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Thread: The Michael Jackson Trial

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  1. Exclamation The Michael Jackson Trial

    I think today was the first day of the trial with charges against the late Michael Jackson's doctor. It was a story aired on Inside Edition that caught my attention and its said to be the biggest trial since the Casey Anthony trial. What is even more shocking is a picture that someone at the hospital (probably a staff) took of Michael Jackson being dead.

    The DA introduced this exact picture to the courtroom. Can you imagine what the entire family must have gone through at such sight?!

    Anyway, does anyone find this picture to be suspicious? It appears to be in a hallway. Why is there no sheet covering him? No people surrounding him? What is the purpose of this? Real or fake? Hmm... The judge obviously considered it real enough to allow it to be introduced in trial.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Michael Jackson Trial

    I'm not worried about the picture. I just primarily wonder if the doctor should be charged with at least negligent homicide.

  3. Default Re: The Michael Jackson Trial

    Thanks for responding, Bunty. There seem to be a lack of MJ fan. Not that I ever was, but this is still an interesting topic and another trial of the century.

    Should the Doctor be charged? Yes and No. It depends on the history and length of time.

    I can't recall certain medications this instant that was involved in the contribution of his death. What I'd like to know is... How long was Michael Jackson taking it? Was he taking it as prescribed or overdosing on his own? Who administered the medications, himself or someone else, maybe the doctor? Was the certain medications in question his first time use or did he use it for a while? Did the doctor prescribe more than recommended dose/level and more frequent prescription than recommended wait time?

    There are so many factors to carefully examine. Hopefully the truth will be known.

    My doctor prescribes me 120 Lortab 10/500 monthly along with other pain medications, steroids, and other meds. Sometime I have pain that is extremely hard to manage. If I die of overdose, is it the doctor's fault? No, it is not. What do I think will happen? Well, mom and/or family may sue the doctor for lack of close supervision and not doing enough to help Thunder to manage pain more effectively. **** happens.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Michael Jackson Trial

    Sad that all the blame is trying to be placed at the feet of the Dr when some should be placed on MJ as well. If this was an average joe that we were talking about chances are no charges would be filed.
    This should be labeled as death by misadventure.

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