Originally Posted by
I refuse to watch or listen to commercials. Period. I quit listening to them.
about 1985. The sounds were totally offensive, meaning unappealing to my
ears, sonically, and intellectually void. If I heard one more potato chip
crunch or someone telling me I needed an item I was going to go nutz. Duh.
During the 1986 Superbowl I quit watching commercials for the same
In my truck I have a watch with a countdown timer set at 55 seconds
velcroed to my steering wheel. When a commercial comes on I turn off the
radio and cycle through the time a few times. Usually it's safe to listen after
4 minutes. It's better to miss some of the programming, like Classic Rock
107 then hear any portion of a commercial. With TV I use my iPhone and
have the programs I watch timed so I don't have to see a commercial.
F'rinstance, MASH on 5.2 there's a 4 minute commercial break and the
next is two minutes. The same goes for all of the 30 minute programs
on that network. The 60 minute shows are a little different.
I enjoy being commercial free, but I'd never want them to be outlawed.
Afterall, they pay for my TV!
In two years it will be 30 years since I voluntarily listened or watched a