I have to say... who rents a 2 bed apartment as a sole wage earner on minimum wage? My first place, I had a room mate.
My 16 yo son got hired at pizza hut yesterday, and they're paying him over minimum wage... it short of shocked me.
Min wage is what 7.80? So a lot of employers just give em 8 to boost morale (at least that was my experience in college). That is functionally min wage.
As for who does anything? A lot of people are saddled with kids way too early in life, so I would imagine that's the crack in the system in which a lot of min-wage parents fall. There are others who legitimately need assistance as well, but those households with children especially need support or else you'll never break the cycle of poverty.
IMO it just isn't responsible to have kids until you're netting at least 60K HH (which is roughly the national per capita these days).
Even in Oklahoma I had to have roommates.
Keep in mind those state numbers tick upwards in metropolitan areas.
If you divide those numbers by 2, then you see the wage necessary for 2 roommates to get a place. Looks very manageable here. Looks a little more difficult in D.C.
That being said…this should be very doable in all these markets for any pair of working single people or for a working couple with one or two children.
Single parent homes are KILLER though. Even if both parents are involved, adding a second set of living expenses to the "family" budget makes it so much harder.
Yeah, in that case I understand the difficulties.
Here is something a bit more telling on the last part of the article. How many hours per week at minimum wage a person has to work to afford a one bedroom apartment...
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