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I have a question if anyone would know how to help me out with this. I suspect I have some LTE interferance on 2 of my channels in Oklahoma City Zip Code is 73160. I get all channels fine except in the evenings sometimes I get random pixilzation on channels 5 and 13 which operate in the VHF frequency band, All my other channels are in UHF band. I am in between 2 cell phone towers on my street both are less than a mile away. So thinking this was my issue I purchased the Channel Master LTE filter and put it on today everything comes in fine with it installed except the VHF channels 5 and 13 which the filter totally traps out the signal. I have a rooftop antenna that has the main line running down into a drop box on the back of my house where all my antenna wires come into for 3 tv's that are hooked in to a 3 way splitter. I installed the LTE filter using the short piece of RG6 cable comming off the ground block and then screwed the other end of the filter into the input on the splitter. Does anyone know of an LTE filter out there that will not block the VHF band or the UHF television band? I used to ba a cable installer and I have some old cable traps but not sure what frequencies they trap out either so they probabbly wont work to try and trap out the LTE band and leave the VHF and UHF band in. Any help would be appreciated..