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Thread: Design approved for The Hill

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  1. #1

    Default Design approved for The Hill

    Deep Deuce housing development approved

    By Steve Lackmeyer Business Writer

    Designs and landscaping plans for a proposed housing development in Deep Deuce were approved Wednesday by the Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority as progress continues on what will be downtown’s first large-scale for-sale townhome development in 20 years.

    “The Hill,” a $50 million, 170-unit development, is set to be built next year at NE 2 and Stiles. The area is considered one of downtown’s premier spots because it overlooks Bricktown, is in Deep Deuce, and has a view of the downtown skyline.

    Rand Sisk, senior designer with Humphreys & Partners Architects, showed Urban Renewal commissioners material samples that will provide the town homes with six different types of brick facades. Each townhome, he said, will be unique in an effort to win over potential buyers accustomed to suburban living.

    The designs, he added, are intended to look timeless. Homeowners association rules will prevent exterior changes.

    “What we want is for these buildings to look as if they have been here for years,” Sisk said.

    The new designs include some changes from the group’s original proposal. A “town hall” at the center of the development has been expanded from one to two floors.
    The design borrows from area landmarks, including the former Dunbar library, Avery Chapel and the nearby Luster home at NE 3 and Walnut Avenue.

    The town hall will feature a concierge, exercise room, game room, community area, pool and upstairs terraces.

    “It will be a nice amenity for the community,” Sisk said.

    Interior designs displayed included samples of maple wood doors and granite counters that will be used in each home. Urban Renewal director JoeVan Bullard estimated construction will start within 120 days.

    William Canfield, lead developer on the project, said his team still has a lot of work left before building, including utility relocation and site clearance. “We’re moving as fast as we can,” Canfield said. “We’re not in a sales mode yet, but we’re getting a lot of calls and it’s quite encouraging.”

  2. #2

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    Thanks for posting. Its sad Canfield got this location but at least he is making strides to break ground.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    God that design is hideous. It looks like the freaking JDM building. What an embarassment display of good ol' boy incompetence this project has become.

  4. Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    I don't think it's that bad; it may be indescribable (just what IS that look?) And they do not all look like that. Anyway, the article says what its influences were. One cannot say they are cookie-cutter. What I like best about that drawing: no garage and driveway out front!
    Continue the Renaissance

  5. #5

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    I don't think it's bad either. Much more detail and character than the JDM building. It looks kind of plains gothic, to me. Sort of a collegiate look. Good idea if marketing to post-grad professionals. Looks like the right side might incorporate courtyards and/or patios. Its success will probably come down to the kind of brick and stone they use.

    It still may not have been the best proposal and could have been awarded by good ole boy politics, but it is better, imo, than anything else in development or existing, at least on paper (save for the Montgomery, but it was a restoration, not a new development, so it's kind of a different class, imo).

  6. #6

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    I think this site would've been better suited for multi-story condos but the designs aren't bad. Is that rendering just one of the proposed "units"? If so these things are going to be huge, and there are going to be 170 of them? It's not gated is it? Maybe they can still integrate some retail/restaurant options into the periphery of the development.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    There are no plans for retail to be apart of The Hill. This was one of the big differences in Canfield's proposal and McDermid's and one of the primary reasons an independent consultant recommended the latter, rather than the group that was ultimately chosen.

    They will be big and expensive... The primary market are Canfield's scientist buddies at the HSC.

    They could have built that develpment anywhere. Wish they had gone with something more accessible and that would add some real life to downtown.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    I agree. No that is not one unit it is about 4-5. Think a Brownstone, only not very brown. Imagine a straight line down from the alternating roof lines. Still by far the worst choice for the hill. Its an obvious good old boy project and the sad thing the media played it as a good thing

  9. Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    That's 4 or 5 units? I only see one door.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    I think the rendering pictured above might be two units. One with the door facing us, and the other with the door to the right, around the corner.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    The doors don't all have to be facing the same side, they're can be doors on all different sides or they could all have a common hallway type access. The above rendering is just a conceptual and it is of a small portion of the actual project. You should check out the master plans to get a better idea.

  12. Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    Where would I find that? And I thought Brownstones typically all faced the street and had sidewalk access.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    Where would I find that? And I thought Brownstones typically all faced the street and had sidewalk access.
    In that rendering, that is the end of a 'block'. There is a street on three sides of those units.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    The picture is of the Town Hall but it is not the finalized brick or stone color.

  15. Default Re: Design approved for The Hill

    That is what I assumed... the Town Hall. It looks similar to the town hall concept from the renderings released when they were bidding for the project.

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