Sorry if this has been posted anywhere else, but thought this is where the thread should go.
U.S. dentist wanted for killing Cecil the lion -
Sorry if this has been posted anywhere else, but thought this is where the thread should go.
U.S. dentist wanted for killing Cecil the lion -
Yeah, I don't understand big game tourism. I don't have a problem with hunting in general, especially for food, and when used to help maintain population levels (such as deer hunting). But this type of sport hunting where it's just about collecting trophies makes me ill.
What exactly is the moral difference between hunting a lion for a trophy and hunting deer/elk/whatever to put antler trophies on your wall? Or to show off the giant fish that you caught? I agree with JTF in that hunters have mental disorders. With exceptions, most people hunt because they love it. That is sick.
I'm not talking about legality or population control. A lot of hunters just like to shoot things for the thrill of it. They justify the thrill of killing living animals by spouting out bs about population control.
Why do some people give this dentist so much crap for wanting an exotic trophy, and not give people crap for their antler trophies or bear rugs?
If hunters only cared about eating their prey and population control, they wouldn't show off their "trophies".
I'm no vegan. I have eaten beef or chicken every day for as long as I can remember. Every hunter I know talks about how addictive it is and every single one of them talks about their "trophies". Every single one of them also justifies their sick fetish by spouting off their population control bs. Crazy people with guns that like to shoot defenseless animals because they think it is fun.
But, "population control" and what not....
Why don't we go to India and China and start randomly shooting people? Seriously, let's find all of the diseased and elderly. You cannot deny that doing that will make for a more sustainable population.
In The Annals of Assholism, this clown should receive special recognition. What a dick.
Based on his statement, I'm not sure this guy realizes what trouble he is in.
Assuming that the current story in the media is true, he could be tried for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for essentially bribing someone to commit a crime. Also, Zimbabwe is one of the few countries that has an extradition agreement with the US. And if I am not mistaken, he is on probation in Wisconsin for poaching there as well; this is clearly a violation of that.
If something good comes out of this, I hope this is the beginning of the end of big game hunting in some of these countries.
Im glad to see the above posters be able to properly differentiate between hunting typical midwest animals for reasons like food or population control verses paying $50k to some African guides to bait, lure, spotlight and easily shoot an animal whose population is in decline and doesnt even provide you with food. Only a giant rug and a head to hang on your wall so that you can feel like a cool individual. What this dentist did isnt hunting and is quite disgusting.
Hopefully this story causes others that are thinking of paying a ton of money to shoot an African animal to reconsider.
I don't care what kind of animal it is - killing for fun is a sick 'hobby' and a sign of a mental disorder. People like this should be barred from owning any weapons - period.
Bullfighting should be banned, but we all know that won't happen.
It's ingrained in Spanish culture.
I do hope they expedite this, person, back to Zimbabwe to face charges. Cecil was socialized and was just wanting to say Hi. RIP Cecil.
My dad raised me that I clean/eat what I shoot/hunt. Wish more people lived by that.
Well there goes them bragging rights I assume. I'm usually a live and let live sort when it comes to humans killing animals but this incident rubbed me the wrong way. Here's hoping this little man gets his just deserts.
If you want to donate to the people who put the GPS collar on Cecil, here is the link.
Allocate your donation to "WildCRU"
Sad, sad, story. Jimmie Kimmel was being nice calling him a JackHole - imagine what he said off the air. Despicable story.
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