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Thread: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

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  1. #1

    Default OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    I've been kicking around the idea of starting a podcast, which would likely be an hour every week.

    I know there are a million of these things out there, but I think it would be beneficial to summarize what is going on around town on a weekly basis.

    I'd eventually want to add a video element because so much of what we will be talking about could be supplemented with maps, renderings, drone shots, etc.

    I could have guests on as well; I think it would be interesting to hear from some restaurant operators, people that own live music venues... I'm not sure civic leaders would be that interesting unless there was a particular subject matter that was a current hot topic.

    I may even have a cohost, most likely a woman who also really cares about the city; maybe a younger perspective.

    I've also had the idea for quite a while to spend a week or two in several peer cities (Milwaukee, Ft. Worth, even somewhere like Des Moines) and highlight things they have or are doing that would work well in OKC.

    Such things as economic development incentives, how design review committees work, and maybe some elements of city/district history... These all seem like obvious topics and areas where I could help impart information.

    Completely open to other ideas, so please share what you'd like to see/hear.


  2. #2

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Yes, please!

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    i love the idea. especially having guests that could talk on different issues. and the idea of spending a week talking about another city and things they have done.

    maybe even some history of okc development. i know a bunch of us know about our city geting IM Pei'd... but maybe many others don't. so would be kind of cool to get some of that info out there today, especially when talking about like First national Center and any other buildings that survived that era.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    i love the idea. especially having guests that could talk on different issues. and the idea of spending a week talking about another city and things they have done.

    maybe even some history of okc development. i know a bunch of us know about our city geting IM Pei'd... but maybe many others don't. so would be kind of cool to get some of that info out there today, especially when talking about like First national Center and any other buildings that survived that era.
    I'm old enough to have lived most of the development in OKC so could provide lots of background.

    Also, I could do something where people send in questions; or I merely highlight some of the questions/issues brought up by posters on this site. After all, pretty much every question gets promptly answered on the site itself.

  5. Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Would love to hear about new development, new food, events and even maybe some OKC/OK history?

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    Would love to hear about new development, new food, events and even maybe some OKC/OK history?
    I think that no matter the weekly topic/guest, time would be spent on anything particularly 'new'.

    It's hard to keep track of it all and people like to be reminded, even if they do read OKCTalk.

  7. Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Also I can't edit my post but if you need any help with video I do editing in my spare time for fun

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    Also I can't edit my post but if you need any help with video I do editing in my spare time for fun

    I can see a lot of value to the video element; people love to see images and it beats the heck out of trying to describe everything.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    I think it's an amazing idea!

  10. Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    I'd definitely check it out.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Anything focused on local markets.

    Housing or neighborhood/real estate market
    Local labor market situations for different industries
    One other idea is to highlight local organizations. I have noticed there are tons of large local orgs I know next to nothing about

  12. #12

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    I would definitely put it on my queue regardless, but since you are asking for thoughts, here are a few of mine:

    1. I would still definitely listen to a 1 hour pod once a week, but unless you plan on having hour-long conversations with people, I have come to appreciate pods that publish more frequently (maybe monday/thursday) and come in around 20-30 minutes. They just seem easier to fit into routines at that length.

    2. Piggy-backing off of #1, if you come up with a couple of tight subjects, a monday pod could be "what's going on in the city" and then thursday could be an in depth interview

    3. I really love the idea of the peer cities conversations - maybe get a couple frequent contributors from those cities that you checked in with

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    As an avid podcast listener, I would definitely listen to this whatever it may be.

    It may be too niche, but personally, I'd very much enjoy hearing from commercial real estate professionals with deals that have recently closed, and their views on the current direction of the market. Probably too narrow, but maybe a guest here or there. Or even just a 5 minute segment towards the end with the recent noteworthy transactions.

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Lots of great input; thanks so much.

    The idea of doing two shorter eps a week vs. one longer one is intriguing; especially since we focus so much on the newest things and waiting a week would work against that.

    Also a great idea to have like foreign correspondents in other peer cities where we could do updates and share ideas and info.

    If you think about it, almost everything about OKC is covered on this site although I always want to stay out of anything too political.

    I've already started to line up some possible co-hosts. Since I'm older, I want people in their 30's and then some that are younger still, as those perspectives would be really interesting. Also, I'd love to find some people who came to OKC from elsewhere.

  15. #15

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Great idea, This is Oklahoma does something similar, but is much more focused on the human interest side of small businesses in OK. If you need a theme song and a few cues, I have some very reasonable rates. Check out Brodie Sports Cast and the Gunners and Blues podcast for some of my previous work.

