Originally Posted by
I can see an overpass for 34th contributing positively, but 34th itself needs to be entirely reworked from what it is now (the new bridge that is obviously planned for four lanes is a good start), and probably that would need to be first. Also, there are some potential issues with widening it to 4 lanes, especially if you add a turn lane, such as the cemetery at 34th and Telephone. Also, that would create another light at 34th and the access road, which would eventually turn into another 19th due to all the housing going in on or near 34th (North of Talavera, south of Blue Stem, etc).
I honestly don't think widening 19th would help a lick (it's 4 lanes with a turn lane), and it would create massive issues in the process (rivaled with what's going on with Main St in Norman). Some of the Norman overpasses are wider and those intersections are just as bad.
Are we talking about the same street? Just making sure...