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Thread: Oklahoma Film Rebate

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  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma Film Rebate

    It's looking more promising that this will be extended.

    Oklahoma state Senate committee approves film rebate extension | News OK

    The state Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday approved a bill previously approved by the House calling for a 10-year extension of a $5 million film rebate program designed to attract movie and television productions to the state.

    House Bill 2580 now goes to the full Senate. A similar companion bill, Senate Bill 1721, was previously approved by the Senate and is pending in the state House of Representatives.
    I thought this might be in trouble after we recently had one of our enlightened legislators trying to end it because he didn't like the way that "August Osage County" portrayed Oklahomans.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma Film Rebate

    It looks like this will be happening now in spite of the irrational debate against it.

    Oklahoma Senate passes film tax rebate bill | News OK

    A bill to extend a tax incentive program designed to attract more movie productions to Oklahoma passed the state Senate on Thursday, despite complaints from some senators that Hollywood has painted an unflattering image of the state.
    The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 31-11. It will now be sent to the governor, who previously said she supports the program.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma Film Rebate

    It's done.

    Gov. Mary Fallin signs bills to attract filmmakers and national events to Oklahoma | News OK

    Gov. Mary Fallin on Wednesday signed bills into law that will extend a tax incentive program designed to attract more movie productions to Oklahoma and reimburse Oklahoma communities for some of their expenses in attracting national and international events.

    The extension of the rebate bill for filmmakers sparked controversy as it passed through the House and Senate, with some lawmakers complaining about providing incentives to producers of films such as “August: Osage County” that portray Oklahomans in a less than favorable light. That film, which starred actress Meryl Streep, was about a dysfunctional Oklahoma family.

    Other lawmakers praised the attention and economic activity such films bring to the state.

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