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Thread: Drained

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  1. #1
    Jay Guest

    Default Drained

    I have been reading the different post on here in regards to relationships in general. Some of these posts remind me of my old attitude about love. I used to have the mentality of “No one would ever want me and I would be single forever.”

    I have never had a problem getting dates. I would always make an ass of myself on the first date. I would go out my way trying to impress a girl. I had the mentality of this was my one and only shot to convince this girl to see me. I was mess I would say anything. I more or less acted like a used car salesman trying to sell a wreck of a car.

    I never realized what I was doing until I went on a double date with a friend. Anyway…… to get to my point. I think dating depends on you and your attitude toward life in general. Sure, your going to be punched in the stomach a few times but, eventually you learn to block or learn to move to avoid the punches.

    Eventually you learn not to be too dependent on relationships. You learn that being single is not so bad after all. You learn that you do not have to put up with someone and their issues unless you truly want too. You learn how to spot someone who will be a problem and someone who will be the answer to your prayers.

    I have been single for almost six years. The main reason it has been so long is that I have not asked very many women out. It is not as if I am scared to ask. It is just that there is not that many that cross my path that bring me to thought of “I would like to ask her out.” When those times occur, I strike up a conversation and ask for a phone number if appropriate.

    My new attitude towards dating is this. I will live my life and make the best of everyday rather or not I find someone. When I do find someone I will make them very happy and make them feel like the luckiest person alive. Until then I will continue to pursue my dreams and live a happy life. By simply being the best son, friend, brother, nephew, grandson, and Uncle I can be. Those people that I am the previously mention to I am everything with their love and support.
    Last edited by Keith; 06-24-2005 at 06:57 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Drained

    I need to adopt more of YOUR attitutde. I think I will....spend less time being concerned about a relationship for a while and more time enjoying whatever I want to.

    I was thinking last night (my first restful night's sleep in a long time), I deally people would date for a few years several different people. Then they would marry one and stay there for the rest of their life. If they dated 10 to 20 people before finding the right one, that means 90 to 95% of the people they dated were not the right ones.....to me that actually sounds reasonable.

    So until one comes who really stands out, I'm just going to assume that there is a 90 - 95% chance that each is not the right one....assume that going in and be less dissappointed going out.

  3. Default Re: Drained

    Just follow your heart and listent to your gut! And pray alot...

  4. #4
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Drained

    I just realized I pasted the text from my post twice. If I can get a moderator to edit out the repeat I would gladly appreciate it.

    My sincere apologies to anyone that is annoyed by the repeat.

  5. #5
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Drained

    Quote Originally Posted by OklaCity_75
    I just realized I pasted the text from my post twice. If I can get a moderator to edit out the repeat I would gladly appreciate it.

    My sincere apologies to anyone that is annoyed by the repeat.
    No problem ......got it taken care of.

  6. #6
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Drained

    Thanks Keith

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