We've seen stakes, surveying, and core samples being taken on the vacant land south of Crest Foods at S.W. 104th and S. May Ave.
Anyone hear what's going in there?
We've seen stakes, surveying, and core samples being taken on the vacant land south of Crest Foods at S.W. 104th and S. May Ave.
Anyone hear what's going in there?
I've been wondering the same thing myself. Took a look at Cleveland County assessor records for that parcel and it shows no new changes in ownership. No new OKC building permits along May or 104th in that area, either.
It was bound to be developed. It is listed for commercial; don't expect apartments. Would love to have a Charleston's, but with Pub W across the street, highly unlikely.
Thinking it may look like the strip center across the street. That seems to be the preferred building style. Nothing unique or creative.
However, that area could use and support another Panera--if they wouldn't put a drive-thru to extend out on May like the line does on 104th east of Penn!
On the contrary - I think the presence and obvious success of the Pub W speaks to the unsatisfied demand for a nicer restaurant in that area, very much like a Charleston's (or as is my constant harangue, Cheddar's, which I realize isn't exactly the same target market). I think demand for the entire area is vastly understated.
No way they'll put a Panera only one mile away from an existing, successful location - though I realize that drive-through at the Chatenay location is a joke of poor design and I'm stunned the city approved it. The only way they'd put in a Panera in there is if they moved the existing one, and I can't fathom they'd move a location they just put so much $$ into.
I've heard confusing reports on who actually owns those outparcels near Crest. On the one hand, I've heard that Crest put the kibosh on a Chili's that was going to go in where the Starbucks is being built, but on the other hand I didn't think Crest owned that property?? The land records for Cleveland County show some LLC as owners of that big parcel to the south. I'm wondering if a large land transaction is underway and just not yet official, as survey stakes and utility demarcation flags have gone up throughout that area. I could be mistaken, but I think that parcel is something on the order of 23 acres??
I have a feeling that if you don't get the restaurant you want on this corner, wait until both sides of the service rd take off 1 mile to the west of I-44, between 89th and 104th. I am hoping for a Cheddars, Charlestons, or Interurban... .or all of the above.
Welp, color me officially depressed about any future retail at SW 104th and May. Just saw a permit for 10801 S May for a nursing home.
Please, please, someone go look up that permit and tell me I've misread it.
I was hoping we'd have already seen some infill; as of now, all we have is a Chicken Express building permit from last November that's gone nowhere, and the hope of a wonderful new Car Wash. Restrain my joy. (that's sarcasm, btw).
My son tells me that from his network of friends there are rumblings of Lowe's putting in a place over there, but I don't know if they'd really plan to keep that and the I-240 location. Given that the scuttlebutt was that WM wanted to shutter their Santa Fe location when 104th opened, it makes me wonder if perhaps the future of both those locations is in question. Heck, I won't even get started on the (lack of) development along the new, realigned Portland - absolutely *zilch* has happened there. *sigh*
I had made a comment in the Portland thread (Lariat Landing) and according to the guy that works at the airport, there was never any major plans of that being retail. I believe there were a couple of sections mostly around the 89th and 74th intersections where there would be some minor retail, probably C-Stores, but other than that the majority is set to be aviation related. So don't expect that to be anything anytime soon.
I really think Walmart can keep both stores open. I'd be a little leery about 2 Lowes that close, with the one in Mustang not that much further (that's actually the one I go to). It's possible they could pull enough from Newcastle to make it sustainable though. I'm still hoping we get a couple decent restaurants. I remember seeing some permitting for a large area by that Walmart, but I don't think anything's ever come from it.
Then color me confused. I thought I had seem some earlier renderings for that area which showed a semi-urban shopping concept, along with at least one anchor hotel, and some clear discussion that while the intent was to leverage aviation business, there was also the desire to attract restaurants, destinations, et al to the area....
Yeah two Lowe's that close (and I hadn't thought about Mustang) makes me suspicious.I really think Walmart can keep both stores open. I'd be a little leery about 2 Lowes that close, with the one in Mustang not that much further (that's actually the one I go to). It's possible they could pull enough from Newcastle to make it sustainable though. I'm still hoping we get a couple decent restaurants. I remember seeing some permitting for a large area by that Walmart, but I don't think anything's ever come from it.
I just wish the fill-in along the I-44 east side north of WalMart weren't Taking So Long. It was over a year ago - perhaps more (?) we were talking about some things like Whataburger and PetSmart heading that way..so far, nada other than BWW.
ugh... looks like you're right. definitely not my first choice. honestly, though, that piece of land would be pretty tricky to fill given the adjoining neighborhood. i could see a retail strip working along may but there'd be resistance from the adjoining neighborhood for pretty much anything built to the west along earlywine blvd.
Yeah the configuration of Earlywine Blvd in there is really peculiar. I initially thought the developer would cut in small cul-de-sacs and plat out home 2 lots each, very similar to what they did in an addition a bit farther east with a somewhat similar configuration. I realize now they just didn't own that land.
I surely thought we'd get at least one more nice restaurant or something on that tract of land. So much potential there, and it's just going to go to waste. Very, very disappointing.
Dave I went back through the old threads, and all the links are now dead, they've done a good job scrubbing all this old stuff, but I was able to find one image that does somewhat show where there was more retail, office, and industrial proposed. I imagine once they found out about Walmart across the street they knew that was going to be the new retail development, and scaled back to focus on aviation. Makes sense, just somewhat unfortunate.
I believe those old conceptual plans were before they moved Portland to the east and created tons more property that could be accessed by the runways.
I really think that is a much better use down there and they have already announced two sizable facilities (SkyWest and FedEx) and there are more coming.
Well, see, here's where confused recollections emerge...I recalled them using the development as the rationale for moving Portland to the east, thus allowing them to facilitate new retail....And lets face it, surely they didn't line "New Portland" with all those pretty streetlights to attract just a maintenance hangar....and again, I go back to those renderings I saw of a much broader retail presence in the area, too. So I don't *think* I'm imagining all of it
I'm with you 100%. Their plans didn't pan out, and maybe now aviation is a better use, I can agree to some degree with Pete on that. But why in the heck did they make this nice concrete road from 54th to 104th with some of the nicest streetlights in the city, to just line it with a bunch of big metal airplane hangars, and maybe some C-Stores.
I used to go to the airport meetings religiously for years, it was most definitely not as you describe. The initial Lariat landing plan was to relocate Portland to the east to allow for more aviation development west of the new Portland alignment. Anything east of the new Portland alignment was going to be retail, hotels, and offices.
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