Anyone else catch this on PBS?
Definitely TV worth watching (or recording to watch later).
(but i liked The Wire, Breaking Bad, Deadwood, Carnivale and Seinfeld so i am probably biased)
Anyone else catch this on PBS?
Definitely TV worth watching (or recording to watch later).
(but i liked The Wire, Breaking Bad, Deadwood, Carnivale and Seinfeld so i am probably biased)
So, Andrew . . . wasn't Martin Freeman's fiancée, in the season opener, the same lass who played the receptionist/whatever who gave Saxondale hell at the Pest Control Labor Exchange? (in that BritCom by the same name?) I know that I could have Googled the answer, but I'm simply testing my feeble "powers of observation". =)
That isn't such a strange question if one considers the fact that the Saxondale star just co-starred with Julie Dench in a film nominated for an Academy Award. =)
Never mind. I was wrong. It wasn't her.
(as i said: "feeble powers of observation" . . . but i still thought Saxondale was a hoot. =)
Sorry . . . Tonight's episode of Sherlock (season 3) was the best thing I've seen on television in a long, long time.
From start to finish.
My wife and I both agreed that whoever acts the parts, the writers of the script are far, far beyond amazing.
(not to mention the cinematography and editing!)
Did season 3 premiere today on PBS? I just finished watching the last episode of the season on BBC. It's sooo good.
Great show all the way around! I only wish the seasons were longer than 3 episodes! Already can't wait for the next season.
Since I am more like John Watson than Sherlock Holmes,
I set my expectations a bit lower:
I already can't wait for the next episode. =)
(even if i've got a low-rent "memory palace" and everything. =)
Another Kudos to PBS.
(from a nominal 'conservative')
I forgot to mention, on "the front end"--above--that I am also a big fan of "Corner Gas" and "DaVinci's Inquest". so . . .=)
and, in case it hasn't been said previously, "Welcome Aboard, hfry"
For the sake of artistic integrity and bridge-building with vague sherlockian clues for the confused:
Corner Gas - Ruby Reborn - Part 1 - YouTube
I've heard good things about this show, I'll have to start at the beginning.
Every single episode is on Youtube. They have a channel.
I re-watched the most recent episode--actually I watched, for the first time, the first ten minutes of the episode previously broadcast and then rerun--and it was worth the time invested. I won't aver that it was better than the season premier, yet, I will admit that it was "TV worth watching." Even with all that awkward wedding stuff and whatever . . . =)
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