Originally Posted by
Uncle Slayton
That's actually a good question, RM...yes, all genealogy is genetic, but DNA testing is pushing things back so much further than the standard list of 'begats' that most people view as their family history.
I despised biology in college, but am having to learn (and re-learn from my sophomore daughter) DNA and how it's put together...some of the population models are fun to plug your DNA results into and see what percentages you are of every known group on earth.
Your grandpa was right, might not want to look too closely at some of those branches. My patrilineal line terminates rather abruptly in 1865-ish in Federally-occupied northern Alabama. A plantation owner named Edwin Tanner was dragged from his home and shot by a group of his former slaves turned Union soldiers...my direct ancestor disappeared about that same time, he being the overseer on Tanner's plantation. One might guess that his punishment may have been equal to that dispensed to the unfortunate Mr. Tanner. At any rate, no one in my family ever talked about it.
Agree with you on haggis. Who was it that once postulated that all Scottish cooking can be traced to a dare?