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Thread: Alfred Hitchcock's unseen Holocaust documentary to be screened

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  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Alfred Hitchcock's unseen Holocaust documentary to be screened

    From The Independent
    ... In 1945, Hitchcock had been enlisted by his friend and patron Sidney
    Bernstein to help with a documentary on German wartime atrocities, based on
    the footage of the camps shot by British and Soviet film units. In the event,
    that documentary was never seen.

    "It was suppressed because of the changing political situation, particularly for
    the British," suggests Dr Toby Haggith, Senior Curator at the Department of
    Research, Imperial War Museum. "Once they discovered the camps, the
    Americans and British were keen to release a film very quickly that would
    show the camps and get the German people to accept their responsibility for
    the atrocities that were there."

    The film took far longer to make than had originally been envisaged. By late
    1945, the need for it began to wane. The Allied military government decided
    that rubbing the Germans' noses in their own guilt wouldn't help with postwar

  2. #2

    Default Re: Alfred Hitchcock's unseen Holocaust documentary to be screened

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    From The Independent
    ... In 1945, Hitchcock had been enlisted by his friend and patron Sidney
    Bernstein to help with a documentary on German wartime atrocities, based on
    the footage of the camps shot by British and Soviet film units. In the event,
    that documentary was never seen.

    "It was suppressed because of the changing political situation, particularly for
    the British," suggests Dr Toby Haggith, Senior Curator at the Department of
    Research, Imperial War Museum. "Once they discovered the camps, the
    Americans and British were keen to release a film very quickly that would
    show the camps and get the German people to accept their responsibility for
    the atrocities that were there."

    The film took far longer to make than had originally been envisaged. By late
    1945, the need for it began to wane. The Allied military government decided
    that rubbing the Germans' noses in their own guilt wouldn't help with postwar
    Interesting, I didn't know he made that. I'll have to check it out.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Alfred Hitchcock's unseen Holocaust documentary to be screened

    "Shoah" (another look at what occurred) was one of the most powerful glimpses of that time I have ever seen. It was screened on PBS many years ago then mysteriously dropped off into some corner of the mediasphere . . . sort of like "Connections" (with James Burke).

    I wonder why that happened.
    ("Shoah" disappearing from the easily accessible public eye)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Alfred Hitchcock's unseen Holocaust documentary to be screened

    It may not be the final version referenced in the article but the documentary has been shown before and it does have some shocking video and pictures.

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