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  1. #1

    Default 3dtv

    I finally got a 3D TV (LG554600) last weekend. I must say it is much better then I ever hoped for. DirecTV has 3 full-time 3D channels which are pretty good and the have some really cool documentaries (Forgotten Planet is one). The 3 channels are 3NET, ESPN 3D, and 3D Cinema (pay per view). Netflix also has a small collection of 3D videos on Instant Queue. Does anyone else have a 3D TV and if so, what are your thoughts?

  2. Default Re: 3dtv

    I've had a 3D, Smart-TV for a couple of years now.

    We use the 'Smart' features all the time (social media, Netflix, Flickr, I heart Radio, etc.). The 3D feature is cool, but the fad wore off pretty quickly with us. We watched a few movies but now don't turn it on unless we are playing a 3D enabled video game (which is VERY cool I might ad).

    I like it, I just wouldn't pay more than say $100 for it to be in my TV. Many DVD players, etc. are now coming with 3D ability built-in.

    Also depends on your type of 3D. Do you need to use rechargeable 3D glasses, etc. I think our is called passive and you use glasses that do not need to be charged.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 3dtv

    I have a passive system so I don't have to plug the glasses in. It came with 4 pairs but I already had 8 pair left over from the early days of 3D in theaters. All 12 pair work perfect. I don't know abot the 'fad' angle though (give me another month). I watched a documentary on Venice the other day and there are scenes that just can't be captured in 2D. Forgotten Planet had a documentary on Gary, IN and I had seen similar ones before in 2D. There is no comparison. Maybe the film makers have gotten better at working in 3D. However, sports in 3D seems to be worthless (especially football). If anyone is considering the 3D just for sports then don't get it, unless you like soccer. For some reason soccer seems a lot better; I think it's because you get a true sense of how far apart the players are.

    As for video games - my son played Call of Duty and he thought it was cool at first but then he lost interest. However, GT5 and NBA are off the chart awesome in 3D. And of course animated movies are 10X better in the 3D.

  4. #4

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    However, sports in 3D seems to be worthless (especially football). If anyone is considering the 3D just for sports then don't get it, unless you like soccer. For some reason soccer seems a lot better; I think it's because you get a true sense of how far apart the players are.
    After seeing it more I am going to retract this comment. Only football seems worse in 3D. Sports where spacing plays a role all seem to be better. Even tennis is better. I haven't watched any NASCAR yet so my jury is still out on that one.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: 3dtv

    Golf in 3D is great. Gives a better sense of elevations. Can't wait for the Masters.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Golf in 3D is great. Gives a better sense of elevations. Can't wait for the Masters.
    I watched a small portion of 2012 Master the other night. You can really tell how the greens slope.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Golf in 3D is great. Gives a better sense of elevations. Can't wait for the Masters.
    Where are you getting golf in 3D?

  8. #8

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    Where are you getting golf in 3D?
    DirecTV carries the ESPN 3D channel.

    ESPN 3D

  9. #9

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Golf in 3D is great. Gives a better sense of elevations. Can't wait for the Masters.
    it is a game changer for golf ... the masters in 3d is unreal

  10. #10

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Thinking Dish doesn't have it

  11. #11

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I finally got a 3D TV (LG554600) last weekend. I must say it is much better then I ever hoped for. DirecTV has 3 full-time 3D channels which are pretty good and the have some really cool documentaries (Forgotten Planet is one). The 3 channels are 3NET, ESPN 3D, and 3D Cinema (pay per view). Netflix also has a small collection of 3D videos on Instant Queue. Does anyone else have a 3D TV and if so, what are your thoughts?

    3DTV will not take off until they fine a way to offer it without having to were glasses. I do know a couple companies are working on the new techonlogy. I sometimes watch directv tv 3D channels but hate to have to wear the glasses.

  12. #12

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by bhawes View Post
    3DTV will not take off until they fine a way to offer it without having to were glasses. I do know a couple companies are working on the new techonlogy. I sometimes watch directv tv 3D channels but hate to have to wear the glasses.
    I totally agree. I went to see the new OZ movie last weekend in 3D. The effects were amazing but I literally couldn't wait for it to be over so I could take off the glasses.

  13. #13

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I totally agree. I went to see the new OZ movie last weekend in 3D. The effects were amazing but I literally couldn't wait for it to be over so I could take off the glasses.

    So you left the movie?

  14. #14

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I totally agree. I went to see the new OZ movie last weekend in 3D. The effects were amazing but I literally couldn't wait for it to be over so I could take off the glasses.
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    So you left the movie?

  15. #15

    Default Re: 3dtv

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    So you left the movie?
    Nope, LOL. If I had been alone I might have. I did LITERALLY take off the glasses occasionally though.

  16. #16

    Default Re: 3dtv

    I think Toshiba was the only company that came out with non-glass 3d but it was very limited in it is capabilities. There were only certain spots you could sit in realtion to the TV and it gave most people headaches. I don't know of anyone still working on it outside of the Nintendo 3DS. The glasses don't bother me and you can always watch the 3D channels in 2D. What I can't figure out is that my 3D was only $799 and is one of the best 2D LED TVs on the market and people were in the store buying more expensive 2D TVs. Why buy a 2D Plasma TV for $1000 when you can get a 3D LED TV for $200 less? Another big plus is that the annual estimated energy cost was $14 (a little over $1 per month). My old TV was somewhere around $120 per year.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: 3dtv

    The best thing about my big screen 3D is that I get to sit and watch the 3D kids' shows with the grandkids and enjoy them beings so entertained...they love it. There are more action and kids' movies than anything. The happiness and excitement of the grandkids makes it worth it all by itself and I would pay more just for that!

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