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  1. #1

    Default Once

    Did anyone else go to the Civic Center to see this amazing Tony Award winning musical? It is one of the most fascinating, unusual, and non-traditional musicals I've ever seen. When you go in theater the stage, with a bar in the set.,is open to the audience and the audience is invited to go on the stage to purchase things at the bar. About 15 minutes prior to the time the play is supposed to start a lot of the cast comes on the stage while the audience is still there and start to play various instruments and sing Irish songs. That gradually transitions into the start of the play as the audience leaves the stage. There isn't an orchestra, just cast members playing their instruments. It is a surprisingly amusing and moving play.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Once

  3. #3

    Default Re: Once

    I'm considering going today. I've wanted to see Once for a while. Just got to convince the wife.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Once

    I really like the movie.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Once

    I saw it in New York a few years ago. It was fantastic.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Once

    One of my favorite movies of recent years.

    Love the music.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Once

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Did anyone else go to the Civic Center to see this amazing Tony Award winning musical? It is one of the most fascinating, unusual, and non-traditional musicals I've ever seen. When you go in theater the stage, with a bar in the set.,is open to the audience and the audience is invited to go on the stage to purchase things at the bar. About 15 minutes prior to the time the play is supposed to start a lot of the cast comes on the stage while the audience is still there and start to play various instruments and sing Irish songs. That gradually transitions into the start of the play as the audience leaves the stage. There isn't an orchestra, just cast members playing their instruments. It is a surprisingly amusing and moving play.

    Nope. Didn't see the musical. Heard it was great.
    Lookin' forward t' the sidewalk t' the Braum's east o' Penn . . . =)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Once

    Saw the Saturday matinee with the wife and had really great seats. I bought the album years ago and always loved the music, so I knew that wouldn't disappoint. I was kind of thrown off by some of the language, but not offended at all. There was a 10 year old (or so) boy two rows in front of us whose mother kept covering his ears. They left at intermission. I was blown away by the acting, the humor and the intensity the music was performed at. Seriously, one of my all time favorite shows.

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