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Thread: Neti Pots Rock!

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  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Neti Pots Rock!

    I've been sneezing, as many as 12 time per incident, and have had an
    annoying runny nose and eyes for 3 months. Doctors have prescribed
    Kenalog injections, nasal sprays and pills. Nothing has worked.

    Monday I bought a Neti Pot at Walgreen's. The troubles are gone.

    Believe me, I was extremely wary of running water through my nose.
    There were visions that it would be as inhaling water in a swimming pool.
    Nothing of the sort. In fact, I barely noticed the water going into one
    nostril and out the other. Well, the second time I intentionally inhaled for
    1/2 a second and it wasn't that bad. Nothing like being water boarded.

    If you're having Hay Fever like symptoms, and nothing works, then do
    yourself a favor and get a Neti Pot and have a pot party. Just read the
    easy to follow instructions.

    They are truly amazing. Not the instructions, the Neti Pots.

  2. Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    Wife and I have owned neti pots (I insist we each have our own) for years. I like to use pretty hot water with mine and I find with regular use you can avoid many allergies.

    The wife does distilled water due to (the extremely unlikely hood of) some brain eating amoeba

    I first started using one because most allergy medicines make me feel worse (light headed and tired) than the allergy itself.

    When it gets really bad though it seems to only last a few hours and repeated daily use can cause dryness and irritation of the nostrils.

  3. #3
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    ... The wife does distilled water due to (the extremely unlikely hood of) some
    brain eating amoeba...
    LOL! Well, not for her. I once was afraid of contracting an acanthamoeba.
    I'm using filtered water that's sitting on the kitchen counter. Cold?

    Any suggestions for the saline solution?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    Yep, pretty awesome, I try to use them semi regularly, to avoid allergies like Bates said. In the event you are sick or allergies bad, they can definitely help turn things around quickly. I try to use distilled/filtered water as well per the instructions, as to limit microbes in my nasal cavity.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    FYI...DO NOT use tap water in your Neti Pot. Neti Pots linked to rare brain amoeba deaths in 2011. Use only sterile water.

    Tap water in neti pots behind two brain-eating amoeba deaths in 2011, investigation finds - HealthPop - CBS News

  6. #6
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    Quote Originally Posted by Video Expert View Post
    FYI... DO NOT use tap water in your Neti Pot. Neti Pots linked to rare brain
    amoeba deaths in 2011. Use only sterile water.
    An interesting article. I wonder if anyone else has died from using tap water?
    So far only 2 but was it truly the fault of using tap water?

    At any rate, I'm using filtered or distilled water because I don't know.

  7. Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    If I applied the odds of getting that amoeba as the standard for my 'do not do' list, then I wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning. Tried it a few times, but it just made the whole thing too time consuming. Getting the distilled water, heating it up in a separate bowl, waiting for it to cool. I don't have the patience.

    Wife does it religiously though.

    She says if i become a vegetable she's not gonna take care of me!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    She says if i become a vegetable she's not gonna take care of me!
    does that mean she has her own forest service road maps and ain't askeered to wander out of the woods alone at night?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    I have a neti pot and love it. I use it occasionally right before bed and it really helps me sleep better. I'm a mouth-breather, so it really helps me breath through my nose.

  10. #10
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    Has anybody tried the Himalayan saline mix? How about other types?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Neti Pots Rock!

    I have used neti pots for a few years. First couple of times are the hardest. not natural to pour water up your snout. Saves me a lot of misery when the red cedars are spraying, which seems year round. The saline solutions work well for me.

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