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View Poll Results: Do you support raising the speed limit to 80MPH?

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Thread: Turner Turnpike

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  1. #1

    Default Turner Turnpike

    This is very welcome news.... I'd honestly say increase it to 100, but this is a start. The proposal is to increase the speed limit to 80MPH.

    Norman Senator Suggests Raising Speed Limit On Turner Turnpike - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

  2. Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    This is very welcome news.... I'd honestly say increase it to 100, but this is a start. The proposal is to increase the speed limit to 80MPH.

    Norman Senator Suggests Raising Speed Limit On Turner Turnpike - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
    Why is it welcomed news? People already go well over 75 and raising it is just going have people go that much faster. It isn't exactly a stretch of highway out in flat terrain of West Texas.

    And seriously... 100? Yeah that would go over well. We would end up with a bunch of inexperienced kids trying to floor it out there and cause more of a hazard than anything. Could you imagine a semi doing 100 and then trying to stop suddenly?

    If they want to go to 80 mph fine...but I would also say the entire thing should be flagged as no tolerance and the speed camera enforced.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Can semis eve go 100? There would obviously have to be a few safety upgrades, but yeah, I think it would work. Perhaps the driver safety part of it might not work, I honestly don't know. Didn't Kansas use to have unlimited speed limits on a few highways?

    Ad for the photo enforced speed cameras, I do not support that all.

  4. Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Can semis eve go 100? There would obviously have to be a few safety upgrades, but yeah, I think it would work. Perhaps the driver safety part of it might not work, I honestly don't know. Didn't Kansas use to have unlimited speed limits on a few highways?
    As soon as you raise the limit to 100, you'll have someone trying to do 110 or more. As far as I know Montana is the only one that legally had "reasonable and prudent" speed limits and that backfired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Ad for the photo enforced speed cameras, I do not support that all.
    That's because you, well your dad, would be broke by now with your driving habits.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    That's because you, well your dad, would be broke by now with your driving habits.
    Right. Someone couldn't possibly have a legitimate practical or philosophical argument against speed enforcement cameras. Obviously, anyone against them just wants to drive twice the speed limit and not get caught.

    Disclaimer...because Internet: My comments above are sarcastic.

  6. Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by ethansisson View Post
    Right. Someone couldn't possibly have a legitimate practical or philosophical argument against speed enforcement cameras. Obviously, anyone against them just wants to drive twice the speed limit and not get caught.

    Disclaimer...because Internet: My comments above are sarcastic.
    Keep in mind the person has publicly declared on this forum (iow, made it public for us to reference) that he has routinely gone on the Indian Nation turnpike and has done well over 100, use to street race in NW OKC and did over 200 mph before he nearly killed a family in a minivan, and has a DUI before he is even 20. These are just three and he has previously trumpeted his other acts of treating speed limits as minor annoyances that won't get in his way.

    Now for privacy concerns and all that...I can understand the concerns there about speed cameras and fully respect those. My home town has them and they are annoying, but they also did serve a purpose. Red light running is down. Speeds on roads that were marked 50, but many did 65-70, are finally back to safe levels.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Keep in mind the person has publicly declared on this forum (iow, made it public for us to reference) that he has routinely gone on the Indian Nation turnpike and has done well over 100, use to street race in NW OKC and did over 200 mph before he nearly killed a family in a minivan, and has a DUI before he is even 20. These are just three and he has previously trumpeted his other acts of treating speed limits as minor annoyances that won't get in his way.
    If that's the case, I take back my snarkiness. There's no excuse for driving dangerously like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Now for privacy concerns and all that...I can understand the concerns there about speed cameras and fully respect those. My home town has them and they are annoying, but they also did serve a purpose. Red light running is down. Speeds on roads that were marked 50, but many did 65-70, are finally back to safe levels.
    Red light cameras are a completely different beast than speed cameras. Red light cameras reduce light running, but increase fatal accidents. Kind of defeats the point of improving safety. I recall reading something about a lot of cities in Florida taking down their red-light cameras because of how dangerous the effects are.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Keep in mind the person has publicly declared on this forum (iow, made it public for us to reference) that he has routinely gone on the Indian Nation turnpike and has done well over 100, use to street race in NW OKC and did over 200 mph before he nearly killed a family in a minivan, and has a DUI before he is even 20. These are just three and he has previously trumpeted his other acts of treating speed limits as minor annoyances that won't get in his way.

    Now for privacy concerns and all that...I can understand the concerns there about speed cameras and fully respect those. My home town has them and they are annoying, but they also did serve a purpose. Red light running is down. Speeds on roads that were marked 50, but many did 65-70, are finally back to safe levels.
    ouch... like I said, I have improved my driving and slowed, but I understand the criticism.

