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Thread: The Perfect Gas Station

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  1. #1

    Default The Perfect Gas Station

    This is mostly a hypothetical, but I was curious what are some things you guys look for in a gas station. With more and more c-stores popping up that tend to look more like Buc-Ee's, I was thinking why do we stop at these places? It seems if anything they are less convenient, but then again I associate convenience with quickness. Every time I've been in a Buc-Ee's, I tend to spend more time than I wanted. Great for the store, bad for me. But still I really enjoy these stores, because they have lots of pumps, super nice bathrooms, and anything you'd ever want to snack on. So what do you like to see in these stores? How would you modify one?

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    That's pretty much what I'm looking for, especially when traveling. Lots of pumps, super nice bathrooms, and possibly a variety of snacks. Gone are the days of bathroom keys attached to cinder blocks, and the bathroom being incredibly filthy (not to mention out of toiler paper, AND soap), and may those days forever rot never to return.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    If I'm on traveling and on a road trip, I like the huge truck stops with clean bathrooms, lots of pumps, and lots of food options. I've been to a few with a mini food court in them and they're great. Being well-lit at night is a top thing too, just to feel safer.

    When I'm in a city, the only thing I really care about is the gas pump and not waiting around for one. If I'm needing something more than a candy bar or a drink, then I'll go into the Walmart Neighborhood Market or Walgreens, they are just as convenient, if not more so, than a typical 7-11 or OnCue. Navigating the parking lot at a convenience store at a peak time isn't fun.

    While on this topic, they need to redo the EZ GO between OKC and Tulsa that's in the middle of the highway. There's always a line for the bathroom and it's not that clean. I really like the one between OKC and Lawton though, they need to make it like that one.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    I think bathrooms are something that's really important. It seems like people are willing to wait and stop when they know the facility is going to be clean. I think that's a major draw for these super C stores. Definitely nice to have the deli's. I know Wawa has a pretty awesome one, I have no problem eating 'gas station' food from them.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    I'm certain this wasn't the intent of the question but I'm usually very simplistic. Probably 95 times out of 100 when I stop for gas the only thing I get is gas. So for me that's usually all I need a gas station to have.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    I'm certain this wasn't the intent of the question but I'm usually very simplistic. Probably 95 times out of 100 when I stop for gas the only thing I get is gas. So for me that's usually all I need a gas station to have.
    I think this is still fair though, cause you aren't alone. I'd say most of the time I'm the same way, but I tend to stop at these super C stores. Not sure why, but I just kind of like them. I guess part of the draw is that they aren't everywhere. Not that it's a destination, but it may be if you didn't live to far and you had nothing to do you may just go check one out.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    On Cue drive through lanes .... genius. Never as stacked up as a Micky D's.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    On Cue drive through lanes .... genius. Never as stacked up as a Micky D's.
    What all kind of stuff can you get through the drive-thru? I see a few have them, but am usually getting gas, so if I need something I just go in.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    What all kind of stuff can you get through the drive-thru? I see a few have them, but am usually getting gas, so if I need something I just go in.
    I typically just grab a large drink. I like getting one w/o being stuck behind two mini vans gettng happy meals at mcd though.
    I have picked up some 2 liter soda bottles before on a rainy night.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    If driving for hours, it's good to get on your feet and mill around for a while. That's a reason the stores with all the food and crap are a positive.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Yeah it's nice to walk around the Buc-Ee's store after driving for 8 hours. I stopped at one on my way back from Alabama and I think it really helped take my mind off the driving.

    Has anyone ever been to a Wawa or Maverick?

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Yeah it's nice to walk around the Buc-Ee's store after driving for 8 hours. I stopped at one on my way back from Alabama and I think it really helped take my mind off the driving.

    Has anyone ever been to a Wawa or Maverick?
    I've been to a Wawa in New Jersey. It's like a larger QuikTrip. Seemed brighter as well. QuikTrip and OnCue still reign supreme in terms of cleanliness and guest service IMO.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    100% gas (at least in Oklahoma, I know in other states this is not available anymore)

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by bradh View Post
    100% gas (at least in Oklahoma, I know in other states this is not available anymore)
    I hate buying ethanol. I can never find any pure gas anymore...

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I hate buying ethanol. I can never find any pure gas anymore...
    OnCue, for starters. All new 7-11's have it as well.

