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Thread: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

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  1. #1

    Smile Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    After thinking about it for a few hours now, I want to ask the Tebow critics and haters a question. The excuse has always been his stats or throwing motion or he can't throw in the NFL. From what I see the only person that had more passing yards was Brees. He threw the ball - He ran the ball. He lead a pro team to a playoff victory against great odds. Can you not be honest enough to admit he can throw, he can play QB at this level. Maybe your criticism is actually based in the fact that he is a moral person. He represents his faith at a level that makes you question yourself. In an age of idiots and druggies being promoted as role models I like him. I know many will not be able to admit their hate is not actually over his ability as a quarterback the hate is based upon what he stands for.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    I don't hate him for his posing or using God every other word mostly hate him since he cost the Sooners another title a few years back

    I think what really annoys people are his stats are normally god awful but he still finds a way to win...Can't come down on the haters too much as just a few weeks ago Elway was even hating on him

  3. #3
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    I don't care if he kneels to pray or to draw a pentagram. The guy is a competitor, and a good one.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    Primarily, what annoys people about Tebow is the media and fan adulation of the guy and all the things that come from it. Every single time the sports media devotes all their attention on the field to one guy, it leads to a backlash against him. It was that way with Favre, it was that way with Tiger, it will be that way for the next guy they do it too. They center their world around Tebow, and people got sick of it. They're sick of not being able to watch a Denver game without a camera being permanently locked on Tebow. They're tired of seeing sports reporters go on about Tebow ad nauseum while pretty much ignoring the efforts of several other players in the league.

    This has led to a side effect that is relatively unique to Tebow, in that among the fans and media Tebow is being given 100 percent of the credit for Denver's turnaround. Never mind the fact that the offensive and defensive lines have picked up their play since the start of the season and turned into stellar units, and never mind the fact that the defense has improved leaps and bounds. Never mind the fact that it was Denver's receivers who were punishing the Steeler's secondary the entire game, never mind the OT game when Tebow didn't even pass and Willis McGehee did all the work or where their kicker booted two insanely long FG for the win. Never mind the fact that Denver's game plan throughout their stretch really did more to benefit Tebow than people want to admit. That's a side effect of the media adulation of Tebow.

    That gradually devolved into this fake-religious war between a segment of Tebow fans who want to make it all about religion (to the point where it's even started disrespecting Tebow and other Christians in the league, as though it takes divine intervention for him to win a game and as though God is actively hurting other Christians for Tebows benefit) and a segment of football fans who aren't religious, but the majority of people who are sick of Tebow have no problem whatsoever with his faith. It's the way he's been put up on a pedestal ever since college. Fact is, if it was all about Tebow's faith, there are plenty of other football players who would have gotten backlash for their faith, and yet we haven't seen that. Despite public opinion, the NFL is full of hardworking people with good heads on their shoulders who are Christians. But none of them get the backlash, and that's pretty good evidence that the overblown media coverage of the guy is the real cause of how polarizing Tebow is.

  5. #5
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    I'm a Broncos fan. As long as he's leading the team to victories I'm happy with him. I have to admit that watching a college style offense work in the NFL has been fun this season. Some weeks it's worked better than others, but that's sort of expected since they switched playbooks mid season. Next year should be interesting after a true offseason.

    The dude (Tebow) can play. He just needs to be more consistent. I think that will come.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    Hawk405359 summed it up perfectly. I'm a Christian and I'm not a Tebow fan but it has nothing to do with faith because I believe what he believes, it's because the media shoves him down my throat every chance they get. I don't hate Tebow and I do think he's a good player, but the reason I don't like him has nothing to do with his religion or how he kneels and prays during games, it has nothing to do with his stats because one of the smartest sayings I've heard goes "it does not matter if you win a race by a mile or by an inch, winning is winning" and Tebow doesn't win by a mile, sometimes he wins by less than an inch but the dude is a winner, it's just he's thrown in my face every time I turn on a TV or get on the internet or check my Facebook. It's a lot like eating chocolate cake everyday for 4 months, it's good at first but after about the 4th or 5th day it starts making you sick.

