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Thread: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

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  1. #1

    Default Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    I know someone that lives in the ones way north near Edmond but I cannot find them in the apartment finders guides or anything else online. What gives?------NEVERMIND! Search finally produced info!!


    Looking for good, "safe" complexes in OKC, whatever area is best. I have family on NW 39th and Independence and NW 5oth but the ex is saying everything from west to Council, all NE side and south to 2-40 is "crap, black and wet back". Is this true?
    I was born and raised there to about 8 or 9 and back again several times from 89 and 92. Saddens me to see all the changes even just within a few hours visit once a year.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    Quote Originally Posted by purpledice42 View Post
    I know someone that lives in the ones way north near Edmond but I cannot find them in the apartment finders guides or anything else online. What gives?------NEVERMIND! Search finally produced info!!


    Looking for good, "safe" complexes in OKC, whatever area is best. I have family on NW 39th and Independence and NW 5oth but the ex is saying everything from west to Council, all NE side and south to 2-40 is "crap, black and wet back". Is this true?
    I was born and raised there to about 8 or 9 and back again several times from 89 and 92. Saddens me to see all the changes even just within a few hours visit once a year.
    You can't generalize all of that area of OKC like that. One thing thats different about OKC than anywhere else I've lived is very bad areas and very good areas are in close proximity to each other and there isn't a general rule. For myself, I think NW OKC is fine west of May and especially west of Hefner, but you can really find good and bad areas all over. The real area I would really advise to avoid is the complexes at Penn and NW 122nd. Your best bet is to find a complex you like and then look up crime statistics about that specific complex.

  3. Default Re: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    Yeah, definitely don't live in the apartments near Penn and NW 122nd if you can help it. I had a friend that lived up there (pretty sure it was Heritage Park, actually) and he said it was awful-- apparently there's some unsavory types hanging around/living there.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    That is so weird. My former husband finally moved there after losing his home in the May '10 tornadoes out off of #9 and he is the one that told me all the bad stuff everywhere
    and said this complex is not bad at all.
    I guess it just boils down to opinion's only at this point. I rarely have a problem anywhere I've lived and I've moved ALOT of times for various reasons.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    Yes, things change and opinions evolve.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    Well, I confirmed it. He lives there and says he has never had a problem...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    Just found a place called Persimmon Square also on 122nd and Penn that could be the horrible ones everyone is speaking of...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    The reason you can't find Heritage Park Apts is because you have an angel on your shoulder.
    Don't fight the angel's message. =)

    Naming an apartment complex "Persimmon Square" was one of the all time marketing gaffes ever.
    (right behind Heritage Park)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Why can't I find Heritage Park Apts?

    And yet PS got a 68% rating on apartmentratings.com and 58% for hp. Guess I'll have to find out if a ratings are lying or what the heck.

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