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  1. #1

    Default 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Districts, state superintendent, react to testing results

    Barresi says district outrage is misplaced.

    “This isn't about putting them back in 3rd grade. That's a big point that's been missed here. This is about taking a breath, giving them a year, to really focus on proven strategies to get them ready to be successful in 4th grade.”

    Sooooo, the students are not going to be in the 3rd grade and they are not going to be in the 4th grade. That must mean...

  2. #2

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores


    I saw an article, that I didn't read closely, that said something like, if the kids who weren't proficient at a third grade reading level could show they were proficient at a second grade reading level then they would be granted special dispensation to enter the fourth grade. Apparently, I not only didn't read the article closely, but I also didn't read it with understanding or comprehension. In any case, it didn't make sense to me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    ^ I saw that same "comment" last night and was trying to find it a again this morning (if it's the same one). Spoke about needing "a cadre of volunteers" to help read to children.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Starting Monday, Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) literacy staff and REAC3H Coaches will be manning telephone hotlines for educators and parents who have questions concerning the application of the RSA.

    The RSA Hotlines will be active from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays from Monday through Friday, May 23.

    Parents and community members can call (405) 521-3774 to leave comments or questions. The line will be monitored, with responses provided in a timely fashion.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    If 8,000 kids aren't promoted, isn't that going to clog up the pipeline? Won't more schools have to be built to accommodate the overflow and deal with traffic through the system? Hmmmm . . . Maybe this will be good for the economy in the long run.

    I don't understand all this over-concern with third grade reading. What I'd be looking at--and being concerned about--is their ability to read a ruler and graph functions. On the other hand, if they can't read, how do they expect to be able to text stuff. It's the proverbial rock and a hard place.

    Seriously: I can't remember how I learned to read. I know that my mom spent a lot of time prepping me for Kindergarten and First Grade (where official Reading Training began) by reading TO me . . . yet I can't remember just when or how the ability--and love--of reading came to me. It's gotta be tough to teach someone how to develop a skill they have no real interest in acquiring.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    If 8,000 kids aren't promoted, isn't that going to clog up the pipeline? Won't more schools have to be built to accommodate the overflow and deal with traffic through the system? Hmmmm . . . Maybe this will be good for the economy in the long run.

    I don't understand all this over-concern with third grade reading. What I'd be looking at--and being concerned about--is their ability to read a ruler and graph functions. On the other hand, if they can't read, how do they expect to be able to text stuff. It's the proverbial rock and a hard place.

    Seriously: I can't remember how I learned to read. I know that my mom spent a lot of time prepping me for Kindergarten and First Grade (where official Reading Training began) by reading TO me . . . yet I can't remember just when or how the ability--and love--of reading came to me. It's gotta be tough to teach someone how to develop a skill they have no real interest in acquiring.
    I remember sitting on the couch with my mom every night and we would read through the little books I brought home. I remember a lot of the "see spot run" stuff was really boring. My mom must have had infinite patience.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    If 8,000 kids aren't promoted, isn't that going to clog up the pipeline?
    Based on the various articles I've seen, they expect about 50 percent of the kids to obtain exemptions. I'm not sure what the criteria is though.

    Florida had similar results their first year, and the percentage of kids who failed dropped steadily each year after that.

  9. #9

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    The first books I remember really enjoying--I mean REALLY enjoying--were the Dr. Seuss Series, beginning with The Cat In The Hat. In my opinion, the best of them all was McElligot's Pool. It scarred my paradigm of the world for life. =)

    (p.s.: this was long before Sesame Street or Reading Rainbow or [etc.] ever rose over the learning horizon. =)

  10. #10

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    I cut my teeth on the "We Were There" books back in the 1950'S...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	220px-WeWereThere.jpg 
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ID:	7791

  11. #11

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    I remember that, in Second Grade, I was really into books like these:

  12. #12

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    OMGosh! I Sooooo remember that book, "The Adventures of Old Man Coyote." And, as much as I hate to admit it, I don't think I ever read it to any of my children. I had them enrolled in the Scholastic Reading Program, plus we made bi-weekly trips to the County Library.

  13. #13

  14. #14

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    This should be surprising to no one, yet alarming to everyone.

  15. #15

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Some want to blame the test. I blame the schools for failing these children. The test just uncovered what a huge failure our primary schools are.

  16. Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Some want to blame the test. I blame the schools for failing these children. The test just uncovered what a huge failure our primary schools are.
    Grossly underfunded education system will be Oklahoma's downfall in the future. An uneducated population is a poor population.