    I'm not an expert in the matter and perhaps 100 wouldn't work, but for whatever reason it works in other countries and I think more driving awareness would go a long ways. A majority of the car wrecks in the US are due to distracted driving, not speeding.

    Also keep in mind, I have not gotten in one wreck since I've been driving. I know tons of "safe" drivers who follow the speed limit and drive "safely" who started driving after I have and have already been in 2-5 wrecks, mostly fault of their own.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Can semis eve go 100? There would obviously have to be a few safety upgrades, but yeah, I think it would work. Perhaps the driver safety part of it might not work, I honestly don't know. Didn't Kansas use to have unlimited speed limits on a few highways?

    Ad for the photo enforced speed cameras, I do not support that all.
    Absolutely semis can run over 100 mph. Most company trucks are dialed down to run only a certain top speed, or are controlled by GPS. But there are independant truckers out there who's rigs can easily top 100.

    I've made a few trips to Tulsa recently and 80-85 MPH is the norm. If you're running 75, most others are passing you.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    I am a speed limit driver, not a coward but I don't like lighting a match to money (tickets). For years everybody told me that people must fly by me and it has never been the case. Yes, some do, but it's not "the norm". I went to Tulsa Thursday, set the cruise on 75 (both speedometer and GPS showed 75), and very few people passed me. I wish I had counted them but I would say 20-30 vehicles passed me. Driving home, I believe it was about the same.
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    I've made a few trips to Tulsa recently and 80-85 MPH is the norm. If you're running 75, most others are passing you.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I am a speed limit driver, not a coward but I don't like lighting a match to money (tickets). For years everybody told me that people must fly by me and it has never been the case. Yes, some do, but it's not "the norm". I went to Tulsa Thursday, set the cruise on 75 (both speedometer and GPS showed 75), and very few people passed me. I wish I had counted them but I would say 20-30 vehicles passed me. Driving home, I believe it was about the same.
    C. T.
    Like I said, I've made several runs up to Tulsa recently and 80-85 was the norm every time. There and back. I started out 75mph in the right hand lane but after being passed by numerous vehicles by the time I got past the Luther area going east, I finally stepped it up to stay with them and it was 80+ all the rest of the way. Same thing west bound. Just past Sapulpa, speed bumped up. Sure, there were were points where traffic slowed down for the left lane campers, and around the toll plaza, but after passing them, it was right back up. Virtually the same thing on several other trips I've taken up that way earler this year and late last year. I guess I should have included the disclaimer that "individual results may vary."

    Even if the speed limit remains at 75 MPH, 80 doesn't bother me. Cars and trucks are much safer than they were even ten years ago. Better handling, better brakes, better tires.. It's the nuckleheads you have to watch out for.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Haven't popped over to Tulsa in a while but when I was running over that way some, folks adhering to the current limit were few. I do not know how strictly they enforce speed limits on the Turner anyway. In all the time over the years I have had an opportunity to visit with a trooper, none of those visits took place on the Turner. I've passed a few and been passed by a few, but never had a chat.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Unless they widen the section between Sapulpa & Tulsa, 80 in that section seems unlikely, except maybe in the middle of the night.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Unless they widen the section between Sapulpa & Tulsa, 80 in that section seems unlikely, except maybe in the middle of the night.
    Same with the section at and just east of Welston.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    I did get a ticket years ago on Turner Turnpike. I believe it was New Years Eve day. Well I was running 69 in a 65. Yes,true story. 4 miles an hr over and HP gave me a ticket. Pretty sure the speed limit was 65 mph all the way from OKC to Tulsa at that time. He nailed me going east just a little west of Chandler exit.

    So I say raise the limit to 80 mph and leave me alone when I am running 84.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I did get a ticket years ago on Turner Turnpike. I believe it was New Years Eve day. Well I was running 69 in a 65. Yes,true story. 4 miles an hr over and HP gave me a ticket. Pretty sure the speed limit was 65 mph all the way from OKC to Tulsa at that time. He nailed me going east just a little west of Chandler exit.

    So I say raise the limit to 80 mph and leave me alone when I am running 84.
    You found a either a really bored trooper or it was getting towards the end of the month.

  17. Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    There in lies the problem. Why raise it to 80 when people will just do 84-85 anyway? Like now. It is at 75 and most go 80-85 already. Effectively going to 80 you are going to have traffic push 85-90 all the time. At some point you just have to call it good and not touch it. I think 75 is a good limit for most areas and would like to see it show up on some non-toll roads.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    There in lies the problem. Why raise it to 80 when people will just do 84-85 anyway? Like now. It is at 75 and most go 80-85 already. Effectively going to 80 you are going to have traffic push 85-90 all the time. At some point you just have to call it good and not touch it. I think 75 is a good limit for most areas and would like to see it show up on some non-toll roads.
    Don't you think there's a point where the effect of drivers going 10 MPH over the speed limit tapers out? It's expected that with a speed limit of 60 MPH on a highway that generally feels safe to go 70 MPH people are going to tend more toward 70 than 60. But 70 MPH is a comfortable speed for many drivers. I don't think most OK drivers would be comfortable driving 90 MPH, so I doubt the flow of traffic would be 90 on the turnpike "all the time," if ever. Most drivers on the four-mile stretch of I-35 posted 70 MPH between Moore and Norman can't stand to go any faster than 65.

