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Thread: Fundraising Effort Unveiled For Billboard Museum Along Route 66

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  1. #1

    Default Fundraising Effort Unveiled For Billboard Museum Along Route 66

    This seems like a really cool venue; hopefully it'll get built. Seems like it would be better for Yukon.

    OKLAHOMA CITY - Billboards have been called the art gallery of the American highway.
    A group supporting The Billboard Museum to feature advertising at a museum along Route 66 in Oklahoma has launched a website and fundraising effort to make the planned museum a reality.

    The planned museum would be dedicated to historical billboards, signs and advertising dating back to the late 1800s. Supporters hope to build it near Bethany or Yukon.

    Land alone could cost $4 million, so Billboard Museum Association president Kathy Anderson and others are selling charter memberships as a fundraiser.

    The museum proposal includes a building to house a variety of exhibits, while an outdoor driving loop will showcase vintage billboard structures and other signs.
    Fundraising Effort Unveiled For Billboard Museum Along Route 66 - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fundraising Effort Unveiled For Billboard Museum Along Route 66

    While i can see the nostalgic aspect, i look at billboards as right-of-way and highway litter and eyesores. Its fine as long as public money isnt used

  3. #3

    Default Re: Fundraising Effort Unveiled For Billboard Museum Along Route 66

    Oh, the irony. Not long after this project was initiated, the historic, Route 66 Carlyle Motel sign located just east of Portland on NW 39th Expressway was salvaged from the trash. Eventually, it ended up online and was sold off in pieces. I think the museum is a great idea, but too late to save many of our retro treasures. The neon Catalina Motel sign on Shartel was replaced with backlit junk about six months ago.

    This museum could be a nice addition for Route 66 in OKC. The road draws visitors from all over the world. I'm sure there is some economic impact data somewhere. I think it's worthy of some kind of public investment. Carlyle Sold Off In Pieces.jpg

  4. #4

    Default Re: Fundraising Effort Unveiled For Billboard Museum Along Route 66

    I do agree this will be awesome. I'm split whether public funds should be used for this or not though.

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