  17. #17

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieBerto View Post
    Grossly underfunded education system will be Oklahoma's downfall in the future. An uneducated population is a poor population.
    It seems the Gov. and the Legislature are in a pissing match over really important stuff like more laws to protect the 2nd Amendment. The good Gov. also veto's two Bills she doesn't deem necessary. The first one would amend a sales tax exemption law for 100 percent disabled veterans and their surviving spouses by requiring the state Tax Commission to issue separate exemption cards to a spouse or household member of an eligible person so that purchases could be made on their behalf. The second one would require Oklahoma hospitals to provide parents of newborns with educational information about whooping cough disease and the availability of a preventative vaccine.

    Oklahoma governor, lawmakers exchange political messages | News OK

  18. #18

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieBerto View Post
    Grossly underfunded education system will be Oklahoma's downfall in the future...
    I can't for the life of me figure out why the Oklahoma Education system would be underfunded.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	7813

  19. Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    I can't for the life of me figure out why the Oklahoma Education system would be underfunded.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Oklahoma Lottery.jpg 
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ID:	7813
    The lottery was a bait and switch move by the State. Little of that money goes to schools.

  20. #20

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieBerto View Post
    The lottery was a bait and switch move by the State. Little of that money goes to schools.
    Too right. Actually, I'll bet that a lot of the lottery money that the state receives DOES go to schools, but they reduced the money they were using for schools before the lottery by an equal or greater amount.
    Bait and Switch for SURE!

  21. #21

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    I can't for the life of me figure out why the Oklahoma Education system would be underfunded.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Oklahoma Lottery.jpg 
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ID:	7813
    Saying that schools are underfunded because of the lottery is just asinine. The lottery provides something at least, about $70million a year if Im not mistaken. What are you getting at? Should we do away with the lottery? Is the $70million not worth it? Does the lottery do more harm than good? I dont get the comments from some about the lottery, as if thats where the blame lies with our poor edu funding and results.

    If you want to figure out why our schools are underfunded it isnt because of the lottery. Its because we eliminated the franchise tax a couple years ago. Got rid of the intangible property tax, gross production tax on oil drilling could go back to what is was. These things add up to hundreds of millions a year. This is why edu is underfunded, not because of the lottery.

  22. Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Saying that schools are underfunded because of the lottery is just asinine. The lottery provides something at least, about $70million a year if Im not mistaken. What are you getting at? Should we do away with the lottery? Is the $70million not worth it? Does the lottery do more harm than good? I dont get the comments from some about the lottery, as if thats where the blame lies with our poor edu funding and results.

    If you want to figure out why our schools are underfunded it isnt because of the lottery. Its because we eliminated the franchise tax a couple years ago. Got rid of the intangible property tax, gross production tax on oil drilling could go back to what is was. These things add up to hundreds of millions a year. This is why edu is underfunded, not because of the lottery.
    Most people who play the lottery, can't afford to be wasting their money away. All that money is not going to schools. It is basically just another way to tax the poor and uninformed.

  23. #23

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Saying that schools are underfunded because of the lottery is just asinine. The lottery provides something at least, about $70million a year if Im not mistaken. What are you getting at?
    onthestrip...I am not saying education is underfunded solely because of the State Lottery. However, compared to other states that have lotteries, WE ARE underfunding our K-12 programs. Where other states are setting aside 57-77% of lottery sales to K-12 education, Oklahoma sets aside 45%. If we want to improve our Reading programs, which just might get us out of the lower rankings as far as graduation rates go...then, let's increase the amount of lottery money taken in to go towards K-12, say 10-15% more.

  24. #24
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieBerto View Post
    Grossly underfunded education system will be Oklahoma's downfall in the
    future. An uneducated population is a poor population.
    More money doesn't guarantee a better education. DC has about
    the highest funding in the US and remains near the bottom in scores.

  25. Default Re: 3rd Grade Reading Scores

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    More money doesn't guarantee a better education. DC has about
    the highest funding in the US and remains near the bottom in scores.
    I love it when you make these comments. Basically you are saying money or no money will not guarantee a better education. So there is no saving education. Teachers and programs that have money can reach more children and parents. If parents are strapped for cash and need to work nights, more money can go toward school run after school programs. Which could then help kids with their homework. If we also then paid the people doing these after school programs and teachers during the day like we pay our politicians, then I am guessing their care level will go up. This leads to a better education.

    I bet you will next say, "Guns in every class room will raise the test and reading scores."

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