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Thread: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

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  1. #1

    Default Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Looks like The Lost Ogle is not on the best of terms with Brian Bates. After reading the story I have to agree with TLO that it was not a very nice thing to do to the business mentioned having just opened and all. Fun Fact: The Video Vigilante is also a local amateur restaurant reviewer | The Lost Ogle

  2. #2

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Who is Scott Adams?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    A local attorney.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    A local attorney.
    Famous or infamous?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    dang. and here i thought Scott Adams was the genius behind The Dilbert Zone.....

  6. #6

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    dang. and here i thought Scott Adams was the genius behind The Dilbert Zone.....
    I wish it could be Douglas Adams. Unfortunately, he left us.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by ThomPaine View Post
    I wish it could be Douglas Adams. Unfortunately, he left us.
    Douglas Adams didn't write Dilbert. That is a man named Scott Adams who is, presumably, not at all related to the apparent local attorney. I thought the article was also referring to the creator of Dilbert. Alas

    Anyway, TLO's bit seemed more to me like they were just taking a shot at Brian Bates because they don't approve of his "video vigilantism," which they bring up often, rather than really defending this restaurant. Based off of the restaurateur's letter, I'd imagine TLO would be making fun of their poor grammar and spelling if the reviewer were anyone other than Brian Bates or someone else TLO has a vendetta against.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    well . . . maybe the BBQ at the end of the universe is better . . .

    (btw: i think that BrianB's informal restaurant reviews in THIS venue seem to be fair and balanced. I guess the controversy at the moment might be an example of what happens when you hang around with lawyers who lunch.....)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Reaching out to a local comedy page because you got a bad review on urban spoon doesn't make the place look terribly professional. Every restaurant gets bad reviews, the good ones prove them wrong with their food, not throw tantrums against them.

  10. Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk405359 View Post
    Reaching out to a local comedy page because you got a bad review on urban spoon doesn't make the place look terribly professional. Every restaurant gets bad reviews, the good ones prove them wrong with their food, not throw tantrums against them.
    This exactly.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk405359 View Post
    Reaching out to a local comedy page because you got a bad review on urban spoon doesn't make the place look terribly professional. Every restaurant gets bad reviews, the good ones prove them wrong with their food, not throw tantrums against them.
    10-4. And not only that . . . I think you are correct in your assessment of fairness.
    The only reason there is an "issue" here is because of the company of lawyers . . .
    Why . . . I remember dining at a little place in the vicinity of Haiti or The Dominican Republic . . . Maybe Jamaica? . . . There was a semi-morose dude to my right said his name was Ernie . . . and another bearded guy (with a bevy of babes} to my left--drinking Dos Equis, btw, not that it matters--when this other fellow, nicely dressed, with the most boring name in the world, James B....whatever . . . orders a martini with some sort of goofy instructions to the waitress--regarding the importance of shaken vs. stirred . . . and that's when the bevy of lawyers on vacation arrived.

    Turns out they were all a bunch of Conchshuckers . . .
    (right about then, Kurt Vonnegut turned to me and said . . . "and so it goes . . . so, have you heard of Ice-9?" =)

  12. Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    This is just par-for-the-course for The Lost Ogle. Their hypocrisy is laughable. Their criticisms of me are pretty funny considering THEY only exist to exploit, highlight, profit off of (anonymously no less) making fun of others. There is no 'other' side of TLO - the only awareness they spread is their own ignorance. But, I do get a pump in traffic when they go on their rants, so, whatever.

    Of course, the best part is UrbanSpoon removed my review from Blu's page because of their whining (even though as you can read it was an honest review - which makes UrbanSpoon's trustworthiness suspect) - but better yet, TLO has reprinted it. So, in effect they just made sure my opinion not only stays on the Web but hits a whole other audience.

    I actually don't have an issue with TLO. You're not going to find a bigger supporter of free speech than me. I just wish they'd put more effort into some of their articles. For the most part they're pretty weak on content and big on just an overgrown bully, college type humor.

    As for this specific article - just more of the same.

    The letter from Kathy is more evidence these people are in no position to own/operate a successful restaurant. I also highly doubt she was there on our visit as there was only one female worker that day and she was no owner.

    The only reason they even know that one was Scott Adams is because he left a review also AND one of the owners/operators had an incident with Mr. Adams and the person was arrested (the police report and more will make a resurgence soon).

    As for 'they were pretty rude' - that is 100% false. We eat as a group on a regular basis and the profile of the men is professional at all times (well known lawyers, a couple of executives and a member of law enforcement and myself). In fact, we were overly nice. When they completely forgot one person's order and they had to leave we simply asked if it could be made togo. We never got up to complain and never really said much of anything. So much was so wrong most at the table actually felt bad for the owners/operators because there were at least three other tables making their complaints known.

