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Thread: A (True) Christmas Story for 2013

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  1. #1

    Default A (True) Christmas Story for 2013

    In order not to rob herself of a blessing, and in order not to be accused of “sounding her own trumpet” (as “in the manner of the Pharisees”) she can’t tell anyone about this. Yet, I can . . .

    It was the morning of Christmas Eve. She was braving the cold weather and the insane traffic in order to run some last minute errands. Her primarily goal was to pick up some odds and ends for the family Christmas Dinner that she was hosting the following day. Although she had long ago dropped the habit of buying a load of frivolous presents—material things that are often quickly set aside and forgotten—one of her stops was by the bank to pick up some cash. She wasn’t sure just why. After stopping by the bank, she pulled into the parking lot of a Dollar Tree store.

    As she started walking toward the doors of the discount emporium, she noticed an older woman, a young woman and three children emerge from an old, beat-up van. She thought that they were probably a grandmother, her daughter and her grandchildren. At that moment, a quiet voice said, “You need to do something for those people.”

    She had heard that voice before. Sometimes she shrugged it off and at other times she responded to it. Today, she paused and asked, “Is that You, God . . ? Or is it just my own thoughts?”

    As she walked through the aisles of the store, she passed by the little group, from the old van in the parking lot, several times. Each time she did, that small, insistent, irresistible voice kept saying: “You need to do something for those people.” And each time, she asked, “Is it You, God? Show me that it really is You, Holy Spirit.”

    When she got to the checkout line, there was the older woman, carefully counting out her change to make a small purchase.

    This was all the “proof” that she needed that the Holy Spirit, was indeed speaking to her and that she needed to respond. She reached into her purse, pulled out a fifty-dollar bill, and handed it to the lady.

    “Have a wonderful Christmas,” she said to the old woman. To herself she said, “Thank you Holy Spirit, for letting me know you were really speaking to me. You have blessed me beyond measure.”

    It is said that, “The LORD works in mysterious ways.” Yet sometimes, if we listen carefully, the revelation of the LORD’s thoughts and blessings are ours simply for the asking, because The Kingdom of God is within and among you. It is here that Faith begins, along with The Unconditional Love of God that some translate as “Charity.” Believe it or don’t. It is Your choice.

  2. #2

    Default Re: A (True) Christmas Story for 2013


    I happen to believe in mysterious ways, though i concede I haven't quite gotten over the time I couldn't find, but really needed, a lengthy bit of dead tree. After scouring a well cleared day use area in vain one night, and near giving up, a very strong clear sense struck my thoughts ... Look up stupid.

    And there, a foot or so above me, were numerous long and very dead branches still attached to the tree.

    Ya know, a simple Look up woulda sufficed. No real need for it to have been so danged personalized.

  3. #3

    Default Re: A (True) Christmas Story for 2013

    Well . . . It is, after all, written that "some will be always looking but never seeing" . . . (paraphrase)
    It was a perfect opportunity for Thanksgiving. Wasn't it? I think it was.

    The Old School Christian Church I used to attend always sang:

    "Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings flow,
    "Praise [Him] all creatures here below
    "Praise [Him] all ye Heavenly Host
    "Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."

    Right after The Collection of The Offering.

    Not that God needed the money.
    We simply needed to remind ourselves
    About what really matters

    We were Old School Protestant (against what?)
    yet it was a good weekly reminder. =)

    Merry Christmas, Amigo!

  4. #4

    Default Re: A (True) Christmas Story for 2013

    The Doxology has one more line. I'm sure you know and inadvertently left out line two which is:
    "Praise Him, all creatures here below"
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Well . . . It is, after all, written that "some will be always looking but never seeing" . . . (paraphrase)
    It was a perfect opportunity for Thanksgiving. Wasn't it? I think it was.

    The Old School Christian Church I used to attend always sang:

    "Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
    "Praise [Him] all ye Heavenly Host
    "Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."

    Right after The Collection of The Offering.
    Not that God needed the money.
    We simply needed to remind ourselves about what really matters.

    We were Old School Protestant (against what?) yet it was a good weekly reminder.

    Merry Christmas, Amigo!

  5. #5

    Default Re: A (True) Christmas Story for 2013

    You, Sir, are of course, correct.
    Danged ol' new-fangled HP Laptop anyways . . . =)

    "All Creatures Here Below" is one of the most important parts
    Of the larger picture captured within a few simple lines of verse.

    Thank you for pointing that out. And merry Christmas to you too.
    For Real.

    (oversight corrected. again, thank you.)

  6. #6

    Default Re: A (True) Christmas Story for 2013

    Merry Christmas and happy new years to you and your family.
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    And merry Christmas to you too.
    For Real.

  7. #7

    Default Re: A (True) Christmas Story for 2013

    Merry Christmas everyone!

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