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Thread: Capitol Hill - Fire Station No. 16 (NBI Renovation and Outreach)

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  1. Default Capitol Hill - Fire Station No. 16 (NBI Renovation and Outreach)

    Just wanted to post that today marks the 4 year anniversary since local non-profit No Boundaries Int'l took possession of OKC Fire Station No. 16 (SW 34th and S. Robinson Ave.) and transformed a building that was dilapidated and literally set for demolition and transformed it into a meaningful and giving community fixture.

    NBI leases the old fire station, they now call the Firehouse Community Center, from the city of OKC and, through the generosity of volunteers, sweat, tears and prayer, committed to undertake major renovations of the neglected building (new heat and air, new roof, new plumbing, new electrical, clean-up, tear-out and rebuild of the interior). Since then the fire station has played host to community events, fellowship services, memorial services, a weekly food pantry and weekly clothes closet.

    NBI continues to Prove you can take the previously discarded and transform it into something wonderful and full of life - whether it be brick and mortar or flesh and blood.

    They've been a great change agent in the Capitol Hill Community.
    NBI Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoBoundariesInternational/
    Website: http://nbint.org

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Capitol Hill - Fire Station No. 16 (NBI Renovation and Outreach)

    Back in the early 80's, I helped do the heat & air work on the then new fire station on 23rd between Harvey and Robinson, that replaced this old one.

    Isn't this the old stslation that for a while was home to a motorcycle club for off duty firefighters?

  3. Default Re: Capitol Hill - Fire Station No. 16 (NBI Renovation and Outreach)

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    Back in the early 80's, I helped do the heat & air work on the then new fire station on 23rd between Harvey and Robinson, that replaced this old one.

    Isn't this the old stslation that for a while was home to a motorcycle club for off duty firefighters?
    For a brief time it was the clubhouse for the Wind & Fire MC. They did nothing to improve the building and then trashed it when they moved out. That's one reason it was set for demolition.

    I'd love to know more about the history of the firehouse. It looks like it may have had horses in it at one point based on some of the things we found inside.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Capitol Hill - Fire Station No. 16 (NBI Renovation and Outreach)

    I love the old Broadway font metal letters. They're the same as the 1940s-era old Station 3 at 1111 N. Hudson by Dust Bowl and Fassler Hall. The old station is now Opolis, a T-shirt boutique; the guy there worked very hard to restore it. Incidentally, its successor at 11601 N. MacArthur is sort of up in years itself, having been built in 1978 (along with a few others that share the same "OETA" looking typeface on the signs).

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