    How can TLO or a restaurant complain about bad reviews when they signed up for a review site such as UrbanSpoon? Love how TLO claims you shouldn't leave any bad (aka, honest) reviews for a new restaurant the first few weeks. That's what a review site is for. If they don't want reviews, then don't sign up for review sites. The first thing many people do when they hear about a new restaurant is check for...... wait for it........ REVIEWS.

    I love how they (Blu's) point out they were eventually blocked from UrbanSpoon. That usually only happens when your IP address is associated with multiple repeat reviews using multiple created accounts.

    Then they claim "The bigger problem is Brian Bate’s blog that is linked from the urban Spoon’s home page." What blog? I don't have a food blog. I'm assuming they are confusing the BBQ blog with something I own (which I'd take as a compliment as its a really good blog).

    They go on to say, "Today I searched Blu’s BBQ only to find multiple blogs all over the web. They’re all coming from Brian and his (wife.?)" WTH? What blogs? Where? Also, FYI, my wife wasn't with us when we visited, has never been there and has never given any opinion of the place. Just more lies.

    I wonder how often TLO attacks other people who leave a negative review of a new restaurant? O'yeah, they don't.

    Additionally, anyone who follows any of my reviews knows that I know the difference between 'opening pains' and simply a badly run establishment. Also, I'm one to have no problem giving a place a second chance and even updating my review. Its happened several times.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Of course, the best part is UrbanSpoon removed my review from Blu's page because of their whining (even though as you can read it was an honest review - which makes UrbanSpoon's trustworthiness suspect) - but better yet, TLO has reprinted it. So, in effect they just made sure my opinion not only stays on the Web but hits a whole other audience.
    aka the law of unintended consequences.

  14. Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Looks like The Lost Ogle is not on the best of terms with Brian Bates. After reading the story I have to agree with TLO that it was not a very nice thing to do to the business mentioned having just opened and all. Fun Fact: The Video Vigilante is also a local amateur restaurant reviewer | The Lost Ogle
    I'd love to hear your solution then...... So, are you saying when a new restaurant willingly signs up for a review site that nobody should actually post a honest review if its negative? Only the positive reviews should be published? Exactly how does that meet a need of the dining public?

    Review sites are not about 'being nice.' They about expressing your honest opinion. I didn't attack them personally (which they have done to me).

  15. Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    For a really good read go check out the comments left by this "Kathy" person's "son" on Brian's blog.... No wait.... That's my blog... At least it was my blog.

    Who knows who is writing it this week since according to the Chyzyk's and this "Kathy" person it's all one big conspiracy to put them out of business.....

    Of course from my personal experience it will be their brisket that does them in.

    Blu's BBQ & Burgers

  16. #16

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    This all reminds me of the Divine Swim debacle, wherein some less than stellar reviews were posted and the owner/manager (or someone else directly involved in the restaurant) got super defensive and went ballistic. Not long after, they closed.

    If you're going to operate a business -- especially a restaurant -- in the information age, you'd better be ready to handle criticism and better yet, use it to your advantage.

    Tripadvisor.com has a good system where management can respond directly to any comments, good or bad. It impresses me when someone offers a criticism and I see management respond along the lines of, "Thank you for your business and feedback. We apologize for X, have done X to correct the problem and you can contact me directly for a nice discount next time you visit." Shows they are listening and care about the customer experience, even if they have some bad comments.

  17. Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    This all reminds me of the Divine Swim debacle, wherein some less than stellar reviews were posted and the owner/manager (or someone else directly involved in the restaurant) got super defensive and went ballistic. Not long after, they closed.

    If you're going to operate a business -- especially a restaurant -- in the information age, you'd better be ready to handle criticism and better yet, use it to your advantage.

    Tripadvisor.com has a good system where management can respond directly to any comments, good or bad. It impresses me when someone offers a criticism and I see management respond along the lines of, "Thank you for your business and feedback. We apologize for X, have done X to correct the problem and you can contact me directly for a nice discount next time you visit." Shows they are listening and care about the customer experience, even if they have some bad comments.
    Exactly. I gave less than stellar review once of an experience with Iron Star - Tuck replied personally and handled it professionally and made it right. To this day I recommend Iron Star (and all Good Egg restaurants) with 100% confidence. At least two other establishments I negatively reviewed reached out and made it right (Cafe Nova and Upper Crust). I also was not so positive about Waffle Champion - but now my wife and I visit them regularly on the weekends.

    There is a huge difference between owning a restaurant and maintaining a longterm business model for your restaurant and a positive relationship with the public.