  16. Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    I know I am going to get hate for this but I really don't care if it has ethanol in gas or not. I typically only go to 7-11 and will fire up gas buddy to see which one on the way home has the cheapest gas and go there. I also drive 80 miles a day round trip to get to work, so price is most important and 99% one of the 7-11s on S 119th or on the East side of Norman is the cheapest in town, or at least within a couple pennies. I almost always pay cash and 7-11 is usually not busy after midnight. As far as normal city usage as long as gas is cheap and there is water in the windshield cleaning station I am a happy man.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by tfvc.org View Post
    I know I am going to get hate for this but I really don't care if it has ethanol in gas or not. I typically only go to 7-11 and will fire up gas buddy to see which one on the way home has the cheapest gas and go there. I also drive 80 miles a day round trip to get to work, so price is most important and 99% one of the 7-11s on S 119th or on the East side of Norman is the cheapest in town, or at least within a couple pennies. I almost always pay cash and 7-11 is usually not busy after midnight. As far as normal city usage as long as gas is cheap and there is water in the windshield cleaning station I am a happy man.
    No hate here. I think the whole 10% vs pure gas is garbage. I've read horror stories about 30% loss of mileage, engine problems, etc. The complaints just don't add up for only 10% ethanol.

  18. Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    No hate here. I think the whole 10% vs pure gas is garbage. I've read horror stories about 30% loss of mileage, engine problems, etc. The complaints just don't add up for only 10% ethanol.
    I agree. I do have a newerish car (2008) and have run it with both, and I had to fill up just as often on either. Maybe older cars run better with 100% but cars built after ethanol was introduced imho are designed to be able to handle the alcohol, gaskets and all.

  19. Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    No hate here. I think the whole 10% vs pure gas is garbage. I've read horror stories about 30% loss of mileage, engine problems, etc. The complaints just don't add up for only 10% ethanol.
    Agreed... I have a 97 Dodge Ram that I ran ethanol through most of the years I've owned it and it and my Ford Escape are both over 200k miles using ethanol..... Maintain your vehicles properly and they will last.

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    I've heard the 30% number tossed around, but in lab testing, it's really less than 5%. Some people dispute that and say they feel in their own personal usage, it is closer to 10%. Either way, when the price difference was a nickel, getting real gas over ethanol was my preference. But even assuming the 10% is correct, the price difference is now too great for the savings to register.

  21. #21

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    One of the things I've heard about 10% ethanol is that it damages/destroys seals and gaskets (especially on boats and lawn equipment) either quicker than 100% gas does (or 100% gas doesn't do it at all). Then I wonder about all the boats and lawn mowers and cars all over the USA that use it and I don't see/hear millions of lawn mowing companies and boat/car owners complaining about early failure of seals/gaskets. Something else that doesn't add up about 10% ethanol...

  22. #22

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    One of the things I've heard about 10% ethanol is that it damages/destroys seals and gaskets (especially on boats and lawn equipment) either quicker than 100% gas does (or 100% gas doesn't do it at all). Then I wonder about all the boats and lawn mowers and cars all over the USA that use it and I don't see/hear millions of lawn mowing companies and boat/car owners complaining about early failure of seals/gaskets. Something else that doesn't add up about 10% ethanol...
    The Travellers,
    The problem with seals and gaskets is if an engine isn't used for a period of time. I have a Gravely Pro Z144 and I used ethanol in it and in two years (after sitting for the winter) it failed and the Gravely dealer informed me that ethanol wasn't acceptable. That was in 2007 and now nine years later using pure gasoline I haven't had a problem. Ford says it is not a problem in their vehicles and my 2006 Mercury runs fine and I have always used ethanol. And by the way, you mentioned boats and lawn equipment and they are seasonal too.
    C. T.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    In general a lot of the newer stuff is made to run ethanol. My boat is an '05 and it has a Honda motor and ethanol up to 10% is fine. Same goes for my '16 Toro motor and my '06 Polaris ATV. Any of my other small engine stuff I try my best not to run E10, although in general I tend to buy 100% gas for anything that may sit, as well as I buy fuel stabilizer to help prolong the gas life. I've had too many issues with fuel going bad and gumming up carbs on my stuff so I just treat all gas that goes in my gas cans, just to be safe.

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Fuel City in Dallas has good, inexpensive tacos.

  25. #25

    Default Re: The Perfect Gas Station

    Late to this conversation - but in response to what kind of stuff you can get at the drive thru at a gas station: ALMOST EVERYTHING. Beer even! No lotto tickets and nothing from the hot roller grill - but that's pretty much it. Why is it so amazing? Well, I'm gonna guess a lot of you don't constantly have kids in car seats in the car with you. No way am I schlepping to kids in and out of car seats just so I can get a diet Dr. Pepper. Need milk and the baby is asleep in the back seat? Easy - drive thru! Going on a road trip and don't want the kids to see ALL of the snacks they have inside? drive-thru! Want to get beer, but have the kids with you and can't go into a liquor store ? drive - thru! Seriously, those gas station drive thru's are life savers when you're the primary transport for the kids.

    And - WaWa's are fantastic. You can get fresh sandwiches made, tons of options - always brightly lit too. Almost like a cross between a convenience store and a deli and a gas station and a bakery and a few other things I'm probably forgetting . However - we had family in town over the holidays from Jersey / Philly - and they stopped at an On Cue and could NOT stop talking about it. They were in love with the coffee/tea/soda selection and the frozen yogurt station just blew their minds. When I mentioned the drive-thru they were in awe. So I guess we've got that going for us!

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