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Thread: What will Rednecks do now?

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  1. #1

    Default What will Rednecks do now?

    I guess they still have Duck Dynasty.

    "Here Comes" cancellation for "Honey Boo Boo." E! News can confirm TLC has pulled the plug on the reality series following former kid pageant star Alana "Honey Boo Boo"Thompson and her family. The news comes after reports that Mama June (June Shannon) was dating a convicted child molester.

    "TLC has cancelled the series 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' and ended all activities around the series, effective immediately," the network said in a statement. "Supporting the health and welfare of these remarkable children is our only priority. TLC is faithfully committed to the children's ongoing comfort and well-being."

  2. #2

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Say It Ain't So, Joe . . .
    (without Honey BooBoo . . . How could I ever, possibly, rationally tune into The Learning Channel , , , =)
    No Snark Intended Nor Implied.
    (just kidding . . . =)

    Perhaps Paula Deen could make a comeback?

    (straight from The Ivory Tower In Neverland, on the Cusp of OZ back atcha. =)
    (and the Tilapia came from Buy For Less instead of Walmart)

    If you will excuse me, I need to proceed with preparation of The Best Tilapia Dinner, ever, to date.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Say It Ain't So, Joe . . .
    (without Honey BooBoo . . . How could I ever, possibly, rationally tune into The Learning Channel , , , =)
    No Snark Intended Nor Implied.
    (just kidding . . . =)

    Perhaps Paula Deen could make a comeback?

    (straight from The Ivory Tower In Neverland, on the Cusp of OZ back atcha. =)
    (and the Tilapia came from Buy For Less instead of Walmart)

    If you will excuse me, I need to proceed with preparation of The Best Tilapia Dinner, ever, to date.
    be careful about eating Tilapia. . . . you know they eat things that are too cool for the surface. I have the same problem with shrimp.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    be careful about eating Tilapia. . . . you know they eat things that are too cool for the surface. I have the same problem with shrimp.
    I guess catfish, lobsters, crawdads, oysters, clams and mussels are not part of your dietary go-to list. Interesting that the Old Testament actually had rules against those things too. Plus pigs. (No more bacon, spare ribs, pork chops or roasts) . . .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    The Learning Channel turned into The Dumb Down Channel a while ago. This is a step in the right direction

  6. #6

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    The Learning Channel turned into The Dumb Down Channel a while ago. This is a step in the right direction
    That is what happens when a focused niche network sells out to big media. They eventually dumb all programming down to the lowest level.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    This should be in the Outrage Of The Day thread.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Kelroy with that clever title would probably be shocked to find out that viewers of this show probably were nOT rednecks

  9. #9

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Kelroy with that clever title would probably be shocked to find out that viewers of this show probably were nOT rednecks
    I would imagine most of the viewers are those who believe they are so much better than those people in reality shows....of course they "don't have cable" because they're too good for TV so they watch it on Netflix or Hulu

  10. #10

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    I eat catfish and lobsters like it's no one else's business.

  11. #11

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    If you eat catfish, eating tilapia ain't nuttin' but a thang.

  12. #12

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Did I forget to mention crabs? Okay . . . crabs.

    (I also eat a lot of tuna. Even albacore. It has so much mercury in it I can tell the temperature without a store-bought thermometer.)

    (you know that Kettle Chip flavor contest that Frito-Lay had recently? the one where Wasabi Ginger emerged the winner. I think they need to come out with some chips flavored like Lead Paint. maybe they already have . . . this would go a long way toward explaining the Honey Boo Boo phenomenon and the people who watch it.)

  13. #13

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Never watched the show but find it interesting that some people try and want to stereotype people as much as they can even though they claim to be against discrimination and non judgmental .....

  14. #14

    SoSA Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCretro View Post
    Never watched the show but find it interesting that some people try and want to stereotype people as much as they can even though they claim to be against discrimination and non judgmental .....
    If you have never watched the show, then where is your standing on the issue at hand?
    Would nowhere be fairly close?
    Sorry . . . All that Albacore Tuna with the Bad Omegas is kickin' in . . . =)
    (please accept my sorry as an apology rather than a defense =)

  15. #15

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    The worst part about tilapia isn't that it's a bottom feeder. It's that it has Omega-6, which is very bad for you.

  16. #16

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    I apologize for being a food snoot of the semi-redneck persuasion. 'k? kiddos? =)
    ^ last two (above)

  17. #17

    Default Re: What will Rednecks do now?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I apologize for being a food snoot of the semi-redneck persuasion. 'k? kiddos? =)
    ^ last two (above)
    You better be careful. We're talking about Omega-6 here. If it were Omega-5.99, then I'd agree with you. But I want to live, and Omega-6 doesn't play around. It could pull a few strings and yous be sleepin with the fishes.

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