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  1. Default Manly Smells

    This is a topic from another site that I found interesting and would like to see how it plays here.

    What are some scents or smells that you consider manly?

    A well-used automotive repair garage. A mixture of oil, grease, tires, with a faint cigarette smell.
    A baseball glove/mitt - Dirt, grass, leather and sweat from a well-used mitt.
    Pipe smoke - reminds me of my grandpa, one of the manliest men to ever walk the earth.
    Gunsmoke/spent ammunition
    Old Spice cologne
    The smell of an old car interior from the '40s-60s.

    These are some that resonate with me and I can almost smell them just by naming them.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    Two classic after-shave's making a big comeback.

    Pinaud Clubman (original)

    Pinaud Clubman (Virgin Island Bay Rum)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    When my Dad was stationed a Millington N.A.S. there was a barber shop in Memphis he used. I learned a lot of new words and ALWAYS got busted trying to sneak into the corner where the Playboy magazines were laying on a little round table. This may sound odd but the smell of jet exhaust reminds me of being on Navy and Air Force bases which were pretty manly back then. My wife likes me to use Old Spice deodorant because it reminds her of how I smelled in High school.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    Morning after taco mayo beer farts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    Morning after taco mayo beer farts.

    Really pungent when you lived in a trailer with 3 other Airmen. May not have been T.M. but yeah a night of beer and Mexican food was rough the next day.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Manly Smells

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Now if they could fit some kind of muffler on it that would be impressive.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    Manly Smells? Seriously? LOL!!!

    As far as colognes/after shaves...Mon Triomphe and Jovan Musk

    By far the BEST Manly Smell...is coming home with your Son after a day of fishing!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    The smell of tires and that smell after you mow the lawn

  10. #10

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    saw dust, fresh cut grass, fresh tilled dirt, chewing tobacco, black coffee, bbq smoker smoke, old car exhaust when they had carburators, high quality leather, old spice, stetson, and brute

  11. Default Re: Manly Smells

    Good stuff all around. Its funny how many of these are pretty much the same where ever this question is asked, even across generational lines.

    The vote for Bay Rum aftershave reminds me that Aqua Velva is also a common one listed as well. A freshly opened bag of charcoal is very popular. One related to Dennis Heaton's "fishing with son" smell is an old tackle box. One I read that I left off my original list is an old, wood-framed, dirt-floor garage. Thinking about how that place smelled takes me back to playing in my grandpa's shop as a kid.

    Others have suggested the smell of a canvas tent on a warm night, the smell of a freshly-lit Zippo lighter, and gun cleaning solvent. Former military guys might list the smell of a hot gun barrel, the smell of an old Navy warship, deuce-and-a-half diesel exhaust, etc.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    Beer, fresh cut grass, gasoline, saw dust, oil, burning wood, gun powder/fire crackers, leather boots/work shoes, aftershave (old spice).

    The smell of your dad's hair/skin when he carries you on his back in the swimming pool.
    Ylouder has a list that is pretty much identical to what crossed my mind.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    Friday night races at the fairgrounds.. fuel,oil & rubber.. A scent we used to call "burning steet stock"

    Two stroke exhaust while out riding dirt bikes with your buddies.

    Inside the cab of the truck after a day riding dirtbikes with your buddies.

    Newspaper bundles while getting ready for your paper route.

    Steam locomotives.

    Welding shops.

  14. #14
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Manly Smells

    English Leather.

    Hai Karate.

    Jade East.

    Dog flatulence.

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