  16. #16

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Good idea, would be nice to have something like that on a regular basis since Lackmeyer's chat stopped when the Joklahoman got assimilated into USA Borgday. Personally, I don't listen to podcasts for the same reason I don't like taking online classes that are just videos of someone reading slides or the book to me - I can read and get all the info a lot faster than they can talk. Having said that, I'd probably make the time to listen to an OKCTalk podcast.

  17. #17

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas


    I used to be that way until I found a few podcasts that were really interesting and had smart people that have something of value to share.

    Otherwise, it's just like social media where everyone has an Instagram account focused completely on themselves thinking they are Kim Kardashian when it's really just sad people looking for attention.

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    I used to be that way until I found a few podcasts that were really interesting and had smart people that have something of value to share.

    Otherwise, it's just like social media where everyone has an Instagram account focused completely on themselves thinking they are Kim Kardashian when it's really just sad people looking for attention.
    Yeah, that's about it. If I listen to a podcast in the background, then after a bunch of minutes have elapsed, I'll realize that I completely missed everything because it was in the background and I was concentrating on my foreground task, so I'd have to rewind and listen again. And if I listen to it actively, then I can't do anything else, since I'd miss what was being said (and I'd get antsy while just sitting there listening and not being "productive"). I'm just a "get-info-by-reading" rather than "get-info-by-listening/being taught" person.

  19. #19

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Hi, Pete! I've hosted my own podcast for 5 years now and it's one of the best decisions I've made. I think this would be great. I am happy to answer any questions you might have along the way.

    Since you're considering adding video anyway, why not just record your episodes live on YouTube using StreamYard where you can post visuals. Then download that audio to podcast apps. People will have the option to listen on either format each with their own benefits. The YouTube one will include visuals. The audio podcast will be shorter and edited. I think that could work great.

    I'm just going to say that I hope you bring UrbanizedOkie on. I learned so much from you and him on this board.

  20. Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Hi, Pete! I've hosted my own podcast for 5 years now and it's one of the best decisions I've made. I think this would be great. I am happy to answer any questions you might have along the way.

    Since you're considering adding video anyway, why not just record your episodes live on YouTube using StreamYard where you can post visuals. Then download that audio to podcast apps. People will have the option to listen on either format each with their own benefits. The YouTube one will include visuals. The audio podcast will be shorter and edited. I think that could work great.

    I'm just going to say that I hope you bring UrbanizedOkie on. I learned so much from you and him on this board.
    Super kind, Dan! I'm sure Pete can come up with a huge list of better options before getting to me, though! Besides, Pete and I always have our best convos over beers, often with very loud live music in the background.

    I'll definitely be a listener, though!

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Fortunately, I have already connected with a group here that has a full-on professional studio and would do the post-production work.

    My current thought is that we'd do audio-only until we get our legs. Then, we would definitely add it to Youtube; visuals are so important when it comes to most the new things happening.

    But there are also tons of people who only listen to podcasts in the background and that's pretty much how I do it.

    I've already got several interested and interesting possible co-hosts. I'm a big believer in getting something out there and refining it as you go instead of over-planning which can lead to the paralysis of too much choice.

    But I'm now very excited about this idea and want to always include other perspectives instead of just trying to make me the center of everything.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    My current thought is that we'd do audio-only until we get our legs. Then, we would definitely add it to Youtube; visuals are so important when it comes to most the new things happening...

    But I'm now very excited about this idea and want to always include other perspectives instead of just trying to make me the center of everything.
    With the method you're using, when you have an episode that really needs pictures, maps, etc., you could just record a presentation where you scroll through the slides as the audio plays and then post that to YouTube. I actually recommend jotting down notes as you do the episode (e.g., add map at [this comment]) to save yourself time later.

    I completely agree that most people will just listen, but I've started playing more podcasts off YouTube recently. Your topics (e.g., quality design) could make the visuals more important. I know whatever way you go it'll work well and you can always adjust later.

    And, guest centered podcasts are such a great way to go. Host centered podcasts are hard to sustain because they require so much labor. My podcast is mainly just a conversation with smarter people than me sharing their work. It's pretty low stress and preparation for me.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    And, guest centered podcasts are such a great way to go. Host centered podcasts are hard to sustain because they require so much labor. My podcast is mainly just a conversation with smarter people than me sharing their work. It's pretty low stress and preparation for me.
    My favorite podcast is Freakonomics simply because he has such fascinating, brilliant guests.

    I also feel it's very important to have co-hosts who are younger and/or run in very different crowds in order to include other perspectives.

  24. #24

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas


    All great ideas.

    Very much appreciated.

  25. #25

    Default Re: OKCTalk Podcast Ideas

    Absolutely, age diversity will be valuable for city centered podcast. Of course, racial, socioeconomic, dis/ability, etc diversity along with people working in different fields also really help see a city in different ways.

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