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Thread: Today in religion

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  1. #1

    Default Today in religion

    I'm thinking these folk forgot what Christianity was all about......

    A Florida woman said her family’s church canceled funeral plans for her son after learning he was gay.

    Julie Atwood said the pastor of Tampa’s New Hope Missionary Baptist Church abruptly called off the service after reading her son’s obituary and discovering he was survived by a husband.

    “Based on our preaching of the scripture, we would have been in error to allow the service in our church,” said Pastor T.W. Jenkins. “I’m not trying to condemn anyone’s lifestyle, but at the same time, I am a man of God, and I have to stand up for my principles.”

    Jenkins, who preaches against same-sex marriage, told Atwood it would be “blasphemous” to hold the funeral at his church, reported WFLA-TV.

    Julion Evans, 42, legally married his partner of 17 years, Kendall Capers, in Maryland before dying of a rare illness, amyloidosis, after a four-year battle.

    “Everyone who knew us knew about our relationship,” Capers said. “We didn’t keep secrets.”

    Atwood said she was baptized as a child at New Hope and several family members still attend, although she now attends another church.

    But she decided to hold the service at New Hope, which can accommodate hundreds of mourners – which her own church cannot.

    The abrupt cancelation left less than 24 hours for Evans’ family to make backup arrangements, and some mourners showed up at the wrong church and missed the funeral.

    “It was devastating,” Atwood said. “I did feel like he was being denied the dignity of death.”

    Capers said he understood the church’s position, but he said it was “disrespectful” to cancel the service after it was already planned.

    “This is 2014, this is not the 60s or the 70s,” Capers said. “So at the end of the day I just want his wrongdoing to be exposed.”

  2. #2

    Default Re: Today in religion

    disgusting. these people aren't Christians. WWJD? such compasion. they are better off to have not stepped food in that den of hate. a nice FU to a family in their time of sorrow.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Today in religion

    Not surprising the church took it's web site down. I wonder if they were getting a lot of comments on their Christian like behavior.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Today in religion

    Crappy of them to cancel with such sort notice, but I don't have a problem with a church refusing to hold a funeral for someone's beliefs who they don't embrace.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Today in religion

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Crappy of them to cancel with such sort notice, but I don't have a problem with a church refusing to hold a funeral for someone's beliefs who they don't embrace.
    I agree that is their right to do. however it does show a lack of compasion for others. and on short notice after plans are set is just tacky and rude. it is curious that many christians feel that they should be allowed to not embrace other peoples beliefs. however everyone should embrace theirs. practice what you preach.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Today in religion

    I thought Jesus loved everybody no matter what.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Today in religion

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    I thought Jesus loved everybody no matter what.

    I have no beef with Jesus!.. but save me from his followers!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Today in religion

    I doubt I could have my funeral in a Mosque, without following their faith. Shoot, I most likely couldn't even hold a funeral in a Catholic church.

    To me the bad part of this story is the canceling (both the timing and the fact that they had already agreed).

    I'm a bit curious about the family's choice of venue, since the stance of the Baptist church in regards to homosexuality isn't exactly a secret.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Today in religion

    Well the fact remains that many homesexuals identify as Christian. perhaps it was his church growing up. I bet if he wrote a check in the collection plate each week it wouldn't be turned down because of him being Gay. regardless they agreed to provide a service ( which I am sure they have done for people who are divorced or have had pre- marital sex or committed adultry ) and then they broke that contract on short notice. had they just declined the service this wouldn't be a story. ( there are many who have declined that I know of from my own experience, heartbreaking to some people sure but more understandable that this )

  10. Default Re: Today in religion

    I'm with a couple of the commenters above. Why would they have chosen a southern (southern non-capped on purpose...could be Southern or some other Fundamentalist) Baptist church to have funeral for a homosexual who died. As someone who attended a SOUTHERN Baptist church due to a former marriage and heard some of the things this church preach, I absolutely would have anticipated this behavior - - except for saying "no" to begin with.

    Clearly, not everyone believes the same way. This is why there are denominations and other religions. I would have to say, I doubt a mosque would have done the service, either, so it's not just the more Fundamentalist Christians.

  11. Default Re: Today in religion

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I'm with a couple of the commenters above. Why would they have chosen a southern (southern non-capped on purpose...could be Southern or some other Fundamentalist) Baptist church to have funeral for a homosexual who died. As someone who attended a SOUTHERN Baptist church due to a former marriage and heard some of the things this church preach, I absolutely would have anticipated this behavior - - except for saying "no" to begin with.

    Clearly, not everyone believes the same way. This is why there are denominations and other religions. I would have to say, I doubt a mosque would have done the service, either, so it's not just the more Fundamentalist Christians.
    As I read it, it seems that the mother was a member of the church and wanted to hold her son's funeral there, likely surrounded by family and friends who are also members of that church. Regardless, it's a crappy thing to do to someone in grief over the loss of her son.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Today in religion

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I'm with a couple of the commenters above. Why would they have chosen a southern (southern non-capped on purpose...could be Southern or some other Fundamentalist) Baptist church to have funeral for a homosexual who died. As someone who attended a SOUTHERN Baptist church due to a former marriage and heard some of the things this church preach, I absolutely would have anticipated this behavior - - except for saying "no" to begin with.

    Clearly, not everyone believes the same way. This is why there are denominations and other religions. I would have to say, I doubt a mosque would have done the service, either, so it's not just the more Fundamentalist Christians.
    I'm just spitballing it here but perhaps it had something to with it being
    her family’s church
    . Funerals are for the living and not the dead. Denying a member of your church a basic church service because you want to shame the dead is pretty shameful in of itself. Good grief.

  13. Default Re: Today in religion

    10 - 1 the preacher does not practice all the laws of Leviticus and cherry picks that one to fit his own personal beliefs. Sad hypocritical man.

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