  18. Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Exactly. I gave less than stellar review once of an experience with Iron Star - Tuck replied personally and handled it professionally and made it right. To this day I recommend Iron Star (and all Good Egg restaurants) with 100% confidence. At least two other establishments I negatively reviewed reached out and made it right (Cafe Nova and Upper Crust). I also was not so positive about Waffle Champion - but now my wife and I visit them regularly on the weekends.

    There is a huge difference between owning a restaurant and maintaining a longterm business model for your restaurant and a positive relationship with the public.
    I had the same experience with Van's Pig Stand in Moore. They shorted me 5oz of meat at the drive-thru and the manager handled it very well by commenting apologetically both on Urbanspoon and by e-mail..... Now on the down side I'm still seeing people complain about this same issue at the drive-thru but at least the manager handles it diplomatically even if they can't seem to get the problem fixed.

    What I really find funny is that this "Kathy" person didn't take me to task on my negative review of the chopped sawdust...errr... brisket they served me that day. Rather she chose to take me to task because I said there could be some parking issues.

  19. Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    This all reminds me of the Divine Swim debacle, wherein some less than stellar reviews were posted and the owner/manager (or someone else directly involved in the restaurant) got super defensive and went ballistic. Not long after, they closed.
    Not sure that is what closed Divine Swine. Josh Valentine is on this seasons Top Chef so he was out of town for taping for several months and took a job in Dallas after taping wrapped up..

  20. #20

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Not sure that is what closed Divine Swine. Josh Valentine is on this seasons Top Chef so he was out of town for taping for several months and took a job in Dallas after taping wrapped up..
    I think many liked the food, but I don't think they knew anything about running a restaurant and didn't seem very interested in learning.

    Cooking and running a business are two very different skills that few people master. The smart ones hire people or use consultants that offset their weaknesses.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I think many liked the food, but I don't think they knew anything about running a restaurant and didn't seem very interested in learning.

    Cooking and running a business are two very different skills that few people master. (snip).
    Hence the reason Gordon Ramsay and shows like "Kitchen Nightmares" have an unending supply of nearly dead restaurants to ridicule and/or rescue from the brink of failure. The common theme among the failing owners is either the inability to cook, the inability to run a business, or both, coupled with an unwillingness to learn either.

    Just shows how miserably difficult the restaurant is, even for someone who *does* understand what to do. Even the best-run restaurant will get a disgruntled customer who goes ballistic sometimes. Maybe we need a critique site for critics, where folks can rate the raters to give them "street cred."

    As an aside, I was reading through some reviews of some Branson-area establishments a few weeks ago based on the memories of my family's trip up there in 2010, and also came across some reviews I had written - only to find the verbatim review posted under another name on a different site. Send a pleasant but terse message to the site owners and it was gone shortly therafter

  22. #22

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Cooking and running a business are two very different skills that few people master.
    This very true. It's not all about the food.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    This all reminds me of the Divine Swim debacle, wherein some less than stellar reviews were posted and the owner/manager (or someone else directly involved in the restaurant) got super defensive and went ballistic. Not long after, they closed.

    If you're going to operate a business -- especially a restaurant -- in the information age, you'd better be ready to handle criticism and better yet, use it to your advantage.

    Tripadvisor.com has a good system where management can respond directly to any comments, good or bad. It impresses me when someone offers a criticism and I see management respond along the lines of, "Thank you for your business and feedback. We apologize for X, have done X to correct the problem and you can contact me directly for a nice discount next time you visit." Shows they are listening and care about the customer experience, even if they have some bad comments.
    It is eerily similar to the Divine Swine. Ironically, I've since learned that the chef of Divine Swine is a well known Dallas chef and is a current contestant on Top Chef. Funny how poor the restaurant was run here.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    If you realize that a restaurant puts out hundreds of meals a day, every day and is reliant on low-paid staff who would probably all rather be doing something else for a living... Then you can understand why even the best operations have bad moments.

    It's what they do about them that really matters. Not only the short-term but if the trends is generally upward.

    Everybody understands that new non-chain restaurants take time to hit their stride but many never even get there because they handle some initial bad experiences badly or not at all.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Video Vigilante: Amateur Restaurant Reviewer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    ... you can understand why even the best operations have bad moments.

    It's what they do about them that really matters. Not only the short-term but if the trends is generally upward.
    That is so true, and applies to most business entities. Caring and service still count, for a lot. Sincerity even more so.
    The only two things worse than a bad experience are:
    (a) when the person attempting to resolve the issue is reciting back to you a one size fits all script, whether memorized or being read off a screen.
    (b) doesn't care where they fell short and makes it clear it doesn't matter to them.

    Honestly not sure which one is more frustrating to me, but (a) probably edges out (b) in my book.

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