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I think you're on the right track to be worried about obstruction between the parks, but I would go even further. The best use of this property is as public parkland connecting Scissortail Park and the Myriad Gardens. It might not even need to go all the way from Robinson to Hudson, but instead from halfway between Hudson and Harvey to halfway between Robinson and Harvey, with mixed use on the remaining outer sides. I know there was lots of public discussion regarding the siting of the Convention Center and the entire Core to Shore "project" (which means there was even more discussion behind the scenes) but I am not sure we came out of that with the best possible location for everything. These blocks are probably way too valuable now for "more park!" to ever happen, thanks to the $715 million I-40 relocation, the $139 million Scissortail Park, and the $288 million MAPS 3 Convention Center. Maybe there could be a land swap between the Cox Convention Center and the dealership lot? If office towers are the goal the Cox land is way better for that anyway.
I think it's easy to forget just how staggering an amount of empty (or essentially empty) land we're dealing with downtown. Office towers would also work on the old Stage Center site. Or from Walker to Hudson and Reno to the Boulevard. (Speaking of the Boulevard, that turkey is going to separate Scissortail from the rest of Downtown no matter what happens to the Ford dealership site.) And then what do we do with the Producers Co-op, Strawberry Fields, etc? Sure, we've already built a lot of park, but it really seems like a missed opportunity not to connect these two amazing natural resources we've just built and put all the buildings somewhere else.