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Thread: Pizza Planet

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  1. #1

    Northwest OKC Pizza Planet

    I heard a rumor that a new Pizza Planet was coming to 16th & N. May across from Jimmy's Egg.

    Sure enough, a Google search shows a business by that name at 1621 N. May.

    Anybody know anything about this? Is there any ownership connection to the chain that operated in the 60's & 70's?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pizza Planet returning?

    They had a great Canadian Bacon pizza.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pizza Planet returning?

    If it is the same pizza i recall it was pretty good but not great.
    Now if only Shotgun Sams would reopen......................

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pizza Planet returning?

    I'm pulling for a version like Pizza Planet in Toy Story/at Disneyworld.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pizza Planet returning?

    I will research it and try to find out if they are the original, but today I received a Wimgo coupon for the Pizza Planet at 1621 N. May.
    C. T.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pizza Planet returning?

    I called them tonight and they are not associated with the original Pizza Planet, but have purchased the right to the name. They specialize in New York style pizza which is certainly not the Pizza Planet I remember.
    C. T.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pizza Planet returning?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pizza Planet returning?

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I called them tonight and they are not associated with the original Pizza Planet, but have purchased the right to the name. They specialize in New York style pizza which is certainly not the Pizza Planet I remember.
    C. T.
    Thanks for the info.!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pizza Planet returning?

    In the current Pizza MarketPlace isn't "Pizza Planet" sort of like The McRib of Pizza?
    (not trying to be "elitist" pizza-wise or anythin' . . . =)

    why did the name "Custino's" just flicker over my perceptural horizon?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    A car drove into Pizza Planet yesterday and killed someone:

    One dead after van crashes into pizza parlor Monday night in Oklahoma City | News OK

    When is Oklahoma going to change their laws about using a phone while driving??

    About 10:15 p.m. the driver of the van dropped her phone while driving south on May Ave. heading toward NW 16th St., Oklahoma City Police report. Police said when the driver attempted to pick up her phone, she drifted out of her lane while traveling through the intersection and struck the curb.

  11. Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    A car drove into Pizza Planet yesterday and killed someone:
    I drove by there today and saw the wall was down and thought it looked like someone drove through it but didn't know for sure until I saw your post.

    The damage was very extensive.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    A car drove into Pizza Planet yesterday and killed someone:

    One dead after van crashes into pizza parlor Monday night in Oklahoma City | News OK

    When is Oklahoma going to change their laws about using a phone while driving??

    I thought it was against the law?
    Or is this something that is just never enforced?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    That is less than six blocks from my house. I heard the sirens around 10:15 but didn't think anything of it since I am so close to May. Maybe I am watching too much Law & Order, but I would say Man 1, 10-15...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Can you imagine getting that call and then finding out it's because someone was reaching for the cell phone? UGH. So sad and awful.

    Also, I live right near here on 19th in Crestwood and that's one of my favorite buildings in the area. Really hope the current owners invest in fixing it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Quote Originally Posted by NWOKCGuy View Post
    Also, I live right near here on 19th in Crestwood and that's one of my favorite buildings in the area. Really hope the current owners invest in fixing it.
    I, too, live nearby and have always loved that building. Of all the lousy non-historic buildings around there, it's such a shame it had to be that one that sustained so much damage! When I drove by a couple of hours ago they were loading bricks and other debris into a rollout dumpster. Not sure if they could've reclaimed any of the bricks for a repair, but it doesn't look like they were trying.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    I think we should be more concerned with someone dying in this accident than in whether or not the building will be rebuilt.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Quote Originally Posted by UnclePete View Post
    I think we should be more concerned with someone dying in this accident than in whether or not the building will be rebuilt.
    Sorry that the wording of my post made it appear I didn't consider the death and was only concerned for the building. That wasn't my intention at all. It was a terrible, awful, random way for that man's life to have come to an end. From what I read in the paper this morning, he apparently was a decent guy, had a job, was as a hard worker, and had just gotten a new car. One can only hope that he didn't suffer too much.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Which is what I was referencing in the first part of my post...

  19. #19

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Tragic. We've had a couple of these freak type accidents lately with the container hitting the bridge and killing the man in a car at the wrong place at the wrong time. Same with this man, just getting a pizza. Both woke up having no idea. None of us do.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    From the article:

    “The investigation is in its early stages, and at the conclusion of that the case will be presented to the (district attorney’s) office, and they will determine what charges, if any, are appropriate,” Oklahoma City police Master Sgt. Gary Knight said.

    One dead after van crashes into pizza parlor Monday night in Oklahoma City | News OK

    What charges? If any? She was reaching for her phone, ran a red light and hit a car in a building. I think there should be charges...

  21. #21

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    From the article:

    “The investigation is in its early stages, and at the conclusion of that the case will be presented to the (district attorney’s) office, and they will determine what charges, if any, are appropriate,” Oklahoma City police Master Sgt. Gary Knight said.

    One dead after van crashes into pizza parlor Monday night in Oklahoma City | News OK

    What charges? If any? She was reaching for her phone, ran a red light and hit a car in a building. I think there should be charges...
    Negligent Homicide comes to mind. Death resulting from her negligence. Misdemeanor charge that carries up to a year in county jail

  22. #22

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Because it's related (and specifically mentions this incident).

    Anti-texting legislation long overdue in Oklahoma | News OK

  23. #23

    Default Re: Pizza Planet


    That editorial mentioned that 44 states have already passed anti-texting laws.

    Why is Oklahoma always among the very last to do things like this?

    Smoking laws are another prime example.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    That editorial mentioned that 44 states have already passed anti-texting laws.

    Why is Oklahoma always among the very last to do things like this?

    Smoking laws are another prime example.
    Without getting too off-topic or political... I think it's one of the traits that make Oklahoma and Texas a bit unique... and it's a positive/negative thing. Very slow to pass laws that are restrictive of personal liberties (at least on some things).

  25. #25

    Default Re: Pizza Planet

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Without getting too off-topic or political... I think it's one of the traits that make Oklahoma and Texas a bit unique... and it's a positive/negative thing. Very slow to pass laws that are restrictive of personal liberties (at least on some things).
    Hahahahahahaha..... Glad you added that disclaimer.

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