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Thread: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

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  1. #1

    Default Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

    I saw this afternoon that it has been confirmed that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are expecting a baby. I will be thinking of her and hoping that she doesn't suffer from any post-pardum depression and need to take meds - oh wait, I forgot, post-pardum depression doesn't exist, according to Tom, so I guess she won't need any.

  2. Default Re: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

    Well, that certainly squashes the rumor that Tom can't reproduce. Or maybe it's not truly his. =)

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

    Oh, she can simply pull herself up by her own bootstraps. Whatever. I believe in science-based medicine all the way. At least there's clear cut results to prove medicine works. Everything else is hypothetical.

  4. Default Re: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

    I can't believe they advocate silent birth!!

    I screamed and yelled non-stop like a Bohemian nature woman giving birth in a field - at the top of my lungs! Get it outtttttttttt!!! HA,HA - What was I thinking, no meds??? I was insane.

    According to Scientology my kids are severely traumatized - you are not even supposed to talk for 7 days after birth so as not to scar the psyche of the baby - oh please!! Only a man would make that rule..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    I can't believe they advocate silent birth!!

    I screamed and yelled non-stop like a Bohemian nature woman giving birth in a field - at the top of my lungs! Get it outtttttttttt!!! HA,HA - What was I thinking, no meds??? I was insane.

    According to Scientology my kids are severely traumatized - you are not even supposed to talk for 7 days after birth so as not to scar the psyche of the baby - oh please!! Only a man would make that rule..
    There is something called silent birth? Is that possible? As the baby comes, how does a lady keep from screaming.....and without meds? You are not suppose to talk to the baby for 7 days after its birth? That's crazy. My wife and I talked to ours when they were still in the womb...and then non stop when they were born. They suffered no ill effects.

    Do you remember when you were trying to get your baby to say his/her first word? When they finally said an actual word, you were excited? Now, that they are growing up, they won't stop talking .

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