    The best approach to speed limits is to set the limit on a given road close to the speed drivers naturally tend toward (more specifically, to the general flow of the speed of traffic). This creates more uniformity in traffic speeds, which is an important safety factor. This is why, in California (and I would assume some other states), many new roads don't have posted speed limits, but do have equipment set up to measure speed. They gather data for a few months, then post limits based on the average speed at various times during the day (in addition to road features and accident/collision data).

    If most (truly most) drivers are going 80 or faster on Turner Turnpike, which has been my observation, the limit should be higher than 75 MPH.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    im ok with 80MPH.. 100MPH? I will refrain from my comment on that as last one got deleted. SMH
    I got stopped.. well my buddy was driving.. on the way to Tulsa for Center of the universe Festival. we were going 87 we were talking and he just didn't realize his speed. the officer was polite and seemed to be more interested if we might have weed in the car since we told him we were going to a music festival I assume.. but he wrote us a ticket and we went on our way.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    I think 80 is the max it should be raised.

    Most vehicles in this state are not maintained well enough for me to be safe driving next to someone going any faster than that.

    I see a lot of overinflated, underinflated, excessively worn tread, and cracked sidewalls on tires when I am walking through parking lots. Speed those tires up to 85 or 90+ and there's a very dangerous situation looming. Most drivers are not trained or experienced in how to handle losing a tire at high speed. Most drivers aren't paying attention.

    Coincidentally, yesterday afternoon when I was walking in to the airport from the employee lot, I heard a loud bang and crash. I turned around, and saw a lady who's tire blew and she swerved into a concrete jersey barrier. That was at no more than 30-40 mph probably (based on how far down the road she was from the stop sign)-- just get someone unskilled who has a blowout at 95. I don't want to be anywhere nearby.

    As they say, driving is easy. It's the other guy that's going to kill you.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Don't even understand why this study is being done as the OTA has already stated they do not think this is a good idea. Even at 75 mph, its a little hairy in some spots.

    Assuming the OTA wanted to raise the speed limit, the turnpike in its current state would make this very risky. Dangerously short on-ramps, too many hills, lots of overgrowth from oak trees restricting visibility. There are also about 5 places on the turnpike where privately held ranch roads intersect at-grade. These are likely from when the turnpike was first built as a concession to the landowners out there and would almost certainly need to be removed.

    Catch22 brings up a good point that there are too many crap cars in this state, thanks to no inspections. Too many vehicles here would have a hard time even making it to 80.

    The only places where speed limits have been raised successfully are long flat stretches of road with little traffic or roads like the bypass around Austin that have been specifically designed to handle higher speeds. Turner Turnpike is none of these things.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Don't even understand why this study is being done as the OTA has already stated they do not think this is a good idea. Even at 75 mph, its a little hairy in some spots.

    Assuming the OTA wanted to raise the speed limit, the turnpike in its current state would make this very risky. Dangerously short on-ramps, too many hills, lots of overgrowth from oak trees restricting visibility. There are also about 5 places on the turnpike where privately held ranch roads intersect at-grade. These are likely from when the turnpike was first built as a concession to the landowners out there and would almost certainly need to be removed.
    (1) - What overgrowth from oak trees?
    (2) - What ranch access? The gates you see occasionally are there for OTA trucks to access the road for maintenance.

    I do agree with the ramp problem. Ever tried to get up to speed when leaving the Stroud concession area? Brutal if you are eastbound as you have to really strain to see oncoming traffic.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    All you have to do is randomly drive through retail parking lots to see that many people can hardly park their cars correctly let alone drive.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    My deal is it too easy to get a drivers license. I accidentally floated a stop sign because I was nervous during my drivers exam and I passed. That is ridiculous. Not to mention they test in an area with low traffic in Edmond and it is incredibly easy to navigate.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Turner Turnpike

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    My deal is it too easy to get a drivers license. I accidentally floated a stop sign because I was nervous during my drivers exam and I passed. That is ridiculous. Not to mention they test in an area with low traffic in Edmond and it is incredibly easy to navigate.
    My instructor told me the point at which I passed, so I did not even have to attempt parallel parking, I do not know if there was any other parts I got to skip since he did not say anything else after I said I was fine with just going back.

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