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  1. Default "interview" questions

    When you encounter someone new, and they ask you questions about yourself, what questions do you hate being asked?

    For me, the worst one is "why haven't you been married?" I am tempted to respond with "why are you divorced?" The reason I have not been married is compex and I feel the first encounter is not the time to ask. That should be asked when the relationship has progressed several dates. It may even be revealed in general conversation.

  2. Default Re: "interview" questions

    Even though I'm married, when I meet someone for the first time, I absolutely hate being asked how much money I make.. that is the rudest thing I've ever heard....
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: "interview" questions

    I agree that is very rude. People ask it all the time though.

  4. Default Re: "interview" questions

    Quote Originally Posted by okcgoddess
    I agree that is very rude. People ask it all the time though.
    To which question do are you refering?

  5. #5

    Default Re: "interview" questions

    Sorry for not clarifying! : ) I was refering to the question of how much money you make. Seems like people ask me that all the time. I don't want to be rude but I would like to say, "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS".

  6. Default Re: "interview" questions

    Quote Originally Posted by okcgoddess
    Sorry for not clarifying! : ) I was refering to the question of how much money you make. Seems like people ask me that all the time. I don't want to be rude but I would like to say, "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS".
    There is probably a polite way of saying just that. "I'm sorry, but that information is confidential." If they lay rubber as a result, that is their loss.

  7. #7
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: "interview" questions

    People actually ask you how much money you make?!? Wow, I've never had that happen to me but it would sure irritate me.

  8. Default Re: "interview" questions

    I'm waiting for someone to ask "Is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho?"

  9. #9
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: "interview" questions

    Mr. Anderson I get the married question to once in awhile and shortly after that comes, why do you not have any kids.

    My responses are:

    I have not been in a relationship with anyone that was worth marrying. I do not need to be paired up with someone to be happy. I know I will find them when the time is right.

    Kids..... I am not going to bring a child in the world until I am happily married. DHS deals with enough familes to support they do not need me as a customer.

    Sure both responese are cold and to the point but, it shuts people and sends the message. " Ask a blunt question expect a blunt response"

    My favorite response to the money question is enough to rent a bed at the shelter every night.......Why are you asking?

    Or I'll say I make plenty...... why do you need a loan or something?

    Money should never be an issue when your looking for a mate.

    The question should be, Do you have a job? Do you have a $199? Do you want a new car?

  10. #10
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: "interview" questions

    Quote Originally Posted by OklaCity_75
    Mr. Anderson I get the married question to once in awhile and shortly after that comes, why do you not have any kids.

    My responses are:

    I have not been in a relationship with anyone that was worth marrying. I do not need to be paired up with someone to be happy. I know I will find them when the time is right.

    Kids..... I am not going to bring a child in the world until I am happily married. DHS deals with enough familes to support they do not need me as a customer.

    Sure both responese are cold and to the point but, it shuts people and sends the message. " Ask a blunt question expect a blunt response"

    My favorite response to the money question is enough to rent a bed at the shelter every night.......Why are you asking?

    Or I'll say I make plenty...... why do you need a loan or something?

    Money should never be an issue when your looking for a mate.

    The question should be, Do you have a job? Do you have a $199? Do you want a new car?
    You have some really good comebacks. I am really amazed when I hear some of the questions that are asked on dates. What shocks me is how personal some of these questions can be....and from a person you just met.

  11. #11

    Default Re: "interview" questions

    Just tell them you'd have to ask your FM (financial manager) how much you make. Later say you have funner things to do than learn that financial crap.And if they're that concerned about someone else's money on a first meeting, RUN!.....Leave them wondering.

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