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Thread: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

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  1. #1

    South OKC Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Played a round of golf the other day and the guy in the pro shop was saying that a Catholic Church just bought all the land that Brookside is on. He said it's guaranteed to stay a golf course until 2017. Would be very sad to see Brookside go away, it's small and dirty but I've always really enjoyed playing there. Anyone heard anything about the buy out or anything?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Yes, there are plans and more info about this on the site somewhere.

    I'll hunt them down.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Yes, there are plans and more info about this on the site somewhere.

    I'll hunt them down.
    Ah, yeah, that would be great. I searched the site, but couldn't find anything on it. Sorry if it's posted somewhere else. Thank you!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Perhaps this is part of the way they keep the staff on hand and the lights on in their schools and various parrishes. Do any of the organized religions survive via passing a plate sunday morning anymore?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Perhaps this is part of the way they keep the staff on hand and the lights on in their schools and various parrishes. Do any of the organized religions survive via passing a plate sunday morning anymore?
    I know my Church doesn't have any retail businesses or anything, in fact, we give away nearly anything we can. We're a very large Church too. Sorry if I came across as negative in my last post about them trying to get more money, just really confused by the whole thing.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Here you go:

  7. Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Hmmmm.... Last summer he said they only had the course leased until 2015 then it would be closing.... Perhaps the church has delayed their building plans.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Oh man, my mom used to take me out there when I was a little kid... I have fond (if vague, since I was so little) memories of going nuts on the practice green and at the driving range. Though it will be nice to see some new economic investment come to this area, I'll be sad to see the course go. Would much rather see Shields Plaza get a massive overhaul, or the NE corner of 240/Santa Fe get developed. The site plan does look pretty nice though, so if it does end up getting developed as planned, it should come out quite nice... I do like that they want to incorporate a bit of everything here. Retail, housing, light commercial, office space, and a hotel all in one package.

    The only thing that's kind of a "Huh?" in my mind is, a church purchased the land but I don't see a church plotted out at all in the initial site plans above. But indeed, the listed owner according to the Cleveland County Assessor's Office is "ARCHDIOCESE OF OKLAHOMA CITY OF / THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH", so it will be interesting to see what happens.

    Is there any firm timeframe for this project to get off the ground?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    The only thing that's kind of a "Huh?" in my mind is, a church purchased the land but I don't see a church plotted out at all in the initial site plans above. But indeed, the listed owner according to the Cleveland County Assessor's Office is "ARCHDIOCESE OF OKLAHOMA CITY OF / THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH", so it will be interesting to see what happens.
    That's exactly what I was thinking. Is the Catholic Church starting to get into retail and hotels for money or something? Doesn't make sense. Sure going to miss this course.

  10. Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Dang. Makes the golfer in me just a little bit sad.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Sad to see. I grew up on the south side and have played many games of golf there with my brother and friends.

    It's really a fun course to play, even if it is not the best maintained.

  12. Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    It's also one less course around OKC where lesser skilled players can go play and not feel pressured by the guys playing from the black tees.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    I believe the plan is to build a new Catholic Church and possibly a school that would cater to the growing Hispanic population.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by harp23 View Post
    I believe the plan is to build a new Catholic Church and possibly a school that would cater to the growing Hispanic population.
    According to the plans that Pete posted, that doesn't seem to be the case. It's all retail, hotel, and apartments. Unless I'm missing something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

  15. #15

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by xa3021 View Post
    According to the plans that Pete posted, that doesn't seem to be the case. It's all retail, hotel, and apartments. Unless I'm missing something.
    You're missing the other alternative in the PUD application, page 18:


  16. #16

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Bill View Post
    You're missing the other alternative in the PUD application, page 18:

    Sorry, but that link appears to be dead. Have a screen shot or anything of the page?

    Thank you!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by xa3021 View Post
    Sorry, but that link appears to be dead. Have a screen shot or anything of the page?

    Thank you!

  18. Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    This is weird. Not just because I used to go to Last Frontier Council golf outings here as a kid, but mainly because I can't fathom this site being desirable for... anything besides industry. And a cheap golf course.

    It's amazing how many golf courses have been developed over in my recent memory. Golfing used to be a major underrated strength of OKC, but it seems like our ratio is going way down as we grow in population but lose golf courses.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    You need to take the address directly from the meeting agenda website, and not from Google.

    It's really a frustrating system. I do believe the city is replacing that system when they design their new website. So there is hope!

    Glad to help.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Well, after a long time, it's started. The fence along 89th is gone and today I saw the clubhouse has been leveled. I went to school with Duffey Martin's kids, and played my first rounds of golf there.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Sad to see another Perry Maxwell course go away. It's like shredding French impressionist paintings so you can replace them with LED video boards. Although, Brookside was far from a great track, but still.... lol

  22. Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeLucky View Post
    Sad to see another Perry Maxwell course go away. It's like shredding French impressionist paintings so you can replace them with LED video boards. Although, Brookside was far from a great track, but still.... lol
    Only Brookside was designed by Duffy Martin.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger S View Post
    Only Brookside was designed by Duffy Martin.
    I've seen both mentioned, but Perry Maxwell is most definitely credited with building Brookside in 1934.



  24. Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Makes me wonder if it closed and was redesigned at one point... Depending on which webpage you are looking at I've seen the course credited to two different architects in multiple years.... Martin is credited in 52 & 56.

    I'll agree that some of the greens at Brookside were consistent with how Maxwell designed greens... Specifically the 5th and 8th holes.

    At the same time the lack of sand traps and wide fairways lends more to Martin's style of keeping golf fun for the average player and spending less time hunting for balls out of play.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Brookside Golf Course (89th and S. Shields)

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger S View Post
    Makes me wonder if it closed and was redesigned at one point... Depending on which webpage you are looking at I've seen the course credited to two different architects in multiple years.... Martin is credited in 52 & 56.

    I'll agree that some of the greens at Brookside were consistent with how Maxwell designed greens... Specifically the 5th and 8th holes.

    At the same time the lack of sand traps and wide fairways lends more to Martin's style of keeping golf fun for the average player and spending less time hunting for balls out of play.
    You're probably right on the timeline. I like Duffy and even really enjoy his Guthrie courses, but if someone let him redesign a Maxwell track then that's when the mistake was made, not now. Lol.

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