It's been a long time since we had a garage sale. I went to get permit for one last week, and the information sheet we got says in HUGE letters that you may only have one sign, and it can only be posted at the location of the sale. Other signs are illegal.
When did this happen? Most of the traffic for garage sales comes from people driving by on a main street and seeing a sign, not from looking at the Transcripts classified section. It makes it questionable as to whether it's even worth the effort to put a sale together. I understand that a lot of people don't pick up their garage sale signs after the sale, but there are better ways to deal with it other than shutting down signs totally.
Seems to be obvious that the Transcript has its fingers in the pockets of the city council. Next time some bozo comes knocking on my door asking for my vote for them for city council, guess what question I'm going to ask them?