With all this talk about MAPS IV, what projects would HAVE to be on the ballot for you to vote for it. Let's not worry about the language, just the actual projects. And let's assume everything would be on budget.
With all this talk about MAPS IV, what projects would HAVE to be on the ballot for you to vote for it. Let's not worry about the language, just the actual projects. And let's assume everything would be on budget.
Wow, 23 and I still don't read directions. Didn't realize I could choose multiple answers. All of those would be a positive, obviously, but anything that would improve public transit would be big IMO.
Bus System Upgrades need to be implemented to where the bus is running continuously every day and night til, say, 11PM. Routes need to be analyzed and readdressed if necessary. I will never ride the system but it needs to be incorporated to tie in with all modes of transportation including the streetcar.
Streetcar Expansion on the scale of branching out in a 5 mile radius from Downtown OKC. Pick a route or two or three into or on the border of various neighborhoods in and around downtown. Those people feel left out in the cold because they think that MAPS 3 is for CBD Downtown only.
I chose Other for urban cycling purposes. Having a city street as a "sharrow" is nice and the dedicated lanes downtown as part of Project 90 are a start, but we need to further expand bicycle lanes from our center. I think starting off with funding to turn Harvey all the way up to NW 36th would be an awesome start to bringing an awareness of this to the drivers of Oklahoma City.
Does Phase II of the Convention Center include the Hotel? ....then yes.
I've said several times that recreation (bike, running, hiking trails, improved parks, possibly a large aquatic center near the river, etc.) should be the primary focus, along with extending the streetcar to the Health Sciences Center.
Indoor Snow Skiing? ...sure. Energy Tower of 1,000 ft. ... sure.
I saw yours. I meant this more for other people who didn't post. Thanks for the details. I would like to see more bike-friendly areas not just around lakes and rivers in OKC as well. Pick a street that isn't as highly traveled like Portland and make it three lanes instead of four with dedicated bike lanes on either side. Wouldn't cost too much money. Just somoe specialty paint and time.
I'm gonna share one simple "truth" w/ you OKCisOK4me, all projects ( regardless of scale ) share the same requirements to become a reality, they need 100% funding & the will to see it through.
So when I suggest a project ( that may be a little out of your comfort zone $$$ ), remain calm. The Energy Tower ( 1,000 ft. + ) IS doable. If Seatle can build a Space Needle, maybe we can have our signature structure too. ...it could be a future MAPS project or a seperate initiative for the OKC ( private ).
Also any other MAPS needs to be light-rail not commuter.
For the people who voted for Other, what would you like to see, minus the indoor skiing, of course...
I don't live in OKC but if I did I would vote for maps IV based solely on the success of the previous maps projects.
My Other is Regional Transit Authority. I'm pretty sure that it shouldn't be branded as MAPS, but maybe that's where MAPS needs to end and RTA takes over.
But seriously, a soccer stadium I'd really like to see, but we need to see how the USL/NASL thing pans out first.
I'm with you on this. But what I would say to that is, the location would be a large determining factor for me as well. If it's not going to be centrally located, forget it. I don't want a stadium way up on the NW side or up in Edmond. If we do that, we might as well go back to the original first plan of upgrading Wantland Stadium at UCO through the second phase. This puppy needs to be downtown-ish. in the vast wasteland of C2S would be ideal to spur some development around it....since right now we've got jack crap happening and won't until some sort of PRIVATE investor decides to build there.
Yes I would - the RTA funding will necessarily need to be separate and long term for O&M. MAPS can be ended whenever the citizens of OKC decide they no longer wish to fund large public projects in that manner necessitating the use of bond issues or not building quality of life infrastructure and other amenities.
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