    And for the record, I do believe that this whole 'people not liking Tebow because of his faith' bull was created by a lot of Christians trying to play a cat and mouse game by saying "the people who don't like Tebow don't like him because he believes in God and they don't" in other words, this is more about God than it is Tebow in some Christians minds... I know the first time I ever heard someone say people don't like Tebow because of his faith I thought to myself "must be trying to start a conversation" because it was one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard. While there are some who don't like him because of his faith, it's not everyone who doesn't like him the way many try and make it seem.

    I do also want to wish Tebow and the Broncos good luck during the rest of the playoffs but we all know the Packers will win it all. =)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    I guess I don't watch telly or hang online where others hang out. I've heard way more about Tebow in this one thread than I've heard about him during the preceding year.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    I guess I don't watch telly or hang online where others hang out. I've heard way more about Tebow in this one thread than I've heard about him during the preceding year.
    Yeah, you just don't watch telly or hang online enough. LOL

  9. #9

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    See, I don't think he's very good, but then again, I'm a Chief's fan, so I'm obligated not to like him as long as he's a Bronco. :P

  10. #10

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk405359 View Post
    See, I don't think he's very good, but then again, I'm a Chief's fan, so I'm obligated not to like him as long as he's a Bronco. :P
    I'm a Packers fan but I also like the Raiders a lot. I'm also a pretty big fan of the 49ers but I <3 cheese till I D.I.E.

  11. Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    Put your Tebow in,
    Put your Tebow out,
    Put your Tebow in,
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Tebow Pokey
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what its all about!

    Do the Tebooooow Pokey!
    Do the Tebooooow Pokey!
    Do the Tebooooow Pokey!

    That's what its all about!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Put your Tebow in,
    Put your Tebow out,
    Put your Tebow in,
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Tebow Pokey
    And you turn yourself around.
    That's what its all about!

    Do the Tebooooow Pokey!
    Do the Tebooooow Pokey!
    Do the Tebooooow Pokey!

    That's what its all about!

  13. Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    Fix your quote! It's missing one more thing. :-( I often edit my posts a few times to get it right...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Fix your quote! It's missing one more thing. :-( I often edit my posts a few times to get it right...
    What did I miss?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    I saw this on a different forum

    I've noticed over the hundred years I've been a Niner fan, teams that I hate keep expanding and teams I don't mind or like a little bit keep contracting.
    Thus, playoffs come along and I'm effed up.

    This year "teams I hate" expanded by one due to the whole Teblow thing. I used to be ok with Broncos and find myself rooting for them often (except I rooted against Elway), just like I used to like the Bears before the whole Ditka thing. I've always hated the Steelers, it's a no-brainer, only ten Steeler fans have ever lived in Pittsburgh, the rest are all front runners, and none of them have ever been Pirate fans.

    So yesterday's Bronco/Steeler game was totally schizophrenic for me. How much better could it be? a pub with cheap beer and free BBQ that I biked to, lots of viewing room and free WiFi to boot. But as I was cheering and groaning plays, another patron asked me: Dude, just WHO are you cheering for???

    I hadn't really thought about it, so I did.


    I'm cheering for Pittsburgh to lose and for Teblow to throw for zero TDs, 29 yards, and 5 picks.

    man. how frickin likely is that!

    No wonder I'm such a grumpy old man, look WTF it takes to make me happy.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Denver over Pitt. a thought on Tebow

    That's actually a hoot. Mostly, when it's not my team, I just want a good game to be entertained by, and while I didn't like the team that won, the Broncos/Steelers game was a very entertaining one. It makes me ashamed that I jumped up and cheered when the Broncos won in OT, just for how beautiful of a play it was. My whole heirarchy for watching football goes

    1: Teams I like to win, regardless of the score
    2: Close, entertaining games
    3: Teams I like to lose.

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