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Thread: Rockwell & Memorial

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  1. #1

    Default Rockwell & Memorial

    There are new stop lights going in on Rockwell just north of memorial. They are very close to memorial. There are drive aprons poured leading in to the fields on both east and west sides of rockwell. There isn't any dirt being moved where these lights are positioned. So what will be going in that requires these new stop lights which are so close to memorial that will create the traffic volume?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Rockwell & Memorial

    Big planned unit development (PUD) that will eventually include a large shopping center.

    There have not been any building permits for the center, I believe it is just a general concept at this time.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rockwell & Memorial

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Big planned unit development (PUD) that will eventually include a large shopping center.

    There have not been any building permits for the center, I believe it is just a general concept at this time.

    Apartments under construction...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rockwell & Memorial

    That would be the perfect place for a Crest Fresh Market. Right now there is virtually no decent grocery stores on this side of town and with Gaillardia being there I think there is probably demand. Nonetheless I hope something decent ends up there.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rockwell & Memorial

    Also, the City is spending $1.5 million to widen Rockwell one half mile north of Memorial, so they are probably putting the curb cuts in now as a part of that project.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rockwell & Memorial


    There is a Crest about 2 miles south of Rockwell and Memorial at Rockwell and Hefner basically.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rockwell & Memorial

    Quote Originally Posted by oakhollow View Post

    There is a Crest about 2 miles south of Rockwell and Memorial at Rockwell and Hefner basically.
    Yes there is, but as stated in the grocery thread, it is tiny and below standard. It could be replaced by a newer, larger store and would be a big hit. The difference between the Hefner/Rockwell Crest and the newer stores is about as big as the difference between the 18th/Classen Homeland and the Britton/May one.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rockwell & Memorial

    Those under construction are the Trails at Rockwell:


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