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Thread: Allowances?

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  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default Allowances?

    We had a thread awhile back on chores. Do you think you should pay your child an allowance for doing chores around the house? Do you think they should receive an allowance without having to perform chores? How mush of an allowance do you think your children should receive?

  2. Default Re: Allowances?

    When I was a teenager, I got 20.00 a week. What would that be today? Maybe 100.00 a week. That's fair.

    I think they shoud get part of it for lunches and supplies, and earn the rest.

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Allowances?

    I think I got about $100 a month, if I was lucky. Usually it was more like $50 a month.

  4. #4
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Allowances?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I think I got about $100 a month, if I was lucky. Usually it was more like $50 a month.
    Allowance?? What is that? I'll be honest....I don't remember getting an allowance when I was a kid. If I did, it probably wasn't much, or I would have remembered.

  5. #5
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Allowances?

    Paying your child for completing chores is an excellent way to teach work ethic and responsiblity. When my children were growing up, I wouldn't give them a set allowance every week. Instead, I payed them for each chore/job they did around the house.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Allowances?

    We got paid $7.50 a week for doing chores, lawn, dishes, trash etc..

    Seemed like a lot at the time. sheesh

  7. #7
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Allowances?

    Rev. Bob, your idea sounds like a good one. That's probably the method I'll use....pay my children based on the job they do.

  8. #8
    PamK1 Guest

    Default Re: Allowances?

    I have a list of chores for my son. I keep track of whether or not he does them and does them correctly. His allowance is $30/month during school and $50/month in the summer. We look over his chores each month and if he missed some then I deduct from the total. I also give extra for good grades.

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