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Thread: New iMacs are out

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  1. #1
    Joe Schmoe Guest

    Thumbs up New iMacs are out

    In Paris on Monday, the new imac was introduced. It takes the iPod aesthetic & wraps it around a consumer level computer. In that way, it's not totally unexpected like the previous version of the iMac, but still a very dramatic desktop computer.

    And very fast with a 90nm G5 processor from IBM. ranges from 1.6GHz to 1.8GHz *

    This design will take awhile to grow on me, but in person their stuff is always stunning. They make industry leading flat panel diplays & these new widescreen numbers are very beautiful.


    I know a lot of people who buy laptops just to have a compact computer that doesn't take up much room on their desktop, but this new iMac will satisfy that desire nicely.

    *I know, compared to intel that sounds slow, but intel has artificially inflated gigahertz performance by building with longer data pipes. AMD & now even Intel are moving towrds more RISC based processors & have to now tell their customers that GHz ratings are not the true measure of speed for a processor. But the damage is done, people think that GHz specs are a good way to measure performance.

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: New iMacs are out

    I saw story about that a the news just now. Wow, the whole PC, screen and all is less than 2 inches thick. Not bad for a PC! It never ceases to amaze me, the intelligence of the human mind.

  3. Default Re: New iMacs are out

    Wow! Very nice. I invested a lot in the PC I built, so I probably won't be plopping down any money for one of these although I'm intrigued.

    I also agree that GHz shouldn't be used to measure a CPU's performance. A 2.2 GHz AMD Athlon processor wipes the floor with a 3.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor because the processing stages in an AMD processor are almost half the number of stages in an Intel Pentium 4. AMD has 12 stages of processing, Intel has 20. Needless to say, AMD is my choice of processor. No question.

  4. #4

    Default Re: New iMacs are out

    As an Apple PowerBook G4 user, I salivate at the new iMac. And as a Mac Evangelist, I hope that Apple's market share picks up. Thanks to the iPod, more people are open to Apple as a computing platform. iTunes is free for both Macs and PCs and you can buy music legally right now. Just go to itunes.com. You can hear a 30 second preview of every song in their million song database. You can burn hours in iTunes and not spend a dime.

    Go Apple!

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