Why the FBI will be raiding one metro mall this week | KFOR.com
I don't like this one bit.
Why the FBI will be raiding one metro mall this week | KFOR.com
I don't like this one bit.
Next thing you know there'll be a real mall terrorist attack.
False flags happen.... Gulf of Tonkin , the burning of the Reichstag, etc......
Lone shooters don't equal terrorist
Not in America , they probably know something and instead of warning us they will wait till something bad happens
LOL, conspiracies are everywhere for some people. WE ARE ALL DOOMED!!!!
I have no idea what the point of saying that is or what it has to do with story, but it's not true.
It is called "security theater" and it gives people bureaucratic jobs to provide funds and organizing for "inter-agency" cooperation. What a complete waste of taxpayer money. You can't plan for every contingency, the government cannot "make us safe." But, they can make us think they are making us safer.
It was fairly slow traffic there today. Arts Festival drains the patrons a bit. Like the Fair does.
I think i might go up there and park and watch the DHS agents deploy from their Bradley Fighting Vehicles or LAV-25s and pretend to play "soldier".
Contrary to popular belief most attacks are going to be over and done with before first law enforcement officer can set food on property. Quail Springs should be investing in well trained security personnel and security measures in and around the mall. I am not talking about not talking about geeked up security guards with an arsenal and expensive toys the government uses. I am talking about people trained to aggressively sniff out the unusual from the usual and properly designed campus layouts that discourage attacks.
How is doing this kind of mass-situational drill any different from the training emergency responders do for mass casualty incidents, or even building fire drills, for that matter? This is pretty standard protocol and puts their ops folks in a new situation so they have an inkling of what to do beyond what's written "on paper" in a similar situation. If this were not publicized, I doubt this would be an issue.
Its just more attempt to desensitize the public to automatic weapons and military style policing. It has no place in the public eye or public sector. I want my cop to look and act like Andy Taylor , not a member of Blackwater. Those of you ok with this its your right , I have my own opinions.
They're trying to de-sensitize people, which is why they're trying to do the drill at 2 a.m. instead of during a busy day at the mall. Okay.Originally Posted by garin
So if the City along with the Sheriff's office. for example, were to put on a fire evacuation drill from the Chesapeake Center, say, or wanted to work with other Emergency Ops units to stage "mass casualty" incident drills, it's all part of a conspiracy? How about it's part of simply being prepared. I'm more "afeared" of what I see coming out of any one of the gun shows at the State Fair than I would ever be of an emergency ops/terrorism preparedness drill. If we started talking more about gun "safety" (and yes, by "safety" I mean regulations, plus stiffer ID requirements/background checks, as well as the overall mental heath of this country, then maybe we would have less to fear, as would the FBI.
I'm sure most cops would love to act and look like Andy Taylor as well, but they don't have a choice, given with what they have to face in today's world. Last week you were standing tall in support of Cliven Bundy, but his type of fringe group is exactly the kind of group (along with foreign terrorist groups) that our current FBI has to deal with and be prepared for.
thanx for the reminder. although it might be counterproductive in terms of de-senitivizationalism within the context of the general outrage.
(yet, doesn't a 2:00 AM, FauxPoliceRaid, in the vicinity of an Albatross (or elephant in the room) of A Mall in a Commercial Zone on the Border of Urban Sprawl beg the question: Who Cares? =)
Heritage Park Mall, in Midwest City, probably would have caused less controversy on account of it's deserted all the time.
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