plan wasn't public knowledge.
    i have as well ..

  12. #12

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I've known about this for several years but it never occurred to me that the plan wasn't public knowledge.
    Were you solicited to contribute to this venture?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Were you solicited to contribute to this venture?
    No, I just heard about the plan not long after Stitt took office.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Wait, so quality candidates don't run for governor because the mansion is not new/big enough? I don't think I want a governor whose so worried about the digs, afterall, they are still a public servant. Now, if the mansion needs expansion for public servants' offices, then I understand rebuilding/expanding to keep up with the needs of the state executive branch.

    Now, from a design/historical viewpoint, I like over governor's mansion. It has a lot of character, it would be a shame to see it stripped of its use.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by PaddyShack View Post
    Wait, so quality candidates don't run for governor because the mansion is not new/big enough? I don't think I want a governor whose so worried about the digs, afterall, they are still a public servant. Now, if the mansion needs expansion for public servants' offices, then I understand rebuilding/expanding to keep up with the needs of the state executive branch.

    Now, from a design/historical viewpoint, I like over governor's mansion. It has a lot of character, it would be a shame to see it stripped of its use.
    I thought the same thing.

  16. Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Good reporting. Looks to me like there is actually a problem that the governor has gone about trying to fix in the completely shady way he's done some other things. When he couldn't get buy in from prior First Families he pressed ahead. I have a real problem with not using the Governor's Mansion as the residence. If it isn't sufficient, and it appears maybe it isn't, then have an open and honest conversation about it. Raise funds, or ask the legislature, to add on a wing (in the appropriate architectural style-- not contemporary-- ugh) that will make it meet the needs of the State and today's families.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Ah look, more Bull Stitt

  18. #18

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    According to Wiki, the mansion has 5 bedrooms.

    How many kids does stitt have ? Maybe they can't double up in a bedroom ?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion


    He has six kids.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    I don't have a problem with building a new home. If I remember right there seems to have been a lot of repairs recently and we even had a former governor with a trailer on site. There are many people who like living in super old homes and there are many people who don't. Personally, I would think it'd be cool to completely gut the mansion to the studs or even more and retrofit it to modern luxuries. I'm not a homebuilder so I'm not sure of the costs so I'm good with whatever. Vegas-style living and luxury, no, but I do think a governor should have some nice digs to live in. I mean, it is the governor.

    Anyhow, I'm interested in that rail line that runs right behind the mansion in that photo on the KFOR link!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    A good time to compare and contrast with other states.
    This link has pics of where other Governors live.
    Some states do not have this perk.

  22. Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Not much a secret I guess. He said he would do as much in 2019. https://www.news9.com/story/5e3471d8...W23pE.facebook

  23. #23

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    This has been a thing since the start of Fallin's 2nd term. The Governor's Mansion is in an impressive state of disrepair. The basement floods anytime there is a decent rain storm, the outside limestone hasn't been properly sealed in decades, causing mold and a plethora of other problems. One of the main bedroom's has a wall mount A/C unit since the A/C barely works...

  24. #24

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Why not build a new 'wing' and just call it an expansion? Like another famous home of executives. Renovating the existing building can be a future phase.

    Don't know why we can't have the best of both worlds.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Governor's Mansion

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    He's such a slimey piece. This is just another example of his corrupt nature.
    I wonder if Prater will indict him over the Swadley deal before the election.

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